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Where/How to store loot?

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I see your point, but there's a very easy fix for it- Don't get killed.

Be patient, and drop everything you don't NEED to carry into the town with you. (i.e. drop everything if all you're going in for is to look for a single tool) This will have two positive effects; You'll be a lower value target- If it looks like you have nothing but a torch and battery, there's significantly less chance you'll be SOS unless you're on the coast. And if thew worst happens and you are killed, your gear won't be ruined or stolen and you can get it back as long as you weren't silly enough to try all this 5 mins before a server reset.

I have often thought of dropping my loot before entering a town, but with my luck I have more of a chance of server restart than finding a needed item. I have a small chance encountering another player as I play away from coast and I don't really loot barracks or police stations, unless I need to. I do scout towns before entering and avoid contact with others, because my record shows its something I need to do ha ha. but with unexpected leg breaking, one hit death from some zombies, it very hard to accumulate certain items needed for  certain actions, without something going wrong, this is why we need tents.

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I have often thought of dropping my loot before entering a town, but with my luck I have more of a chance of server restart than finding a needed item. I have a small chance encountering another player as I play away from coast and I don't really loot barracks or police stations, unless I need to. I do scout towns before entering and avoid contact with others, because my record shows its something I need to do ha ha. but with unexpected leg breaking, one hit death from some zombies, it very hard to accumulate certain items needed for  certain actions, without something going wrong, this is why we need tents.


I can absolutely see where you are coming from. I suggest something that has worked very well for me- Pick one or two favorite servers (eg. a day server and a night server) and learn their reset times. This will make it a lot less likely for you to lose items to a reset. For example, I know the server I usually play resets at 4 hour intervals, 1am, 5am, 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm local time. Knowing this I can avoid dropping anything on the ground within 10 mins of a reset and the rest of the time use any random bush as my "tent", only difference being that it's not persistent through the reset. Anything you want to do in DayZ you should be able to to within a 4 hour server cycle. A tent should be a convenient luxury, not a necessity. 

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