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Can people stop saying...

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Look at it this way:


Realism - simulation of reality.


Authenticity - simulation of the perception of reality.


Or another good one


Authenticity - the enabling of a reasonable willing suspension of disbelief :D

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no single word has an absolute meaning in any language (hope that doesn't shock anyone) - words only have meaning in context

and 'context' is not absolute either, it is the intent of the person speaking, his use of words and word arrangements in the whole subject


and context is also a general agreement about the subject between the person using the word and the person hearing the word

hehe - so now ya know ...


language is great because it manages to get through all those difficulties so people can understand one another

- we understand each other all the time every day


if someone deliberately makes a distinction between two similar words, most people can understand what they're getting at

no need to be squitty about it

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He didn't, I've pointed out how the two words have very different meanings despite your insistence otherwise. "No in this case they mean the same." except they don't and never did. Which is why people are not using them to mean the same thing. People like Dean. It's not our fault you can't grasp that concept.


But they don't in this case, they're making authentic features featured in real life, or realistic features featured in real life. As I said, interchangeable.


They make authentic features to be as realistic as possible. How aren't people getting that?

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But they don't in this case, they're making authentic features featured in real life, or realistic features featured in real life. As I said, interchangeable.


They make authentic features to be as realistic as possible. How aren't people getting that?


Shall I show you what you are doing wrong? It's a logical fallacy.

The fallacy of the undistributed middle occurs when the term that links the two premises is never distributed.

In this example, distribution is marked in boldface:

All Z is B

All y is B

Therefore, all y is Z


B is the common term between the two premises (the middle term) but is never distributed, so this syllogism is invalid.

In other words, there are parts of authenticity that do not equate to realistic and vise-versa even in this context. Crafting a bow from ash is authentic, it is not however, realistic. You must find an in game material that relates to real world material used to make a bow, but the process and even the material itself is not truly realistic.  

Using the above example a valid distribution would be:

All Y is B

All B is Z

Therefore, all Y is Z. 


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I was just wondering if the OP was aware that the characters within the game are not authentic or real.I mean any article of clothing in the game is one size fits all.So,I can have an authentic pair of Jungle boots but,I need a size 12 to wear them comfortably,for real,while I am wandering the ZOMBIE apocalypse scavenging authentic items to survive on.........STFU with this authentic vs. real debate.Its a game of entertainment.You either like playing it or you don't.

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