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Crashed Helo Wrecks

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Hey, I was just wondering if in this patch the UH-1Y has been fixed to allow the looting of it. My friend was able to safely get into the gunner seat, and he survived. If it hasn't been fixed, will it ever be or is it only the UH-1H that can be looted?

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There is a grey one and a green one, it's been patched to work. Sometimes the cleanup script gets rid of the loot though.

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Me and two mates just found a crashed UH-1 and I boarded it as gunner to check for booty. Unfortunately I was instantly killed so I'm on an adventure to get back for my stuff now :P But it seems it's not allways consistant if you die or not.

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Me and two friends found a crashed silver helo just now. me and another took turns in getting in/out of the gunner position to fire off all the rounds in it and we must have entered/exited about 5 times each without it doing any harm, which is great because holy moly that thing is SO LOUD. Dumping 4000 rounds a minute into the treeline in pitch black was great fun.

Now I just need to figure out how to get loot out of it :v

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I've found 5 that had nothing. It's due to a cleanup script removing the loot shortly after the wreck is spawned - long before players ever manage to find them.

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