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Went swimming, can't get off water

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So, I had to go swimming to avoid zombies, and I got stuck in the water. I just couldn't move, no matter what. I ended up respawning, because I didn't have any gear anyways. But can anyone tell why this happened?

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How far did you swim out, where did you swim out?

If you feel as if this is a bug, you should make a bug report.

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If you are in the water, you lost all your gear, might as well just respawn.

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If you are in the water' date=' you lost all your gear, might as well just respawn.


I'm pretty sure the latest arma 2 beta patch has changed this 'feature' so that you do not lose your gear any more while swimming.


Yup: [93958] New: Dropping items while swimming can be disabled with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.ext

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This is something that has to be added into the mission discription file by the mission maker.

When the mission is played (server or not) the line is activated.

Correct me if I'm incorrect.

Personally I'm not convinced and I'm not the only one...


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Sorry, Boneboys, I'm not well versed in the ways of the arma2 engine. When you say "mission maker" can I assume you are talking about Rocket, and not the server admins?

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Last night I tried to swim out to a small island near otmel, I had done it in the past so I know its possible, but this most recent try when i got to the land my guy wouldn't get up, he just kept on swimming around on the land! He couldn't get up for nothing so I wound up re-spawning. It was weird.

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