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Autorun button and loot in small towns (2 suggestions)

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Hi there,

I have two potential suggestions for the mod:

- Wondering if it's possible to add an auto-run button (many MMO's have this). Basically at times a player can be running through miles and miles of empty (except for trees) forest. It would be good to not hold "W" down the whole time, and be able to keep going while you dash to the fridge for a beer or take a bio break :) I'm not sure the engagement and fun factor would be compromised by not having to hold down W the entire time.

- I noticed a huge disparity between the loot in small towns and loot in the larger cities. Now, I get it. Bigger city = more stuff, more people, more risk. But the thing is the smaller towns should probably still have some water, food, bullets or something - especially since they often have a fair share of zombies in them. If anything I have found small towns more risky from a zombie perspective (not sure why that is). I've scoured entire small settlements and found ...nothing, I guess, except for an empty whiskey bottle. In lieu of being able to go into buildings and ransack them for supplies, it seems like it might be good to add just a WEE bit more loot to the small towns?

Anyway, the mod is amazing and I look forward to more!

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Autorun would be pretty much useless in this mod... you'd be crashing into trees, buildings, zombies and other players sooner or later. In my opinion it's also against the spirit of the mod. No "auto" anything.

Do what I do, find a relatively safe place, make sure you aren't being followed, go prone, then make a dash to the fridge or bathroom or whatever. Need to be gone longer? Log off.

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I suppose. There are some pretty hefty fields where nothing is happening at all and you are just running in a straight line for 10 mins or whatever. That said, it's not a deal breaker by any means.

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An auto-run key/option is just so that you don't have to keep that damn Z (W for most of you guys) down all the time when running for 10 minutes. It's just to alleviate the pressure on the fingers and you can just use the mouse to steer left/right as usual.

Great idea and I would love it but I think that's more core ARMA2 related and not sure they can do that nor if it's the purpose of the mod.

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Don't think it exists in the engine and therefore probably not something you'll see.

Pretty sure a 3rd party application could solve your need - But then the question arises; whether it's allowed to use?

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I would like to see an auto-run button. I always try to run back to where I died to try to recover some of my gear. It is normally still mostly there after an hours + of running so I do it frequently. It would just be nice to hit auto run down a stretch of road. especially when you run from komarovo to NE air.

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I support an autorun button, have often wished there was a way to keep running whilst just using mouse to look around.

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An auto-run key/option is just so that you don't have to keep that damn Z (W for most of you guys) down all the time when running for 10 minutes. It's just to alleviate the pressure on the fingers and you can just use the mouse to steer left/right as usual.

Same opinion.

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Auto-Run = Watter bottle top + smartphone + arrow keys

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Auto-Run = Watter bottle top + smartphone + arrow keys

:D I do almost exactly that but with an eraser (bottle top mashes other keys for me)

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Auto run already exits, hold W while pressing shift+tab (open steam overlay), once opened you will automatically run forward, you can even press A & D to strafe sideways. This will only work if you launch DayZ via Steam tho.

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Dude..just get a hevy object..like the led , you know the one you use for fishing ? Or something hevy enough to press on the keyboard.. Other than that you could do it with a hevy knife or stack of coins ?

Its good if you're going through off map locations , or forest...I wouldn't put it to run from the Ocean to North West Airfield..

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Auto run already exits' date=' hold W while pressing shift+tab (open steam overlay), once opened you will automatically run forward, you can even press A & D to strafe sideways. This will only work if you launch DayZ via Steam tho.


Was going to post this here but Shizukage beat me to it.

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I get pretty bad RSI in the fingers if hold the W key down for too long. Plus want to roll a cigeratte well crossing the fields. Then can just sit back and control with just the mouse.

So was messing around trying to get this to work all last night.

Goto : http://www.autohotkey.com/


Create a txt file with the extension, ahk.

Paste in following code.

(Between Here .... and the the next curved brackets)


sleep 500

send {w down}



sleep 500

send {w up}


(... and Here)

Save, the txt file, then open the ahk with the program.

Open Arma 2,

Press Alt-W to turn on run.

Press Alt-S to stop autorun.

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