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Does the Arma 2 mod not work anymore?

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Okay so I loved... LOVED the DayZ mod for Arma 2 OA.   But then, stuff happened... I got a new computer, didn't install Arma or DayZ Commander on it... got into some other games, etc. etc.  


I did buy the DayZ alpha and tried to play it, but... it's just not the same.   I found I really wanted to play the "old" DayZ again.


So, I reinstalled Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA.  I reinstalled DayZ Commander. 


I'm having an issue now with Battleye.  I did not ever have an issue with Battleye before and I'm at a loss.  Battleye always seemed to have been one of those automatic things that happened... well, automatically.  I don't remember having to do anything special with Battleye before.  It's telling me that Battleye initialization failed. 


What do I need to do? 


Thank you!

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DayZ Commander no longer works because of the GameSpy shutdown. Use this: DayZLauncher


EDIT: Here's a more detailed post about it.


Edited by MadWookie
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Good news and bad news... good news, I installed the DayZ Launcher and was able to find the server I used to play on the most!  Yay!!   But... bad news is my battleye still can't be initialized, whatever that means.  :( 


I think what I'm going to do is uninstall arma and reinstall it.  Maybe something went wrong and battleye didn't install properly for some reason.

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Good news and bad news... good news, I installed the DayZ Launcher and was able to find the server I used to play on the most!  Yay!!   But... bad news is my battleye still can't be initialized, whatever that means.  :(


I think what I'm going to do is uninstall arma and reinstall it.  Maybe something went wrong and battleye didn't install properly for some reason.

Can you post a screenshot of the error?

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This happened to me recently, deleting all battleye files and using the installer from their website fixed it. Hope it works for you.

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You need the BEclient.dll from the BE website I think (maybe one called BEServer.dll aswell. It tells you on the site where to copy and replace. Then you should be good to go :)


PS last I heard commander was getting an update so it would work again....is that still on the cards?


PPS if you haven't played the mod in a while I think you will be impressed, its had a lot of updates from the team who took over and they are really good. Like tracking players through blood trails, nutrition system like SA, fishing....loooooads. My eyes popped out when I read there last changelog lol

Edited by Karmaterror

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OMG I want to play it even more now, lol!


I will show the error if I get it again... Arma 2 installed overnight and now I'm putting Arma 2 OA back on. 


I did try to do the fix on the Battleye website, but I may not have done it correctly.   Wish me luck this time! 

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OMG I want to play it even more now, lol!


I will show the error if I get it again... Arma 2 installed overnight and now I'm putting Arma 2 OA back on. 


I did try to do the fix on the Battleye website, but I may not have done it correctly.   Wish me luck this time! 

Hello there


Please report back if you find any of the above helped you so others can benefit.


Good luck!





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I'm still plugging away at this.  Now I'm having trouble reinstalling Operation Arrowhead.  I'm almost positive it has to do with one of my kids starting up my Steam account on another computer during the download.  It didn't just pause the download on my end; it appears to have finished it somehow over on that computer (and mine was put into streaming mode? I'm not sure exactly...) but anyway now OA will not start up on my computer, no matter how many times I download it.   It downloads completely, but then seems to reset and forget it ever downloaded.   So I'm in the process of trying to figure out why it's doing that.


Frustrating, lol! 

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Have you tried verifying OA through steam? It should download any files missing from when the download stopped.

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