byrgesen 1341 Posted July 19, 2014 You redeemed yourself with later posts, but this one spurned my reply. Here is what I see often. Other players simply don't have the insight and time devoted to accurately define other players. Example: I am about to hold you up and steal your gear. However, I suspect another player is now somewhat close to us both, and I don't want to get held up by him as I'm holding you up. So I double-tap your brains out, and grab any peaches you have. I then have time to handle Junior crawling around that back barn. Am I a bandit or a KOS'er? Does it matter in the slightest? To me, not at all. Death is but a dark pixel. It will be light again before you know it. Without death, the game grows beyond boring, it becomes stagnant. I need death to live. Whether that death is yours or mine, it doesn't matter, not to me anyway. Like i said, if you dont at least try to get some kind of interactioin going between you and your victim, but simply kill left and right regardless of the situation, you will never be a bandit in my world :)A bandit work by a code of honor, if you will, meaning he only takes what he needs and doesnt kill if its not needed, at least this has always been my definition of a bandit in DayZ. A bandit is literally a murderer. The only reason the term 'bandit' is even in the game is because the original bandit in the mod was a person who had murdered someone. Murdering someone would give you the bandit skin. That's it. You can all try to sugarcoat it if you like, but that's what a bandit is in this game. People who rob others are robbers. Literally. Highwaymen if you want to be fancy. That is true, but people havent stated bandits dont kill, we know they do :)But theres a big difference between killing everything that moves, with no motives or reason, other then to kill, and then rob and kill people to survive.The only reason you got that skin in the mod, which was later removed, was to point out who had killed people, which turned out to be a very bad idea.Comparing the bandit skin, of the early mod days, to what you can do in the SA, is not viable imho. People got the bandit skin by accident and for self defense aswell, so the mechanic was flawed from the very beginning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites