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Can't attack bug

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The bug where you suddenly can't attack with melee or guns is still in the game and still overly annoying and pretty game breaking. This would be a really nice priority hotfix if ever there was one. (hint hint wink wink). Got into a firefight and realized my gun wouldnt fire. Got chased by hoardes of zombies and couldnt outrun them nor kill them with my axe. ugh. fml.

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i don't think there are hotfixes in dayz, unless you'd label patches with a week (or weeks...) in between HOTfix. it's frustrating to say the least, but i guess we all signed up for it, even though i wish we'd move at a faster pace, especially in regards to literally game-breaking bugs. (aka serial killer ladders, #1 cause of deaths in dayz)

Edited by Santo

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Same thing happened to me while travelling with a friend, id have to relog every few minutes so i could actually pose a threat. but yes i would love a fix anytime


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It's listed on the Bug sheet as number one "known issues
So one can only hope that they are listed in order of prioritisation. 

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Well just got me killed, again, one zombie caught me off guard - bleeding - me backing up to kill him brought on three more zombies: I bled to death trying to find bandages, and being chased by them without any way to retaliate didn't aid matters. When I finally gave up looking for bandages though, dodging three zombies over.. and over.. and over again pretending to hit them was vaguely amusing I guess.



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Only happened twice for me in .47


Sure, both times it was annoying as hell, but it's rare. I would never call something that happens twice in, say, 15-20 hours of game play "game breaking".

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