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Zombie Milkman

Possible Gamma/Brightness Exploit Solution?

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The hardcore gammers hate the players who exploit the gamma settings during the evening cycle.  The good players who turned into exploiters mostly do it because they are tired of being picked off by the evil munchkin exploiters who use their gamma correction settings specifically to cheat.  Both of the first two are good players, IMO, and they hate the last group, but it is the last group who are really steering the ship on this one.  So how do you level the playing field on this so all the good/honest players benefit and the cheaters are strongly persuaded not to cheat?


Simple, make the gamma exploiters' toon GLOW brighter and brighter with the higher gamma correction they use.  If you use an in game correction method this could be done, and it would make them stick out like a sore thumb from long distances.  You could even put a shaded area on the correction setting itself to denote the safe gamma area and the ever increasing "glow" area.  Here's the beauty of it - anyone can shoot at a day glow spot in the distance, even with iron sights.  Also, zombies love dat lighted spot!  So exploit at your own peril.


It won't help vs. monitor related solutions but it is at least a start in the right direction.  Something needs to be done because many people won't play at night because of one group of outright cheaters who need their boo-boo baby blanket of gamma correction, and the other group who cheat, but who wouldn't cheat if the first group of babies were eliminated or solved.  I realize it would not be a "natural" phenom in any game, no one glows in real life without radiation or black lights involved, but then no one has a built in gamma correction  either, and that is a cheat totally being exploited by one group, and causing another huge pool of players to cheat in reaction to them. 


If you do this or something like it, you will see the good players gone bad come back to the fold of non-correction, and the cheater babies who lost their pacifier get pushed to the 24/7 day servers, where they belong, because in the end it is the cheater babies who have caused the problem.  They should be the ones made to suffer and enjoy the game less, not those of us who want full emersion.

Edited by Zombie Milkman

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I like where your heart is, however gamma correction serves a real purpose. Punishing players who needingly use gamma correction would be unfair and annoying, especially in the manner you've proposed.


As for exploiters, many monitors can be gamma corrected via hardware settings. Cheaters who really like to cheat in this way, will find a way. 


I'm all for "fairness >>> realism" and "fun >>> realism", but your solution is more of a band-aide that is too ineffective to make the sacrifices in realism worth it here. That is, at the very least, my opinion on the matter.


I also think that this suggestion has been made before, in some form or another. 


In any case, I wouldn't consider it high priority.

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I see a lot of "complaints" about gamma correction (current server I play on runs day cycle only so I haven't had an issue)

Simplest fix (don't worry I wait through the flames I get for this one) NVG's sure they will only spawn at bases which means gamma corrected people will get them first.......

But no really there is no easy fix for this gamma correction is an issue that won't go away some people need it for vision etcetera. Other people will abuse it. I'm sure they will find some kind of balance

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