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Wait For Host

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Since the last update our server which is hosted through gameservers will display a time of 08:00, and when someone tries to log in it will say "Wait for host". it will stay this way for over an hour and who knows when it fixes itself.


this could be a  host issue, we blamed them, they blamed dayz devs saying it was a known issue. we've dropped 50 ranks since this started, we were a top 50 clan server. i've searched these forums and i didn't see anything about this being a known issue in the last update.


if this is a known issue can you please point me towards the thread and i guess when they plan on pushing the fix because we're spending way too much for this per month.



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It was happening to my server before the last patch and people crashing the server with the splint bug. The server would hang and would have to be restarted manually, if not started manually it would just hang there until the automatic restart kicked in which if not caught could be an hour or more.


Currently this problem is non existent for me but Vilayer has said they did some work on their ACP which could of rectified the issue. In saying that I did have an issue after the latest patch with the ACP not sending a manual restart request to the server, which after sending Vilayer a vid they fixed the issue.


I would maybe keep hounding Gameservers or just move GSP's if they can't/won't do anything. Moving will obviously screw up your ranking but meh, rank in all actuality means squat and you shouldn't be worried about that aspect of running a server.

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So, either someone has found yet another way to crash a server and hang it or it was just a fluke.


Just had a random server crash with the "wait for host" when trying to log in. Time to investigate.

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It just seems like most servers aren't having this issue anymore if they once did. I do notice though that when we're up, not many servers will say 08:00, but when we do crash and it says 08:00 there are usually around 10-12 servers that are all saying 08:00 with no one able to hop on them. They will all stay like this until we come up as far as i can tell.

Edited by De1ty

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