slipperyminx 43 Posted July 14, 2014 To add a new level of customization, I propose that Spray Paint is executed in the engine as UV Painting. For those who don't know what this is, is it's 3D Modeling term/function that it allows the engine to paint objects without the necessity of Texture Files, the draw back is that the paint will not look like real paint, but just straight up color. Unless times have changed with this function, then it means that it's not labor intensive on the engine, requires less Custom textures and will allow for FULL custom Painting. The way I imagine it is that Player can Paint in real-time on any object, just by holding the can in their hand, pressing the Shoot-Button on the mouse, and moving their Hud to create their own custom lines, patterns, etc. You could create your own camo on any kind of clothing, customize your Ballistic Helmets and tac-vests, Camo your Weapons, Vehicles, Backpacks, etc. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alldaypk 63 Posted July 14, 2014 This is definitely something i would love to see in game, imagine hearing about someone losing their graffiti AK to some bandit, and then finding it in game. Weapons could carry stories too; this one's been through "WWNorthwest", and "The Great Zombie Horde of Berenzino"; this one's been used by a 12 yr old that's not quite grown pubes and has a voice that breaks like dry pasta. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lithium1056 45 Posted July 14, 2014 Yes and no, more NO! Give the average "child" a can of paint and it's "look under your chairs! Dicks! Dicks for everyone! On the walls of Elektro! The entire runway of NWAF dicks for days!" Simplest option add a texture pack like the mosin spray with color x, add color x! Camo! You could work with UV but dicks happen more often than not. Or I suppose just allow paint textures on weapons only, or possibly skinning for weapons, so long as te image file doesn't effect performance of the weapon! I would so like to be able to black out my melee weapons though. But overall I like your train of thought and foresee a similar effect system when buildables come into play Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted July 14, 2014 Totally unnecessary and has nothing to do with survival, shooting people or zombies. Fluff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zuulass 45 Posted July 14, 2014 Totally unnecessary and has nothing to do with survival, shooting people or zombies. Fluff.the game needs more fluffi want pink spray paint Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nesuma (DayZ) 108 Posted July 14, 2014 Totally unnecessary and has nothing to do with survival, shooting people or zombies. Fluff.Maybe some people hope that DayZ won't be only a game about survival, shooting people or zombies and more like the greatest and most realistic zombie simulator ever? Even if some things like throwing poop don't have to be added, in my opinion. (Still the best post I've seen in this forum.)And for the dick-discussion: Yes and no, more NO! Give the average "child" a can of paint and it's "look under your chairs! Dicks! Dicks for everyone! On the walls of Elektro! The entire runway of NWAF dicks for days!"Simplest option add a texture pack like the mosin spray with color x, add color x! Camo! You could work with UV but dicks happen more often than not. Or I suppose just allow paint textures on weapons only, or possibly skinning for weapons, so long as te image file doesn't effect performance of the weapon! I would so like to be able to black out my melee weapons though.But overall I like your train of thought and foresee a similar effect system when buildables come into play Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slipperyminx 43 Posted July 18, 2014 @Lithium: Well, people kinda already do that with Sprays,a lready. I think we've all seen something X-rated by now with Sprays, even if your not the one Spraying the image. 'Sides, even if the game is M-rated people will play regardless of age, they'll find a way, but it's in the hands of the family. And, DayZ is pretty brutal as it is, and has a UNFORGETABLE reputation... Compared to the aforemention, painting Gentiailia is barely a concern in terms of it being "politically correct". Aside from clans, DayZ is LAWLESS in terms of social decorum. And that's just one side of the coin, the horrid stuff people WILL do, but consider the flip side: Art. You could have DayZ clans where they try to enter a populated server and do "Urban Graffiti Artist" style work in a choice area, or one that leave real gems on low pop servers. Another method i see this working, is that if you just want to paint you whole weapon, R-click will say paint all, or if you have x-amount of spray cans you can choose a custom camo job made by the devs (so the players can get it instantly. There's your black gun sir :D. The thing with textures is that they can take a bit more time to make (depending how you make it),since a lot of programming/calculations is going server side, it would be easy for the players' computer to do some simple executions to acheive this. Also, consider this, you wouldn't have to make a ton of extra Spray-C. Texture depicting what color they are, simply by allowing an empty space on the can to have teh engine depict the color via immediate UV paint mapping (like a green-screen/ alpha channel.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lithium1056 45 Posted July 19, 2014 Agreed but I still don't wanna see a bunch of dicks we have enough of those running aroun KOS already Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mark Darkers 151 Posted July 19, 2014 To add a new level of customization, I propose that Spray Paint is executed in the engine as UV Painting. For those who don't know what this is, is it's 3D Modeling term/function that it allows the engine to paint objects without the necessity of Texture Files, the draw back is that the paint will not look like real paint, but just straight up color. Unless times have changed with this function, then it means that it's not labor intensive on the engine, requires less Custom textures and will allow for FULL custom Painting. The way I imagine it is that Player can Paint in real-time on any object, just by holding the can in their hand, pressing the Shoot-Button on the mouse, and moving their Hud to create their own custom lines, patterns, etc. You could create your own camo on any kind of clothing, customize your Ballistic Helmets and tac-vests, Camo your Weapons, Vehicles, Backpacks, etc.I see where you are coming from, but remember that every shader in the game needs to have an extra empty texture applied to dynamically draw that spray texture over it. (you would have on the top layer empty spray slot, second layer the diffuse (color of the mesh) and then the normal/specular slots).Now imagine 100 playesr tagging allot of objects, it will eventually drop fps down, because of all the dynamic pixels the gpu has to take into accaunt and blend over the objects.But it would indeed be handy, people could start marking territory's or when Caves and underground systems are coming, tag place's they have been so they won't get lost. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Airfield 50 Posted July 19, 2014 I definitely feel like this game needs a little more along the lines of allowing players to be their own custom being. I feel this could be achieved through more clothing which is quite simple and even a few new head wear items could add towards the customization feel of the game ~Airfield Share this post Link to post Share on other sites