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About twitchytrigger

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  1. twitchytrigger

    'Hardcore' Permanent Death

    maybe a 2 day ban from the server?
  2. twitchytrigger

    The Reddit Rescue Force

    oh, so you monitor tmw regularly? if you did, you'd know you are full of shit, sir. try some facts, they are good for you.
  3. twitchytrigger

    The Reddit Rescue Force

    the only thing ive witnessed ESU do is talk shit about TMW.
  4. twitchytrigger

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    I fail to see how the new cans will break immersion. Couldn't be worse than 3rd person or having cross-hairs, way-points, and or nameplates enabled.
  5. twitchytrigger

    Set variable value restriction #101

    I cant believe you are not trolling. xD thanks!
  6. twitchytrigger

    Set variable value restriction #101

    still an issue
  7. twitchytrigger

    Set variable value restriction #101

    also having this issue
  8. twitchytrigger

    Day 65

  9. twitchytrigger

    Why are you not a bandit?

    I prefer not to kill anyone unless they are a threat to me or other survivors.
  10. A list of many great ideas. I would like to add one about zombie to vehicle interaction. i think currently they just ignore vehicles and not even spawn in if you dont leave the seat. What if they attempted to break through the windows and crawl in or drag you out? players could be given a chance to fight them off.
  11. twitchytrigger

    Is killing other players really that fun?

    exactly how i felt till i joined a group.
  12. twitchytrigger

    The Pvp Problem.

    coming from someone who has 3 or 4 total player kills (all in self defence) and have died countless times due to bandits or paranoid survivors, i dont believe there is a pvp problem. the mistake is in having faith in mankind when shit hits the fan. join a group of people you can trust.
  13. twitchytrigger

    Removal of 3rd person view exploit

    well, its not an exploit. but it is easier and less punishing. I just dont think thats the direction this mod intends to go in.
  14. twitchytrigger

    Removal of 3rd person view exploit

    I have noticed it is less risky to use 3rd person on a few occasions. laying prone on a roof and being able to see the area below without having to peek out your head and risk exposure is one example. i am able to see other survivors clearly, without them being able to see me. even if they were looking at my direction. that is unrealistic. call me crazy, but i dont think Rocket built this mod with the idea of having a situation like that risk free.