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Player made Quest board

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I was reading a post where someone thought it would be a nice idea to have quests, such as rescuing npc's from zombies. His idea seemed flawed because of the game's style, his discussion, however, did lead me to my own idea. A player noticeboard in cites. This would allow players to post their own quests and rewards. The message board would hold the reward item that the quest maker put into it, so that even if the poster dies they can give it to the person who complete the quest. To keep it from being used for storage, the player who put the item in would be able to remove it with in 5 minutes of placing it in (allowing for correction of miss-clicks) however after those 5 minutes the poster would be unable to carry the item for longer then 2 minutes before they break. The two minuets are so they can give it to the person who finished the quest. After someone finished the quest they would be able to press a button on the board that would then alert the poster to the fact it has been finished. Likely quest would be things such as bambis asking for assistance removing a sniper so they can loot; people asking for help with revenge; transportation; and other such things. It could also be used as a trade system. Obviously this, like many game mechanics, will have people attempting to abuse it so it would have to be coupled with strict server rules and attentive admins, but that will just make it easier to tell good servers from the bad. Those servers where the boards are exploited do not care to keep people from doing so, and likely have a similar attitude to other such rule breaking .

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Sorry. no quest.


If players want to make their own quest, they can by role-playing, but no in-game feature for that.


Everything must be negotiated face to face without special interface.




btw, I'm desperately looking for a box of matches for make a barbecue with friends (found so many before when they were useless and now there's no way to find some...).

I got many ammunition of mosin, 5.56, and 357 and other items to trade.

Here is my quest.

Edited by massacrorBKK
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Sorry. no quest.


If players want to make their own quest, they can by role-playing, but no in-game feature for that.


Everything must be negotiated face to face without special interface.




btw, I'm desperately looking for a box of matches for make a barbecue with friends (found so many before when they were useless and now there's no way to find some...).

I got many ammunition of mosin, 5.56, and 357 and other items to trade.

Here is my quest.


I disagree. I'm all for quests and NPCs, since your "role-playing" and "negotiating face to face" has one severe flaw: trolls.


BTW: your quest is lame.


EDIT: corrected a mistake

Edited by ColonelBurton

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Just leave a paper on the ground saying what you want, what you give as a reward and where you are. There. Your quests are already in-game, just make them happen. Who knows, maybe people will actually try and help you. Or not. You don't know what people will do, and that's all the magic behind DayZ!

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Just leave a paper on the ground saying what you want, what you give as a reward and where you are. There. Your quests are already in-game, just make them happen. Who knows, maybe people will actually try and help you. Or not. You don't know what people will do, and that's all the magic behind DayZ!

I love that idea! Only problem, dropped stuff will disappear. How could you solve that?

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This is a unique take on quests -- it plays along with the sandbox style of the game by allowing players to setup their own quests/rewards systems.  There are a number of problems that would have to be worked out... for example, what exactly would a quest entail?  If I wanted to get someone to, for example, help someone with a broken leg to 'make the world better' and the reward was a rare piece of gear, what's to stop someone from breaking their friend's leg and fixing it just to get the gear?


I think the quest board would become a location for snipers only.  If something like this were to be implemented, I think it would have to be a server-wide board that you could post to... but really for this type of game I'd rather see something like radio towers or giant voice stacks implemented.  There have been many posts on the radio idea... but I think I'll make one for giant voice to see what ppl think.

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I was reading a post where someone thought it would be a nice idea to have quests, such as rescuing npc's from zombies. His idea seemed flawed because of the game's style, his discussion, however, did lead me to my own idea. A player noticeboard in cites. This would allow players to post their own quests and rewards.


Good idea.


The message board would hold the reward item that the quest maker put into it, so that even if the poster dies they can give it to the person who complete the quest. To keep it from being used for storage, the player who put the item in would be able to remove it with in 5 minutes of placing it in (allowing for correction of miss-clicks) however after those 5 minutes the poster would be unable to carry the item for longer then 2 minutes before they break. The two minuets are so they can give it to the person who finished the quest. After someone finished the quest they would be able to press a button on the board that would then alert the poster to the fact it has been finished. Likely quest would be things such as bambis asking for assistance removing a sniper so they can loot; people asking for help with revenge; transportation; and other such things. It could also be used as a trade system. Obviously this, like many game mechanics, will have people attempting to abuse it so it would have to be coupled with strict server rules and attentive admins, but that will just make it easier to tell good servers from the bad. Those servers where the boards are exploited do not care to keep people from doing so, and likely have a similar attitude to other such rule breaking.

lolwat you must be trollin'.

As stated by others, you can already do this with paper. But I agree having some kind of message board in (some) towns, or at least a place known within the community as where quest notes are dropped (i.e. toolshed/some other building that doesn't spawn paper), is a great idea- simply because a lot of people don't bother looking at paper randomly scattered around the world because traps and because blank page.

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Perhaps server admins can just open a forum for their particular server where ppl can post quests/rewards/clan recruitment etc and we can have the website be part of the MOTD.

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What about an ingame quest editor? That's my idea:

You'd need a paper (or more) , a pen, and a shovel.

When creating a quest, you write something on the paper, then drop it somewhere (those papers shouldn't disappear like bodies), and then use the shovel to dig a hole and "hide" the reward for the quest. Then if somebody finds the paper they see your written quest and the reward (written by the editor). So if somebody solves the quest that person should find the reward or another paper where the location of the reward is stated.

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All I can think about is how this would be a great delivery service for bandits.  An example?


Quest:  Bring 100 rounds of mosin ammo to location x


Reward:  'Rare and good items' (use your imagination)


Player finds 100 rounds of mosin ammo, returns to location x and drops the ammo, retrieves their 'Rare and good items,' then sees this familiar screen:


You are unconscious.


Followed swiftly by:


You are dead.

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All I can think about is how this would be a great delivery service for bandits.


Maybe something like a paper (like regular loot) where it tells out of the perspective of a "survivor" where he stored some really nice loot before he died.

"They've become too many... (bla bla) I'm here (location) with my last bullet (bla bla) may my (whatever loot) be helpful to whoever finds it"

So the quest would be to find that spot and retrieve the loot. As long as each spot is unique, it keeps bandits away, as long as they don't put the note somewhere, to let somebody else find it, but that would take a lot of time...

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Maybe something like a paper (like regular loot) where it tells out of the perspective of a "survivor" where he stored some really nice loot before he died.

"They've become too many... (bla bla) I'm here (location) with my last bullet (bla bla) may my (whatever loot) be helpful to whoever finds it"

So the quest would be to find that spot and retrieve the loot. As long as each spot is unique, it keeps bandits away, as long as they don't put the note somewhere, to let somebody else find it, but that would take a lot of time...

There is nothing at all stopping you from doing this, what exactly are you suggesting? That the quests are spawned in from a list instead of written by players?

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There is nothing at all stopping you from doing this, what exactly are you suggesting? That the quests are spawned in from a list instead of written by players?

My suggestion was that those "stories on papers" could tell a bit about the past and be a "quest" to find something. I forgot to say that they could be server generated, so that it's kind of a template where a random spot is filled in the template text, where the "special loot" on this server is located

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My suggestion was that those "stories on papers" could tell a bit about the past and be a "quest" to find something. I forgot to say that they could be server generated, so that it's kind of a template where a random spot is filled in the template text, where the "special loot" on this server is located


Please find a different game. In DayZ the players make their own stories, they are not server generated.

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Please find a different game. In DayZ the players make their own stories, they are not server generated.

 Normally I hate the "play something else" response, but I have to agree here. The system for MOST player fueled quest boards would be WAY too easily abused, (much to my dismay)... but DayZ's strength lies in it's ability to provide the setting without the story. effectively forcing the players to interact and make stories/memories.


Now, the ability to "pin" papers to walls/billboards would be interesting. But I know I wouldn't trust any I found.

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My advice would be... Go play on RP server (this is not a insult... lol. I playing there myself).


They create special rules and environment for the players to manage - I won't say "quest", but - scenarios. You can't be killed on sight and player have to interact in stories they create. In that case you can be a bit more confident in quest people can give you... In the end if you get killed, at least you know it is part of a story and it can be an interesting thing to live... not just a Kos'er trolling you with a fake quest.


BTW: your quest is lame.


BTW my quest is over... I found matches by myself. Hehe.

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Please find a different game. In DayZ the players make their own stories, they are not server generated.

Well, thats is exactly what I suggested before. If the DayZ team decides to add some background information about how the apocalypse happened, this is a way they could do it. Besides, the stories are not server generated, the destination of the loot would be (like it is now...)

Edited by degude

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My advice would be... Go play on RP server (this is not a insult... lol. I playing there myself).


They create special rules and environment for the players to manage - I won't say "quest", but - scenarios.


Thanks, but I tried all that. There are no ways of admins controlling what kind of players join the server. A massive issue with standalone that I severely hope they will fix despite all the whining of the SoS-freaks.


(it's SoS, not KoS, since they Shoot on Sight but often enough get killed themselves in the process)

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