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Warped to Debug Area: 'Wilderness'

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I had the same problem 2 days ago, although I didn't had a problem with it ;)

Date/Time: May 17, around 14:00 (GMT+2)

What happened: Respawned after death, spawned at "Wilderness" in a forest

Where you were: "Wilderness", which turned out to be far west of Pavlovo

What you were doing: respawning

Current installed version: dayz: 1.5.7, arma2: 1.62beta (if I'm correct)

Server(s): DE2 (not sure)

Timeline of events before/after error:

* got killed near Cherno

* reconnected to the server

* spawned at "Wilderness"

* found several (seemed idle) players standing around

* found other players (active) spawned there too

* moved to south and found the sea, therefor knowing my location

And like I said, I didn't mind spawning there; since there where like 6 idle and active players with various items. So my backback is now full of usefull items, right after spawning...

However, killing them didn't trigger the "Player got Killed" message, nor did the kill counter for survivors or bandits go up, nor did my humanity go up or down.

One player I killed, which was active, did send out a global message saying "{his player name} got killed by {my player name}", but again no kill count or humanity change.

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Date/Time: 18/05/2012 02:00PM PST

What happened: Spawn location set to limbo forest.

Where you were: Rog (Other side of the map)

What you were doing: Travelling to Barezino

*Current installed version: DayZ 1.5.7 | Arma 1.6

*Server(s) you were on: OC4

*Timeline of events before/after error: Was travelling with a friend to meet up with another friend. Server started to DC/bug out so we decided to log out for a while until the master server came back. When I logged back in, I was in limbo forest (where all the dummy characters are while people are loading) but I wasn't in limbo.

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Same here. I am on 1.5.8 and it just started doing this tonight. 1 map was okay, but all others I try are empty wilderness. One time I saw another character but just once. Now I'm all alone on empty green rolling hills with the sound of crickets, birds and wind. No other features apparent except overcast cloud cover. I can run and have an AK-47. I see other players chat.

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In the debug desert

Date/Time: 5/21/12 - 10:30pm

What happened:

Trying to find a server, finally logged in and found myself in the debug area

Where you were:

I was originally at the NE airfield, but now I'm stuck in the debug area

What you were doing:

Logging in

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on:

Dallas 3, US hardcore 3, a few others, I was just trying to find a server that was at night with a moderate amount of people.

*Timeline of events before/after error:

Logged out earlier, server hopping to find a good server and wound up in the debug area

Tried switching servers, disconnectin/reconnecting, creating a new profile, nothing works. Just plain stuck, I really don't want to lose my gear :|

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Same problem here since updating to

Was near Stary Sobor at my campfire last night when the server went down. Since it was late anyway I called it a day and when I tried to log in again today no matter what server I try I spawn in the debug area. I'm using Sixupdater to update/install mod and it shows ver installed.

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+1 spawned in debug area

edit : ran east for min 30 and eventually made it back to civilization

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I'm having this as of 8.2 but i am spawing wiht my gear, how do i find east? it's jsut open fields as far as the eye can see

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Since the latest patch, I constantly log in to the wilderness debug area. I have tried restarting, validating etc and it always spawns me there with all my gear. Cant shoot or third person but can move and access my gear.

Anyway to fix it? I really dont want to lose this character, too much good gear.

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Since I updated to 1.5.8, I have spawned into the field after waiting on average of 11 minutes for "Requesting Character data from server".

The last thing I did before this happened in 1.5.7 was Fall off a building and Die with a broken leg. When 1.5.8 hit, I could not get past the "requesting Character Data..." Screen without spawning after a very long wait time into the debug area, alone.

I've tried 4 re-installs of everything(including steam) with the same results.

Now when I spawn after 12 minutes into Debug, I'm lying down, apparently dead... Certainly can't run anywhere!

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I have tried about 5-6 servers now. Everytime I have to wait around 15mins to load and then I spawn in debug forest without gear and usually can't move until I press respawn. Then I'm still at the forest without gear, but can move. What to do?

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+1. I was in an open field, and got disconnected from the server ("No message received for X seconds...").

Reconnected to another server, and spawned in `Wilderness`. Now I consistently spawn there on every server (*with* all my gear), and occasionally catch a glimpse of other players spawning there - but it appears that all of these players are teleported to another location very quickly after spawning there (a few seconds at most). I can see their player names and status (survivor/bandit), and interact if they are there for enough time.

I saw a bandit spawn and killed him. Searching the body revealed no items, nor did my bandit kill count go up. Odd...

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Okay this fixed it for me:

1. Press Escape

2. Respawn

3. Abort

4. Disconnect completely

5. Restart and you should be out of the Wilderness

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I've had this happen to me 5 times now, each time I have walked accross the map for at least an hour and a half to be with my friends again. Then the next time I join I once again spawn back in the Wilderness. Happened around 15 minutes ago, and just going to respawn this time. Even though I have really gear, there is no ways I'm wasting an hour and a half again.

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A server I was on crashed (I think it was UK9) as I was in the Green mountain tower, after trying about 20 different servers to reconnect to, I restarted Steam in admin mode and managed to jump on a server, but I was flying around as a seagull!

I exited and tried another and am currently in the wilderness, I just saw a rabbit run past and I can only assume I'm going East. Is there any way to tell without compass? I'd rather not have to lose all the items I spent this morning collecting, since I'm pretty much fully prepared.

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