James2012 0 Posted June 29, 2012 Hello, I suggest you make this game less rewarding for bandits and more rewarding for players who do not like being pvpers.I know alot of people will disagree because mostly everyone in this game loves to kill other players. :-/But anyway a good way to make it more fun and less filled with people killing just to kill is to 1.re-enable the global chat. This way you can warn people of traps and other bandits, which now, you can not.*edit*This idea comes from xemath, down below sorta, he said to have cellphones for chat, but i modified the idea a bit.Instead of global chat, have walkie talkies and ham radios per haps. keeping and adding some realism.2. Bring back bandit skins along with the heart pumping sound. 3.When a player has killed more then 2 or 3 players increase the zombie spawn rate around them, Maybe add this also when players kill zombies. Kind of how agro works in the zombie rpg game Dead Frontier. This will make people more cautious of killing.4.Come up with more penalties when players go out of there way to ruin other players gameplay. like faster hunger gain, more shaking affects on aiming, anything that would discourage players killing others. 5.More long term goals. Right now what i hear alot is people kill others just because there is nothing else to do after a certain point. Some good long term goals would be base building perhaps? Maybe even eventually have it so towns can be takin back from the zombie hordes? This way people will want to work together more often and form teams to fight zombies and reestablish society. Maybe a leveling system of some sort? Or missions? just some more things to do besides pvp sounds great. Right now there is really nothing stopping people getting in groups and just hunting players just to kill them. If anything this game is designed to reward pvpers over zombie killers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xemath 0 Posted June 29, 2012 DayZ is a SURVIVAL mod WITH zombies.The point is to survive, and in real life, if supplies were limited, we would join groups or go solo and hunt people for supplies and raid stores. Asking to give penalties for pvp is like saying "Hey, If you shoot me (In real life) your legs will begin to hurt even more!" No, it's a realism mod, the people are supposed to be more challenging than the zombies. Your suggestions imply you want to turn this into another typical MMO, implementing leveling systems and such. Play to survive, not to level.Edit: And to add on to that, Global chat isn't realistic. Maybe if you found a cell phone in game with limited battery you could try to call another player, but you can't speak in the air and expect people half way across the world to hear it, again---- Realism mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James2012 0 Posted June 29, 2012 Well, Your suggesting people kill for supply's. Well they don't. They kill just to kill other players not to take there supply's. And also In real life when you die, you can not re spawn as a new person in a new area. It would be when you die, you could not play the game anymore. Also, I do not really want to make this into a mmo, what i would rather have is players working together instead of killing each other for the hell of it. And people play to kill other players, not to survive. The ones that do play to survive are not usaly camping towns waiting to kill players just to kill them.Im guessing you are one of the players that go around killing other players right? I can see why you would disagree with the pvp penalty system then.I do agree on your cellphone idea tho, I can see that taking out the global chat to make it seem more realistic would be a good idea, but instead of a cell phone, have walkie talkies or ham radios. Where a group of players can chat on the same channel and share the frequency. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreganius (DayZ) 55 Posted June 30, 2012 I stopped reading at "The Pvp Problem."There is not a PvP problem. The PvP system is working almost exactly how Rocket wants it to (that is, it's up to the players whether they shoot or not). This is his mod, and his word goes.There is not a PvP problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevilDog (DayZ) 455 Posted June 30, 2012 PVP is not a problem with this game, it is a part of the game. With that said I actually think some type of ham radio type set up would be cool and allow people to warn others of bandit activity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7-75 callaghan 43 Posted June 30, 2012 'James2012 said: Hello' date=' I suggest you make this game less rewarding for bandits and more rewarding for players who do not like being pvpers.I know alot of people will disagree because mostly everyone in this game loves to kill other players. :-/But anyway a good way to make it more fun and less filled with people killing just to kill is to 1.re-enable the global chat. This way you can warn people of traps and other bandits, which now, you can not.*edit*Instead of global chat, have walkie talkies and ham radios per haps. keeping and adding some realism.2. Bring back bandit skins along with the heart pumping sound. 3.When a player has killed more then 2 or 3 players increase the zombie spawn rate around them, Maybe add this also when players kill zombies. Kind of how agro works in the zombie rpg game Dead Frontier. This will make people more cautious of killing.4.Come up with more penalties when players go out of there way to ruin other players gameplay. like faster hunger gain, more shaking affects on aiming, anything that would discourage players killing others. 5.More long term goals. Right now what i hear alot is people kill others just because there is nothing else to do after a certain point. Some good long term goals would be base building perhaps? Maybe even eventually have it so towns can be takin back from the zombie hordes? This way people will want to work together more often and form teams to fight zombies and reestablish society. Maybe a leveling system of some sort? Or missions? just some more things to do besides pvp sounds great. Right now there is really nothing stopping people getting in groups and just hunting players just to kill them. If anything this game is designed to reward pvpers over zombie killers.[/quote']100% agreed, the PvPers are catered to far too much already, even though Rocket never wanted this to be a PvP mod. Unfortunately, because of the influx of new players, largely from idiotic games like COD and BF3, any suggestion for social-based game mechanics are immediately ruined by incoherent nonsense and flaming by the guys who never understood the base game in the first place.I'll back any and all such ideas that offer the rest of us, who demand a little more from our games, something beyond mindless player killing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreganius (DayZ) 55 Posted June 30, 2012 Callaghan, you've said yourself that DayZ is "arcadey" compared to "realistic" mods such as ACE, yet now you're saying you support the punishment of PvP? You've lost my respect, buddy. That's hypocrisy right there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iisaperson 0 Posted June 30, 2012 I think the game and its PvP system at the moment are perfectly fine. i dont want there to be leveling systems. ok hear me out i mean if there is are hardcore players and lets say they get to level 50 and get all the perks that come with level 50 they will join together and then become an unstoppable clan that just go around killing the noobs its the same problem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeratul0910 0 Posted June 30, 2012 +1 to the radios and walkey talkie thingAlthopugh there isn't a PvP problem, you can't say there is when this game is based on survival, you survive, by any means necessary, which sometimes means killing, and sometimes mean working together, I personally have never killed, I tend to just scavenge places where no one goes, but I can't fault someone for playing the game their way Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chaz gelf 15 Posted June 30, 2012 I don't mind the PvP. That's part of what makes every survivor encounter thrilling for me. What I think does need to be punished is combat logging (Quitting the game and logging in to another server when you think you're in danger, whether it be by zeds or by bandits). If a player logs out shortly after taking damage from zeds or players, they should die the next time they log in, Or at least be rendered unconscious for a long time, like the Shock status effect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James2012 0 Posted June 30, 2012 There is a pvp problem. And im guessing most of you are pvpers. Players go out of there way to kill other players and ruin there gameplay. Which is probably what most of you do. It ruins the game. If it was a once in awhile type thing, where players actually kill for a reason, i would have no problem with that. But what really happens, if someone sees someone else, They shoot them. Then walk away. They are not even bandits. They are just murderers. 'Callaghan said: Quote Hello' date=' I suggest you make this game less rewarding for bandits and more rewarding for players who do not like being pvpers.I know alot of people will disagree because mostly everyone in this game loves to kill other players. :-/But anyway a good way to make it more fun and less filled with people killing just to kill is to 1.re-enable the global chat. This way you can warn people of traps and other bandits, which now, you can not.*edit*Instead of global chat, have walkie talkies and ham radios per haps. keeping and adding some realism.2. Bring back bandit skins along with the heart pumping sound. 3.When a player has killed more then 2 or 3 players increase the zombie spawn rate around them, Maybe add this also when players kill zombies. Kind of how agro works in the zombie rpg game Dead Frontier. This will make people more cautious of killing.4.Come up with more penalties when players go out of there way to ruin other players gameplay. like faster hunger gain, more shaking affects on aiming, anything that would discourage players killing others. 5.More long term goals. Right now what i hear alot is people kill others just because there is nothing else to do after a certain point. Some good long term goals would be base building perhaps? Maybe even eventually have it so towns can be takin back from the zombie hordes? This way people will want to work together more often and form teams to fight zombies and reestablish society. Maybe a leveling system of some sort? Or missions? just some more things to do besides pvp sounds great. Right now there is really nothing stopping people getting in groups and just hunting players just to kill them. If anything this game is designed to reward pvpers over zombie killers.[/quote']100% agreed, the PvPers are catered to far too much already, even though Rocket never wanted this to be a PvP mod. Unfortunately, because of the influx of new players, largely from idiotic games like COD and BF3, any suggestion for social-based game mechanics are immediately ruined by incoherent nonsense and flaming by the guys who never understood the base game in the first place.I'll back any and all such ideas that offer the rest of us, who demand a little more from our games, something beyond mindless player killing.Thanks! Finally someone else who sees the problem. There is no real point to even survive. Its just grabing a weapon and killing players because you can. 'Dreganius said: Callaghan' date=' you've said yourself that DayZ is "arcadey" compared to "realistic" mods such as ACE, yet now you're saying you support the punishment of PvP? You've lost my respect, buddy. That's hypocrisy right there.[/quote']I see you like pvp then. So how many players have you killed just to kill them? 10? 20? You even loot there body's? I don't think so. Also you really should read the thread before posting. Instead of just saying there is no pvp problem, when there is. :dodgy: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bower 4 Posted June 30, 2012 What evidence do you have that the majority of players simply kill for no reason? Total conjecture. I'll killed plenty of people and every single time it was because I either felt threatened or it worked to my advantage.Yes the game needs end-game content and the lack of that is probably driving some players to kill simply for pleasure but your suggestion for artificial restrictions is just far too gamey. I like the PVP as it is...The lawlessness and savagery is what makes the DayZ world such an exciting one to survive in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreganius (DayZ) 55 Posted June 30, 2012 James, I've killed about six players in my lifetime of playing DayZ, and fourteen Bandits. Three of my murders were because I shot more accurately than the people shooting at me, and thus I hardly call them murders.So, your bias towards me is false. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
naizarak 41 Posted June 30, 2012 no no no we don't need artificial handicaps for pvpers. discourage pvp by making it more difficulty and risky instead. take out some of the OP military weapons and reduce ammo drastically for others. make them work for their kills with plane weaponry which doesn't afford such an unfair advantage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James2012 0 Posted June 30, 2012 'Bower said: What evidence do you have that the majority of players simply kill for no reason? Total conjecture. I'll killed plenty of people and every single time it was because I either felt threatened or it worked to my advantage.Yes the game needs end-game content and the lack of that is probably driving some players to kill simply for pleasure but your suggestion for artificial restrictions is just far too gamey. I like the PVP as it is...The lawlessness and savagery is what makes the DayZ world such an exciting one to survive in.The only real evidence i have is from my gameplay experience so far. Most of the time' date=' when i encounter a "bandit" is when i am looking for supply's. They Like to camp citys to get good kills. I have bin killed many times threw out my game play and i have only bin looted a few times, After i die, i try to make it too my body and recover my loot, it is usually still there. Sometimes i spawn to far away so i can not always loot my body, so maybe im getting looted more then i think but still. Mostly everyone when they reach a certain point in this game will just turn into all out pvpers. Im guessing just because there is nothing else to do. Which is why i suggested adding more improvements for the long term. Like taking back the citys with groups encouraging team work or base building doing the same thing. Im sure there are alot of other ways that could be added to improve the gameplay.[hr'] Quote no no no we don't need artificial handicaps for pvpers. discourage pvp by making it more difficulty and risky instead. take out some of the OP military weapons and reduce ammo drastically for others. make them work for their kills with plane weaponry which doesn't afford such an unfair advantage.Not to bad of a idea but this punishes all the players, And will not discourage pvping. It will make the game alot harder tho and more challenging. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhiteTigerShiro 25 Posted June 30, 2012 Quote no no no we don't need artificial handicaps for pvpers. discourage pvp by making it more difficulty and risky instead. take out some of the OP military weapons and reduce ammo drastically for others. make them work for their kills with plane weaponry which doesn't afford such an unfair advantage.How does being in a plane not give an unfair advantage? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reaps 22 Posted June 30, 2012 PVP isn't broken, its 80% of this game. You hardcore pve people are just as detrimental to the game, as the shoot on sight lot.The game requires pvp/bandits to create a cycle. Because face it, once you've looted all your gear, you're done with the game. Zombies aren't really a challenge in their current state, if you're careful or purposefully reckless, and own a hatchet.I agree, the shoot on sight mentality needs to be toned down, however punishing pvp actions (which is continuously brought up) is not the answer. Nor is giving rewards to good actions. The only REAL flaw with PVP is the fact that is so easily exploited. People shoot first without thinking because: 1) They can just log off immediately to lose zed aggro, to come back and loot you.2) If they are worried about getting hit, they pull the plug. (i believe there are abort macros in the works already.)So address this exploit / issue and people will think twice about shooting at someone. They have no fear of dirtying their good name on a server, because when someone gets remotely close, they pull the plug. It's happening FAR too often now. Especially these M107 Elektro snipers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James2012 0 Posted June 30, 2012 'Reaps said: PVP isn't broken' date=' its 80% of this game. You hardcore pve people are just as detrimental to the game, as the shoot on sight lot.The game requires pvp/bandits to create a cycle. Because face it, once you've looted all your gear, you're done with the game. Zombies aren't really a challenge in their current state, if you're careful or purposefully reckless, and own a hatchet.I agree, the shoot on sight mentality needs to be toned down, however punishing pvp actions (which is continuously brought up) is not the answer. Nor is giving rewards to good actions. The only REAL flaw with PVP is the fact that is so easily exploited. People shoot first without thinking because: 1) They can just log off immediately to lose zed aggro, to come back and loot you.2) If they are worried about getting hit, they pull the plug. (i believe there are abort macros in the works already.)So address this exploit / issue and people will think twice about shooting at someone. They have no fear of dirtying their good name on a server, because when someone gets remotely close, they pull the plug. It's happening FAR too often now. Especially these M107 Elektro snipers.[/quote']Ok so you are saying make it so if someone whants to kill you, they will kill you, and this will make pvp less pvp?Also "Because face it, once you've looted all your gear, you're done with the game. "Is exactly one of my points. People have nothing else to do But Pvp in this game. Which again is why one of my suggestions is to add more content such as base building and maybe clearing towns of zombies. There are probably alot of more and fun things that can be added which does not require you to kill another player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreganius (DayZ) 55 Posted June 30, 2012 If someone wants to kill you, they should be allowed to kill you. Why should they be stopped from killing or punished because of it simply because you don't like it? Quote Which again is why one of my suggestions is to add more content such as base building and maybe clearing towns of zombies. There are probably alot of more and fun things that can be added which does not require you to kill another player.Read my Liberation thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexander_q 6 Posted June 30, 2012 While I agree with your aims, your methods are completely backwards. Punishing bandits does not increase the rewards for people who cooperate. It just punishes bandits. If you want to increase the rewards for people who cooperate, simply do so. There are many suggestions for this on the forum. Here's one: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23848. Your suggestions are also almost all immersion-breaking.In addition, rebalancing ammo (make it only available from unreliable spawns, akin to helicopter crashes) would make for some more interesting situations, where you have to guess if the bandit who is robbing you is bluffing or not. It is also necessary to give people a reason to value their lives, not just their loot. A skill advancement system would go a long way to accomplishing this.And finally, give people a way to not just signal their intentions, but demonstrate them. We should have intuitive controls to holster our weapons, and surrender. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twitchytrigger 4 Posted June 30, 2012 coming from someone who has 3 or 4 total player kills (all in self defence) and have died countless times due to bandits or paranoid survivors, i dont believe there is a pvp problem. the mistake is in having faith in mankind when shit hits the fan. join a group of people you can trust. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jetlinerx 2 Posted June 30, 2012 Ya'know. It was a lot to read, so I am sorry if I missed something, but what about the implementation of PvE servers? Everyone would be on the same team, with friendly fire turned off so it's just You v.s. World + Zeds.Granted, some of us may not find it as fun, which is why we have the normal servers, but it couldn't hurt to try. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt_ammo@hotmail.com 164 Posted June 30, 2012 I don't think there is a problem with pvp per se. I think the issue is players who systematically camp high loot zones simply to get kills. Now I know I'm going to be jumped on by the reality mongers here for making this suggestion but I feel it would perhaps reduce this camping mentality a little. When a player makes a kill their last known location i.e. the place they made the kill, is pinned on the map. Depending on how many kills they have, their location will be repined every X amount of seconds until they are X amount of meters away from the original kill point. These X figures would increase with their murders. So the more murders you make the more visible you are on the map to others when you commit a murder. The pinned marker would get more and more opaque the further away from last known point was.Yes I know this isn't very realistic but this would certainly reduce this camping for kills mentality. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BloodFreak 0 Posted June 30, 2012 Look I can survive all day in dayz when I'm alone and even more with a friend. What makes us nervous and careful are the players. Killer shouldn't be punish. It's either have real life friends or try to find someone with who you can share that relationship ingame.Do you know what the real punishment for killing everyone is?Being alone and weak. Get a team and kill or kill alone and stay alone. That's the punishment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thorgu 0 Posted June 30, 2012 It would be much better pvp system if you could trust other players. ATM problem is that everyone suspects everyone and it is just so much easier to kill player than let him gear with you and let him grow possible threat to you. But it is only problem when you start game. After you get gear from Elektro/Cherno and head to north you CAN be that killer yourself. And remember don't hate the game hate the players! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites