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Unreasonable Logout Punishments

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I had to log out for a bit so I went to a field in the middle of nowhere and logged out.

I had no damage, no broken bones, no trauma.

Whenever I had logged back in, which wasn't very long (about five minutes or so), I was passed out and had to wait what felt like 5-10 minutes before waking back up.

How was this a good idea?

I understand trying to curb the effect of people logging out of the game to exit conflicts or PVP.. but is this not a bit ridiculous?

What ends up happening is I get punished every time I log back in when I have to go AFK for a moment. Then when people want to just "disappear" from a conflict all they do is ALT+F4.

So not only do you not help alleviate the problem.. you just exacerbate it by punishing those who aren't even trying to abuse the logout system.

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Apparently you logged out several times. This happens when the main server flaggs you and set this as a penalty.

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Why not make it so that when you log out you stay in game for say 2 minutes.Its annoying and all but it removes the possibility of near death log outs.

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this game is helping me quit smoking cigs cuz if i want one, i either have to run for 15 mins and afk in the woods (i have been killed a couple times cuz of this), or log out and not come back for half an hour+

id just rather not go out for a smoke. thanks dayz!

Why not make it so that when you log out you stay in game for say 2 minutes.Its annoying and all but it removes the possibility of near death log outs.

Rocket has been trying to do that but its not possible at the moment. Like what if you join a new server while your body is still hanging out on the old server, then someone kills that old body? Dupes.

One char per server is still the most obvious solution.

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this game is helping me quit smoking cigs cuz if i want one' date=' i either have to run for 15 mins and afk in the woods (i have been killed a couple times cuz of this), or log out and not come back for half an hour+


Maybe rocket can add some nicotine patches in for you.

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