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confused is not the word

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hi all,

            thanks for taking the time to read my topic.


As the title im a little confused to say the least.  So ive just purchased Arma 2 combined ops (with arrowhead) with the intention to play epoch firstly.

After watcjing a few youtube videos and having a quick browse on the forums (cant say i did real in depth reading to tell the truth).  Can across several pieces of information that said download daz commander, download the mod files and away you go.  So i did this and came across a few problems, mainly being kicked from the server due to battle eye.  I spoke to a fellow gamer on one of my teamspeaks who advised me that 1. Dayz commander is now useless (great stuff) and 2. download dayz launcher.  Also mentioned that possibly i should turn my macafee off as this may be causing a battle eye issue.


So yesterday I downloaded dayz launcher and thought great im a few steps away from the zombie horde..........certainly not the case.  I downloaded a few last night without a problem, my friend launches his operation arrowhead through steam, finds a server and I try to join him through steam, I received a rather large error messgae upon trying to join his server, at the bottom of the error message it said something about me not having the correct file or something (sorry I dont have a screen shot of this).  He advised me to maybe delete all the downloaded mods and try again which I did.  Ive tried to download the Dayz mod and epoch mod from dayz launcher and today and OMG at this rate i will be 100 years old before they download.  I think the best DL speed ive encountered is 100 kb/s.  I ran a speed check and im running at 40 MB so i dont believe its an issue at my end.  Currently attmepting to download Epoch again and DL speed is 1.8KB/s at the time of typing this thread.


Now Im sort of new to the whole PC gaming thing, so im not really the PC talk type of guy, but at present i feel i need to be Bill Gates to understand what the F is going on.


So my question(s) is can anyone offer me any advice, if im going about trying to aquire the mods in the correct way, and if so, why the hell is dayz launcher diving me a DL speed equivalent to dial up from 20 years ago??


Any help is much appreciated, i do appologise if there is many a thread on this, I'm sort of at my wits end as to whats going on and what i have to do, i think ive had the longest headache in history.  I just would like a discussion started within my thread for some live information that I can ask relevent questions to MY problems.  Thanks for your time reading this and look forward to any replies received.  Like i said i do have teamspeak so if anyone would be willing to talk me through this, and has the patience to deal with a PC noob then feel free to give me a nudge on that.



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all you need to do is have arma 2 and OA,then go and download dayz commander from this link 



Then scroll down to the button that says install dayz commander dont click the other pop up shit that dayz commander has for some stupid reason.


Then install it then click on the downloads tab at the top of the commander window and you are good to go.

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yeah ive been told that dayz commander still works, im on with that now, will let you know how it goes, thanks for your time

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ok, so downloaded the dayz & epoch mod files from dayz commander, latest versions. 


Ive pasted the following into launch options on arrowhead:

 "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2;EXPANSION;ca" "-mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch1051" -nosplash --noPause

but when i load arrowhead i get the normal tank picture and the plase wait screen, rather than the Epoch please wait loading screen.


I removed the launch options, tried to load the game again, and again the tank loading screen appears but when i get to the main menu screen, there is a little note top right of screen RE epoch.   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=295067897


  I try to join the server my friend is playing on, starts to load and get the following message:





Can anyone help me with this issue as its driving me completly nuts, beyond nuts



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I Have used both DZCommander and DZLauncher - launcher is by far the better ATM if nothing because it "sees" more servers then DZC (at least for me) 


Also DZLauncher allows you to have multiple versions (mods) active at the same time ( ex. epoch 1042 and 1051 ) - on top of that you can direct the launcher to utilize the downloads (mods) you already did on DZC (I havent updated to the DZLauncher .6 though so I cant say much about that im still on .5


Did you run both arma II and OA first? (get to the main menu then quit) - have you verified everything as well?

Edited by tiadashi

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i think my problem is that, as im running arrowhead through steam i ideally need to use dayz launcher - but as my OP the download speed is rediculous.  It will take me 4 days at this rate just to download the mods.  Ive looked into my arrowhead file and there is a folder called: _DZC_Cache which is presume is the folder created when downloading from dayz commander, when i open this there are two further folders: DayZ and DayzEpoch but again upon opening these 2 folders they contain nothing.


Looks like I HAVE to use the dayz Launcher but as above the slow DL speed.


I did download these last night via launcher without a problem, but deleted the files due to some bad advice and some problems (teething really i think) so started to re-download them today via launcher and thats where the problems started.


Lap top thrown out of window???????  Me thinks that may happen soon :)

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I Have used both DZCommander and DZLauncher - launcher is by far the better ATM if nothing because it "sees" more servers then DZC (at least for me) 


Also DZLauncher allows you to have multiple versions (mods) active at the same time ( ex. epoch 1042 and 1051 ) - on top of that you can direct the launcher to utilize the downloads (mods) you already did on DZC (I havent updated to the DZLauncher .6 though so I cant say much about that im still on .5


Did you run both arma II and OA first? (get to the main menu then quit) - have you verified everything as well?

Launcher sees more servers due to reporting offline servers as online right now. Running overpoch or whatever is as simple as adding -mod=@dayzoverwatch to the additional launch parameters in commander.


Multiple  mods -mod=@dayzoverwatch;@dayzorigins;@CBA_CO;@JSRS1.5

Another note dayzlauncher also renames the mod folders.

example @dayz_epoch gets renamed to @dayz_epoch1051


Run arma 2 and arma 2 oa one time form steam. Delete all folders related to epoch and start again with a launcher of your choice :)

Edited by TayTay

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all you need to do is have arma 2 and OA,then go and download dayz commander from this link 



Then scroll down to the button that says install dayz commander dont click the other pop up shit that dayz commander has for some stupid reason.


Then install it then click on the downloads tab at the top of the commander window and you are good to go.

DayZ Commander will not work with any server/clients with 1.63+

Use this.

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ITS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!  Finally completed the process, a think it was just down to a few teething problems my end, some bad advice early on from other sources and reading lots of conflicting information of the internet.  I jumped into my first epoch server today, and last a jolly good 10 minutes!!!! :)



Thanks for everyones help on this, i manually downloaded epoch which seems to be a lot quick that thedayz launcher - just terrible terrible download speeds and when trying to get help from the source website (still havent been verified by the admins so i can post on the website, so my advice to anyone else is dont bother with that)


Hope to bump into a few of you guys along my travels (player name slightly rapey) and remember, im just a bambi :D  so take it easy on me.


Again many many thanks to all those above for bearing with me and offering support

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ITS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!  Finally completed the process, a think it was just down to a few teething problems my end, some bad advice early on from other sources and reading lots of conflicting information of the internet.  I jumped into my first epoch server today, and last a jolly good 10 minutes!!!! :)



Thanks for everyones help on this, i manually downloaded epoch which seems to be a lot quick that thedayz launcher - just terrible terrible download speeds and when trying to get help from the source website (still havent been verified by the admins so i can post on the website, so my advice to anyone else is dont bother with that)


Hope to bump into a few of you guys along my travels (player name slightly rapey) and remember, im just a bambi :D  so take it easy on me.


Again many many thanks to all those above for bearing with me and offering support

Glad you got it working I know the feels of getting a game that just wont start to work.

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