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Dev Position on firearm realism and Regular vs Hardcore.
AP_Norris, in Suggestions
Please vote.
37 members have voted
1. Do you prefer Hardcore/ Regular gamemodes?
Not bothered.7
2. What best describes what you expect of DayZ?
Hardcore Realism, Surviving for several weeks on a few good meals, everything factually correct?9
Realism to an extent, accelerated eating times to be authentic with pace that DayZ plays at, Things like guns & ballistics take on as much realism as possible. Realism to a reasonable extent but especially reslistic weapons.28
Cutting realism to make gameplay easier, good food spawning heaps, generalising rounds, penalising all players skilled/ unskilled by giving guns poor dispersion and not more recoil/ sway.0
Making the game easy to pick up and play, spawning with weapons, spawning with food/ removing hunger & thirst all together so people can focus on the most exciting part of the game (being firefights).0