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My bug/glitch experience all issues i know

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Here is a list of several bugs/glitches i experience all the time.

Fix this before coming with new updates.


-Character reset after joining a server.

-PLease wait 60 seconds and stuck in please wait screen.

-Dayz Persistence servers with 0 players i cant join

-Dropping loot will glitch through walls, floors, seilings or there is no loot anymore at all.

-Cant loot a dead body after i killed it.

-Due the new phisics i cant loot the corpse.. i have to find where the body has to be where i shot it and then i cant loot.

-Zombies still go through doors.

-Zombies who cant enter a building due a closed door will still hit you.

-Strained people due handcuffs keep sitting in the animation that they are restrained.


Please fix this before coming with new stuff



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We'll get right on it, chief!

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Here is a list of several bugs/glitches i experience all the time.

Fix this before coming with new updates.


-Character reset after joining a server.

-PLease wait 60 seconds and stuck in please wait screen.

-Dayz Persistence servers with 0 players i cant join

-Dropping loot will glitch through walls, floors, seilings or there is no loot anymore at all.

-Cant loot a dead body after i killed it.

-Due the new phisics i cant loot the corpse.. i have to find where the body has to be where i shot it and then i cant loot.

-Zombies still go through doors.

-Zombies who cant enter a building due a closed door will still hit you.

-Strained people due handcuffs keep sitting in the animation that they are restrained.


Please fix this before coming with new stuff

-you probably joined a different hive.

-working as intended.

-server probably in the middle of restarting.

-known issue, check bugtracker

-known issue, check bugtracker


-known issue, check bugtracker

-known issue, check bugtracker

-known issue, check bugtracker

DayZ is in the alpha stage of development. During this stage, developers integrate new systems, designs, and mechanics into the game. Not until Beta do they look to work out all the minor bugs. It's not really worth it to work on small bugs, like the ones you mentioned. Also, the devs are clearly sadists who want you to suffer during Alpha. So, it's kind of a win-win situation for them.

Check out the Bugtracker, yo!

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