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DayZ - UK London - Veteran (Version/Beta) [3D=ON][CH=OFF][GMT+1] PC Format

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sounds like a crash rather than a timed reboot.

Vehicles have been doing that but re-appearing after another reboot.

I'll have a word with multiplay.

Thanks for the very quick reply :) i assume itll re-appear after you update the server today, Thanks again for the great server and service!

Peace out!


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New assistant admin for the server : FluffyWoodlandCreature


He does not have root access to the server so cannot start or stop it but he is my eyes and ears on the server during the day and helps keeps the dicks away with a swift kick in the chode.

Edited by Boomsling

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Hacker was on your server around 2am today, a white message in the center of the screen appeared saying something along the lines of: "Everybody enjoy your M4 - Joker"

I logged out immediately, as I've read that white messages like that are from scripts. Logged back in after some coffee and noticed that my equipped DMR looks like a M4A1 CCO SD in my inventory. Also filled the 5 extra spaces in my inv with STANAG SD clips.

But my DMR is still a DMR, is still has the correct world model and shoots fine. It just looks wierd in my inventory. I haven't tried to move it around or place it in a tent yet to see how it behaves.

I'm guessing that the exploit script was trying to place a M4A1 in my primary weapon slot, but as it was already full, it bugged my DMR. I'm also guessing that this happened to everyone on the server at the time.

I'm becoming a regular on your sever, and fluffywoodlandcreature is part of our clan, so don't mind handing over the bugged DMR if you need proof or want to check it out yourself.

I have put a post up in the Cheat Reporting section, but wanted to give you a head's up.

Edited by ChewGhosts

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You can see in my Inventory it looks like a m4a1, but in the top right hand corner, you can see the DMR and ammo count. I'm guessing this happened to everybody on the server at the time (and it was almost full).

Also, your server must have crashed or restarted sometime before, because it was suddenly daytime and my progress going to Stary had gone and I was back at camp.

Kinda bummed I'm the first to report it.

Let me know if you need any more info.

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Sorry about the restarts. As for the loss of progeress its a known issue with 1.7.2. Hopefully the release of and possibly a updated hive today will resolve this.

Ive posted a link to your query about the hacker and weapon in IRC for some advise, I'll post up any response I get.

Edited by Boomsling

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So whats this got to do with PvP?

Simples - I hope to be able to get 10 or 20 groups of 4,5, 6 peeps. This I hope wil create a new dynamic within DayZ. Groups will set up camps in areas, claim certain towns as their pissing ground. Members of each group can join a mutual channel to talk, make deals/truces and I ahev no doubt, they will eventually.... break them.

would be cool if each group had a set skin their members have to use so you can recognise your friends and allies, would also add a nifty spy type element to the game where people try to infiltrate enemy groups.

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well it seems to be working, I now provide a home on our DayZ server and TS3 for 4 groups, each of about 4 or 5 players. I cant say for sure how much interaction there is between the groups as I don't eaves drop, but they are mostly all on every night.

I have lots of room left for many more groups.

Edited by Boomsling

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Hi Boomsling. I just had a quick look at your server as I am looking for a nice solid one to play and create home base with my friends. I came to realise that the time zone is just GMT which is a bit of a problem for, I guess, most UK players if they play at night and do not have NVGs and such. Is it always set at this time? It would be a shame to not be able to play on the server because of this problem as the community seems very nice compared to most other servers we have tried.

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I want to know if any of the admins are cheaters on this server (GB 00 London)

I got hold of the big heli, took it miles away and hid it in trees far from anywhere

I log back on 2 hours later and it is gone

seems fishy to me


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