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Blurry screen after being hit by zombie

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I am sure this was brought up but I didn't see it in the first few pages. I haven't seen it in a little while but it appears to be back. After getting hit by a zombie (and sometimes after a server reset), my screen gets blurry and I have to go into the video config and back out to get a crisp picture again.

Is there a setting to set to avoid this or is a bug they are working on?

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the next time you visit your video config, disable your post processing and see if that helps - should also improve your performance.

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I find that just accessing the options (Escape) then hitting video (without making any changes) brings the sharpness back, weird but true..

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I find that just accessing the options (Escape) then hitting video (without making any changes) brings the sharpness back, weird but true..

Yeah that works... But a huge nuisance when you are in a firefight or dealing with no than one zombie.

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