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DayZ - UK London - Veteran (Version/Beta) [3D=ON][CH=OFF][GMT+1] PC Format

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DayZ 'the wild west' and MINDLESS PvP solution

Ive recently set up the new dayz server, I like to play games with people that share our communities interest, your know, nice folk like you and me. So I've adapted out teamspeak server to cater better for DayZ. Separate rooms for groups to join and call home. Its free to use and everyone is welcome, just dont act like a dick...

Im happy and willing to create for you and your group a dedicated, passworded room within TS3 for you to use. Id like you feel that our TS3 and DayZ server is your home in the zombie apocalypse.

So whats this got to do with PvP?

Simples - I hope to be able to get 10 or 20 groups of 4,5, 6 peeps. This I hope wil create a new dynamic within DayZ. Groups will set up camps in areas, claim certain towns as their pissing ground. Members of each group can join a mutual channel to talk, make deals/truces and I ahev no doubt, they will eventually.... break them.

I hope to see this lead to executions of rouge group members, trading, friendships, alliances and us all being human, war.PvP happens, but its the meaningless murders that bore, hunting noobs for a box of matches or a bandage or worse still, just another +1 murder in the debug box.

We can reduce this by forming a 'super' group made up of many groups. Due to the rules set by the devs I cannot enforce anything, but that the beauty of it, your word is your bond in this game. But remember... Breaking your word within this super group could mean other groups banding together to hunt you and all your group down.

It ALL up to you, join, play, meet, trade, (betray), profit???

Edited by Boomsling

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I saw 3 guys on this server who killed an innocent survivor. I sat an waited...

1st picture link below


They came a little closer. They sat still. I shot one, straight away he went unconscious starting to bleed out. next one i aimed at... he disappeared, switched to next one quickly, he disappeared, unconscious body... disappeared. this all happened within 3 sec of shooting the first guy...

Second picture link


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Not calling you a liar, but in your first screenshot there is a firehouse and buildings. In your second screenshot there are no buildings and an assload of powerlines? Maybe you put up the wrong one. I totally believe that is what happened, just saying your screenshot is not neccessarily backing it up.

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Assholes playing a weakness in the system. Nothing I can do about that.

Its the system that needs fixing. No disconnect while bleeding would be a good start (but that wouldn't stop Alt + F4.)

On a lighter note...

atko posted on June 30, 2012 @ 4:57pm (on the PCF_DayZ steam group)

Good job on teleporting to me into the wilderness (way off map) after I killed you and took your UAZ.

Good effort, I get the blame (Im the only admin ATM) for a known bug. He wins the PCF_DayZ Steam group player of the week!


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It came online on the 26th. It took a few days for liv3d at Multiplay to take a look at it and get it running properly so it was the 29th before it was playable.


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Hey guys,

Let's start from the beginning;

I was looking for a server that was new and had my favorite settings - 3D ON and CH OFF, i searched many servers - but sadly - was not connected to any of those (in the meaning of the community from the server). All of the servers i joined had a "dull" / "dead" community. So i started searching on the IRC and came across boomsling. (btw. thank you boomsling for your great support and effort) Not only did he give me the server and welcome'd me there - he even provided us with our own group channel in his Teamspeak³ server. He gave me channel admin for this group channel and said that we could edit passwords into the channel etc. as we like. At this point i was sure that i had found a new favorite server and i was not disappointed.

The server is great, it has a good connection - no lags at all - and it gets updated to the newest Arma OA beta patch as soon as it is out. You can easily contact Boomsling through the IRC and the Teamspeak³ and he happily hears out your ideas for the teamspeak / the server if you have any.

Well, i dont want to make this post any longer because i think nobody wants to read a whole novel about a server. Thank you Boomsling, and to the other people that are already on the server, i hope to see you soon. ^^


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no problem Smoove, happy to help.

If you see the first post on that thread you'll see the environment Im trying to create on the server. Dayz is such a open sandbox it will be great to get groups trading, communicating, fighting over turf , forming alliances etc.

This requires communication, TS3 is perfect for this as I can set up a secure channel for you and your group to use as you play. The DayZ game server has direct VoIP enabled so group can talk to each other 'in game' and also if required I can set up a 'neutral' channel in TS3 where groups can meet and talk when not in game.

If anyone else is looking for a place to call home in the dayz universe then please contact me and I'll do what I can to get you set up on our TS3.

Thanks should go to PC Format and their sponsors Multiplay for the online services that make this all possible.

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To whoever I got killed last night by being an idiot with my bicycle and riding through berezino like a loon: I'm REALLY sorry, you were ghillie'd up and packing some decent weaponry. I think you thought I was in trouble and you tried to help, but aggro'd all the infected and were down in literally seconds. I did dismount and start taking pot shots at em but it was too late :( I didn't loot your body and left it where it was, that ghillie's forever lost though :(

To the two newbie french guys I was helping to get loot from the balotta airstrip: I did manage to get a shot off on a sniper that had his sights on you but then started to take fire from another one and had to leg it round to balotta pier to bandage (was brought down to 4k~ hp!) I did come back for you but I think you were long dead. Somebody had took it upon himself to fill the ATC Tower with multicolored chemlights, meaning anyone in there was a sitting duck and couldn't look out because they were blinded by all the light, so i carefully extinguished em all whilst avoiding sniper fire (sounded like an enfield?)

And to the three blokes who decided to raid zeleno's store guns blazing: was a valiant effort, shame one of you had to die, but that was the most shooting i'd done in awhile :P I was watching for a good while deciding whether i should help or not, then your gunshots aggro'd zombles to me for some reason so i figured what the hell, why not, and joined the fray :D

Boomsling, I've been playing lone wolf for days and tried your server by chance. I got more player interaction in 2 hours than i've had in about a week, will be making this my home server, keep up the good work!

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Hi Sulfaros,

Its good reading the storys DayZ world create's. Thanks for posting.

I hope we meet up one day In Chernarus, and please feel free to join our teamspeak server and if you ever feel like starting a group I'd be happy to create you your own group room on TS3.

Here's my story....

I like to say to who ever shot me(camo outfit) and my two friends (Girl and ghille suit) the other day on the Saturday 30th June while in Gorka I hope you took the time to loot our corpses.

We had nvg's, silence weapons, thermal scopes... and also that last one you sniped, the girl, while she was *escaping* on the motorbike.... That was one hell of a shot. Kudos dude.

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My first and probably favorite server. By the way want to ask what means CH in title of server?

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Crosshair i believe

boomsling if i can convince more friends to play I'll gladly take you up on that offer =)

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yup, no crosshairs [CH=OFF]

Ive set up a channel on irc, as I idle on the Dayz one most of the time.



or click here to join.

I intend to use it to communicate with peeps on the server to warn them of restarts etc. also its another way you can get hold of me if you want TS3 setting up or there is problem with the server.

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Can't play on this server. I get to the lobby ok, but it gets stuck on loading or stuck on character creation every time. Can connect to any other server with no problems, but just not this one. Can you give your server a kick or something as I just set up a tent there this morning and have a pack full of stuff I want to drop off. Cheers

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I read your Message on IRC this morning and promptly restarted the server. Thanks for reporting the issue.

Hopefully this is fixed. Cant test as Im at work.

Can someone please confirm?


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Hey man, Not sure if it is correct in-game, But dident catch the Server ID, what # are you

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Nevermind. Disregard this post. Your server settings are not what we're looking for and in my blatant stupidity, I didn't read them until AFTER I posted.

However, good luck with your server and I wish you all the best in maintaining it as a shining example of what DayZ should be.

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Received this message this morning...



If it's okay with you I would like to try a complete wipe of the server (including profile, server name, server IP and port change along with an instance ID change) so we can be sure everything has been covered.



Dan 'Deehem' Miller

Second Line Technical

Therefore server will go down today for a estimated period of around 1 - 2 hrs,

The reason for this wipe and reinstall is I have been unable to connect via rcon

I'll update this thread again once the works have been completed and update the IP info should it change.

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Was playing on this server for like 3 nights now, really having a lot of fun on here. I have just one issue, earlier today there was a small reset and when the server came back up our truck and car had de-spawned with like all our gear in it . Not sure whats up but yeah just thought I'dd let you know. :p

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sounds like a crash rather than a timed reboot.

Vehicles have been doing that but re-appearing after another reboot.

I'll have a word with multiplay.

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