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Removing the 'Hide body' option

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 if you play with a friend which have good loot/equipment, your friend get killed by a sniper and you know where he is...You will be happy to be able to take his gear/weapon to try to shoot the sniper guy

Surely not , if my friend is being killed wy a sniper , i won't get in his sight , and if the sniper or an other guy is hidding the corpse i don't mad because it's some easy stuffs to do , see , some players are playing hours to get a cool stuff , and others just have to see the corpse and take the weapons ? and if you have to do it realistic , why can't we wreak the weapons ? or stuffs like that , i really don't want to advantage somes guys who is shooting at sight ...

"If you don't like realism go play WarZ/Infestation, remember that DayZ was build around a MILITARY SIMULATION, not around COD."


I take it badly from a guys who is playing DayZ i'm not playing COD or WARZ but I don't want to DayZ become "LIFE SIMULATOR" 

I don't want to wait like 3 in-game Months to see my leg brocken staying broken , and i don't want to be killed because i just ran in a wall and hurted myself ...

Thanks for being nice ...



If you are in the middle of nowhere, or a roof, in a simple meadow, you will have more chance to survive by try to kill him rather than run away, same example if you cross the runway of an airbase, imagine a sniper camped on the a building like one watchtower or in the high spot where their is light (projectors) on it which is really high, you won't have the time to run away cause if he is smart he will wait for you to be in the middle of the runway and both finish to cross or turn back will be too long for you to survive, and this is a HIGHLY POSSIBLE situation, in fact i think it happen a lot.


And why can't we just take some stuff from the one we have killed, it work like this in EVERY GAMES and in real life...

And who care if someone can find "easy stuff" cause anyway we don't survive for long in DayZ so he will probably loose everything soon or later and have to do i back without having the chance to find anymore new stuff and actually most of the stuff are ruined for nothing when you kill someone...


Don't take it badly, but in fact their is actually TONS of various surviving game, a LOT of people love realism, maybe not real time healing, but you have to admit that, mainly with this HUGE world, it is boring to have 30 minutes from stuffed at almost vomit to starvation, or be sick to death just after eaten a rotten thing in some minutes (how many kids love to play eaten rotten stuff and don't even have any issue except a bad taste in the mouth ?)

So yes probably not a game where we need ridiculously high amount of time for heal, but WAY MORE realism for a lot of things, to avoid things like axe who come from pristine to ruined after cutting 4/5 tree and others bad idea will probably be better away.

And in fact a lot of the actual survival game don't take that much realistic aspect on the player, so if you want one, you can have one, but c'mon DayZ is probably the only one that can have a chance to get high level of realism/fidelity/authenticity.

And in fact i'll be happy if we could scavenge items, even if it will probably be abused by people who will scavenge everything on airbase (probably need to limit it on dead body only for avoid this kind of abuse), but yeah DayZ have potential to become more realistic while other game will probably fit what you are looking for, such as H1Z1 or Survive the Night...

It is like if, people insisted in the development of DCS World which are popular CAUSE this is an ultra authentic simulation (the only one that this level) and rather than everyone who love airplane are happy to FINALLY have a modern realistic sim, they put arcade features cause too many people ask for even if their is already tons of arcade games available everywhere.


Maybe not a life simulator, but a HIGHLY REALISTIC game yes, i hope and a lot of people also hope...

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The only reasons a KOSer or a bandit would hide a body are two fold, so no one else can get loot off the body and use it against them or because they don't want to reveal their presence or actions to others. Both of those options benefit the shooter.

It's unrealistic and not fair that they can kill someone and immediately stop others from benefiting from their kill. If they don't others to get the loot, they should be able to shoot up the body and ruin everything. That's real. There should also be the option someone suggested of dragging the body. This should also be a very slow and labor intensive act that requires you put your weapon away. That's real. Hiding a body is real, right click insta-delete is not.

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Yes, IMO the "Hide body" option should be removed. Or so to say it should (as suggested above) be replaced with "Burn body" (with alcohol or something similar -> stuff get ruined over time) and "Drag body" (so you can throw him somewhere and 'biological decomposition' can take place -> stuff get ruined over time).

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I cannot even be bothered to quote you people. It seems that a majority of people who have posted here have been objective in their arguments and have offered constructive criticism, while a smaller percentage have reminded us that this is indeed the internet. I am not going to name anybody, because these knaves know their identities.


It seems that a fair amount of folk have misunderstood my motives for this suggestion and have chosen to bombard the OP (me) with vitriolic, unjustly offensive comments (edit: ok, that was a bit of an exaggeration but some comments posted on this thread were still highly offensive) and making suggestions about me and/or my playstyle which contribute nothing to this otherwise civilised and objective debate. This system needs to go, and because dead players want to reloot their body, but to 1) Allow comrades of the fallen player to get gear from a body* and 2) to allow other players who might stumble upon the body to have another source of acquiring gear legitimately if the body is in a highly trafficked area close to a large amount of spawn locations such as Berezino or Novodmitrovsk.


* Real example: I was with a friend at NWAF and we were surrounded in a milpol building by several bandits. I was unarmed, but my friend had an AKM. Poor devil was shot by a guy at the door. I sprinted past him, tried to get away but the attacker got a shot at me and started me bleeding. I determined I had to flee, but I had no bandages. I was on Skype with my deceased friend who communicated that he had a load of rags in his backpack. As I was running away, I ran back to where my friend died in the hope of scavenging his gun and some rags, I discovered that my friend's body had indeed been instantly hidden. The only prudent course of action that remained at that point was to try and injure the 4 heavily armed players as much as possible with my humble fists before they killed me or I bled out.


Additionally, in the middle of a combat situation you would not be able to simply delete a man's body or destroy his gear instantly. If you wish to damage or destroy his gear, you can already do this fairly easily by simply shooting the dead body, although things in his backpack or in protector cases may survive. Instant and unbalancing destruction of a man's body can be a turning point in many firefights, cutting off a source of better weaponry, body armour, ammunition or crucial medical supplies. This is completely broken and unrealistic.


A simple way to prevent dead players relooting their body, or at least to make it more difficult, would be to make zombies attracted to dead/bleeding players depending on how long they have been dead/bleeding for. If you finally get back to your dead body 10 mintues later, you may discover a small group of zombies feasting upon your body and 'OH MY GOD, THEY'VE WRECKED ALL MY SH*T!'

Edited by Kill3rCat

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Ah, the expected "I'm in favor of..." and "I'm not in favor of..." result you expect to see when such questions arise.


I do think that, no matter what your (you, the guy reading this stuff here) views are, that this "Hide body" feature does not compare or get close to the general atmosphere or realism factor of the game. You have or will have a more complex sickness or health system, somewhat more complex bullet or weapon / firing mechanics, hunger / thirst, more realistic movement patterns, you are somewhat restricted in what you can carry due to set inventory space...


... but you can make bodies vanish (in the ground) like a magician by waving your hand, so to speak.


That does not fit in much, does it? I personally would be fine with it if it would play some sort of timed animation. And if it was just that amount of time you'd need to eat a full can of something completely, whereas the eating sound would be replaced by a digging sound or similar.


That would be a good compromise. Of course, if the Devs want to take it further with shovels, digging or dragging bodies around, that could also work. If that means more "aftermath scenes" of combat. Thus, corpses would have to stay longer.

Edited by Combine
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So, essentially, it's about getting gear? 


That is DayZ in a nutshell, my friend.

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The hide body option just makes no sense. Why should a body stop being loot-able after some dude (or a girl) just passed over it and pressed a button?

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My personal preference would be dragging the body out of sight. Or into plain sight, if I was feeling particularly dastardly. I can agree that a magic *POOF* command to make a body disappear isn't very realistic, but I'm sure we'll see it improved upon. Burning should be an option too, but one that would possibly attract unwanted attention from the smoke and the light (if at night). And I wouldn't want to waste precious fuel on burning a corpse if I can just dump it in a nearby ditch somewhere.

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Right now we have two very unrealistic elements to the game that need some balancing:


+ Players respawn, always.

+ Loot respawn, always.


Balancing act:

- Dead bodies disappear after a while (and don't tell me this is not needed).

- Players can remove items from the game in some way.


Just because it isn't realistic doesn't mean it's bad, respawning players and loot is not realistic at all, but everyone is fine with it because that's the limitations of a game.

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As I suggested in another topic they could just have zombies feast on dead bodies so if you're away from your body 10 minutes you come back and there's just a carcass, perhaps with some gear left.

Any longer than that all you find is bones and blood and some really really happy(and fat) zombies.


That and the option to drag bodies would be good enough magically making them disappear is dumb.

Dragging would be great for if your friend got knocked unconscious too, drag him to safety.

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As I suggested in another topic they could just have zombies feast on dead bodies so if you're away from your body 10 minutes you come back and there's just a carcass, perhaps with some gear left.

Any longer than that all you find is bones and blood and some really really happy(and fat) zombies.


That and the option to drag bodies would be good enough magically making them disappear is dumb.

Dragging would be great for if your friend got knocked unconscious too, drag him to safety.

They are infected tho, not zombies

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They are infected tho, not zombies

They still fall under the same category just in their own sub category.


Why not just make them eat people to improve the atmosphere of the game? Would also explain why they're still alive, if they don't eat they should be dead unless they're supernatural.

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my two cents. The hide body mechanic as it stands could use some work. Once the drag body mechanic is implemented gameplay dealing with bodies will become a lot more interesting. Players will stumble across dead players more often which will increase immersion (it is fun and compelling to find a house full of bodies and try to piece together what happened that killed these players and ended their story). People setting up traps will also have to worry about dragging bodies to a hidden location in order to not tip off other unsuspecting players. etc etc etc

So my suggestion:
Make the "R" button not just a reload button, but rather an action button for whatever is in your hand depending on the context.


For example:

If you have a shovel in your hand and you look at the ground and hold "R" you will keep digging into the ground until you let go of "R". 

Buuut if you have a shovel in your hand and you look at a dead body and hold "R" then the body will slowly sink into the ground. If you let go of "R" then the body will stop sinking. It would take maybe somewhere between 30 seconds to 60 seconds to fully bury a body (I'm just guessing, it would have to be tested to find that sweet spot of not too slow but not too fast).

This means that you can no longer click one button and run away while the body buries itself. You would have to have a shovel in hand, the body would have to be on dirt (cannot bury a body in a building, you would have to drag it outside onto the dirt), and you would have to be willing to take the risk of having to stand over the body an hold "R" until the job was complete. 

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How about fire?

Maybe we could work out a system that allows the player to soak a body in gasoline and igniting it.

The body could burn for like ((3-6)) mins,rendering everything in thin ash.

The "hide body" could function along with a shovel,the ground could form like a small bump and gear condition would rapidly

degrade their value depending on the time left underground.But still,giving a chance to be excavated again nevertheless.

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I'd rather see a 'burn body' function, provided you have matches. The body is destroyed but also creates a smoke signal, making it not entirely risk-free. Obviously it'd be even more dangerous at night.

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