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The Four Trials of DayZ

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So I guess you could call this an optimistic feel-good story about DayZ, and bear in mind, it's a doozy. So get comfy if you're gonna read the whole thing. I would put it as a 6 on the 1 - 10 "long as f*@#" scale


Upon logging in yesterday night after a long day at work I decided to get back on DayZ with a forum buddy and online friend, and try to forget my irritating several hours of previous gameplay.


So I'm a fresh spawn, because falling from a laughable 10 feet or so ended my character's life, after the game had already flung him across the map twice, as well as having the unfortunate luck to be 1-shot unconscious-ed by a zombie, and subsequently killed. But it's alright because I spawned in....


some kind of field...with no distinguishing landmarks...


Okay well we're off to a bad start, but I'm sure it will get better. So after some investigating I come to learn I'm near Zelenogorsk! Awesome! Should give me some decent loot. 


At this time, Rick and the other guy are both on the opposite corner of the map by Cherno, so at this point I'm not super into my game because I'm bored and alone. So I decide...


"Y'know what? F% it."


So I decided I was going to run straight down the middle of berezino on the main road in a full pop server to see if I survive. Little did I know I had embarked upon


The Journey of the Four Trials....

*Epic music*


The trial of courage


Obviously it takes some serious balls, or no brains, to run down the middle of berezino in the middle of a gas-station exploding hell storm of bullets, like Michael Bay had an illegitimate child with a Mini-gun, while bambis run screaming by you with blood pouring out of their body screaming for help.


To my surprise, I met a guy in a hut named "Fat Chris". I said hello to him...waved...just said hello a bunch more times in an extremely obnoxious way, and then ran off...he didn't shoot me. He simply said,"WHAT?"


To my surprise, I made it through Berezino....NO...IDEA...HOW...literally just running down the middle of the main road with my gear...I had passed the trial of courage. Little did I know 3 more trials awaited me, and one of them I was facing the whole way through...


The trial of wisdom


Next I encountered a pants-less gentleman on the bridge just due south from the factory along the coast. He wielded a pickaxe and crouched in a very menacing fashion.




so I did...




So long story short (because f@$%, we all know this story is already long as balls anyway), I played along, answered his riddles correctly, gave him a road flare and some painkillers (because why not) and was on my way


The trial of fire


Next was to survive the trek through Elektro. I decided to run straight through it like a boss. So I did. It was actually quite eerie, because there were multiple bodies sticking out of the top of both fire stations from what I could see. Not a shot was fired at me. The gods deemed me worthy.


The trial of endurance


I eventually made it to Balota, where the other 2 had met up at by then, and realized I had made it while being near-death starving multiple times, and somehow finding the means to go on until I could find a respite from some bag of rice or something of the like. 


...I had passed the final test...





So long story short, it was quite a welcome change of pace to be having some fun again in this game...soon it turned into a loot fest that lasted a couple hours, going from town to town, seeing no one, doing not much...


but for a brief moment...I was having an absolute BLAST!


There may be hope for DayZ yet

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vary nice story was enjoy for reading I lke best trial of wisdom wen I meet player no pant I always try to help him find but one person no pant say me 'if I wear no pant the bandit know I don't have gun and I am survive' i having no answer for this

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If you were near zelenogorsk why didn't you simply run south to Cherno instead of running all the way east to berezino and then back along the coast?

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