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Item disappearing glitch/Bug

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A couple different times I drop down an item that stores items to be switched out. then i will double click an item and it will make every other item that is in there. for example: I have a green badly damaged backpack, then i drop it to replace it with my other pack back. I put on the new one, then when i double click an item from the old Packback to 'quickmove' it moves that one item and then deletes every other item... its really annoying and i lose a lot of things, Please fix..

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It's a known bug/glitch. You don't lose any of the items. You just need to re-equip the said item container. (backpack, pants, jacket, etc.) It happens quite often when moving clothing items filled with other items.


Yes, it'll be fixed eventually, but it's really not a priority. (I suppose it would be fixed faster if the items were really "disappearing" and we would lose them.)

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This has happened to me several times, and on a couple occasions I've found the very item that "disappeared" one floor below me. For example, my backpack is full of stuff. I walk up to the second floor of a building and find a bigger backpack that I want. I "swap" backpacks, but the backpack that had all my stuff in it disappears. If I'm lucky enough that directly below me is a hallway or room, and can go down there and retrieve my item(s).


This actually happened to me yesterday. I was on the second story of a police station and swapped out my SKS for a mosin, but then decided I wanted the SKS back. However, it disappeared. I then went downstairs and found it directly underneath where I had swapped it out above me. 


If this happens to you on the ground floor, you're screwed because it probably glitched through the floor. In a lot of buildings, there are "basements" underneath that a lot of players (including myself) have reported spawning in and unable to get out of. 

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