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Streamlining Reloading

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Lets face it. While many things in this game are pretty broken, one of the most dangerous things is how reloading works. It's caused me to die on a few occasions. Don't worry, I'm not "boo-hooing" just stating that it has killed me. Inb4 git gud scrub.

Now, I'm not saying to implement the "R" key, I believe that simplifies it too much.

However, what I propose is extremely simple yet it makes sense. Normally you would drag ammunition from its respective spot in your inventory, to your gun of choice. This is inefficient, and has costly results.

Now, while that method can stay in the game, a new method of reloading your firearm can be implemented.

The answer lies within the right mouse button. Right click the ammo in your inventory. There should be the usual choices, but, if you have a firearm that uses that certain ammunition, a new option would appear "Load into (firearm)"

If you have multiple guns that take the same ammo, options would appear for each gun, for example:

"Load 7.62 into 91/30"

"Load 7.62 into Longhorn"

Personally, I feel this would add greater flow to the game, without oversimplifying it.

Thoughts, critiques, pure love for my amazing intellectual genius, put it below.

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I like it, as long as its implemented properly.

Inb4 12yearoldprofessionalDayZplayers

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Great idea, it would make a nice addition. Should also be made for magazines.

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Great idea, it would make a nice addition. Should also be made for magazines.

Damn, thought I said that in the post. Guess not.

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Actually, why not implement a reload r button for the currently equipped gun? It does work with mags after all. If no mags are left, a bullet could be chambered. To do the realism/autenticity thing right, it should just take a little longer than switching mags. We also have a hotbar to equip items without going into the inventory, where exactly is the difference?


Generally I just had that idea about taking longer to chamber weapons or loading a mosin or something without a mag, but I think that would be good. It's a pain to chamber a weapon that is supposed to be used with a mag. The bullet often falls out where the mag is supposed to be. Those push clip thingies like SKS and Mosin are also much faster than putting in the bullets one by one.


EDIT: When using an SKS ppl have 10 buttets, which is not so little with an SKS and I know severl ppl that will not take clips with them to save space. Having a time penalty for manual reloading would make mags and clips more important. An cancel action could even be used when manually reloading to only load for exampe 3 instead of 10 bullets, if the situation makes that neccessary and you need to immediatelly shoot.

Edited by bautschi

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