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Playing dayz again, and i am a bit confused about versions..

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as the title says, i recently started playing the dayz mod again and i noticed that i was running 1.63.112555 but pretty much every server was running 1.63.125548. i then saw that dayz commander doesnt work right because GameSpy got shot down. i also saw that the new update is apparently steam only. 

i bought my game through Gamestop so i guess i don't have the option to update, my question is, since all servers are using 125548 now, does that mean that all dayz players who didn't buy arma through steam can no longer play dayz? or do we have to update a different way, if there is any way?

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To my understanding you can actually find the beta files and update them yourself. Steam and DayZ commander just make it easier.  If you own a copy of the game, I think you're entitled to the latest versions.  

Also, I think that server versions are different than client versions.

I haven't played the mod in a couple years though and that might have changed. :L

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yeah, i tried launching the game through dayz commander and all the servers were gray, indicating i can't join them, then sometimes, the would turn white, but the version would change, i don't know what's going on really, i just want to be able to play dayz again. i guess ill try to update manually.

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http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/205145-tutorial-how-to-play-dayz-mod-with-163-of-steam-dayz-commander-and-dayz-launcher/ follow the tutorial there it should take care of all of the mentioned problems. If you still have trouble comment in that thread and I will try and help you out.

Edited by FrostyKush

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