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Am I on the wrong servers?

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Now I see so many posts about people killing on sight always and no one wants to talk to anyone because more often than not you will get shot. 


I have had maybe 10% of any encounter end like that. I do tend to play on servers that only have 10 to 20 people on them so maybe we are all just trying to re-gear or survive but I am just wondering if the majority of the people in these forums that complain about it are the minority. 40 of 40 servers are different and I would think most people join them to PVP. 


Do you find you get killed on sight every time like most posts on here about that topic say or is it like 50/50 or what? Is it just the minority whiners that are making the majority of the KOS posts? 


For example I was on a server yesterday with 15 people on. I was in the Cherno fire station. I came down the 1st floor stairs only to walk into a guy. I had no gun out but one on my back, (No ammo.) and was not even expecting anyone.(Dumb I know.) I yell out, "don't kill me, I'm just gearing up!" He says "No worries I won't shoot you." My first thought is 'ya right, I'm dead. So I just casually walk by him, get out the back door and run like mad! 


About 5 minutes later I'm in the grocery store. He comes running up, (Singing over voice, I am not joking!) and says, "Are you the guy I just met?" I say, "yes." and he says, "can you kill me and take all my gear, I want to spawn and meet up with some friends." I say, "Are you serious?" and he starts taking off all his gear, clothes and the rest and lets me pick axe him in the face! He even says as he's dying that I should have done it in one head shot so he didn't suffer! lol.


I'm fully geared now. Thanks mate! Almost all my chance meetings go like this if I start talking. I have even gained some Steam friends from random encounters.Anyone else see a trend towards interaction more than KOS lately? 

Edited by CANUCKinNZ

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Always Have in this game compared to Nether. This game has so much more interaction with players. And also, the best servers to loot on are full populations because the server hoppers don't bother going on high pops and most people are in the NE.

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Good point about looting! I never thought of it that way. 

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yeah only about 10-25% of my chance encounters I get killed. All 30+ of my steam friends I have met while playing Dayz.

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Anyone else find they are having less KOS meetings than before, the same or just hit and miss? 


After I posted this yesterday I jumped on and was in Balota with a server of about 20 people. (started off with about 3.) Running from the police station to the tower I see a guy in the distance coming from the tower. (I hope you know who you are!) I hear him talking and he runs right at me yelling, "Friendly, Friendly!" I say it too and he ran a full 2 laps around me. I said stop moving and he stops and shoots me dead. I was fully geared and he looked like he was too. 


Please noobs and COD kids! If you are not friendly don't take the cheap way out and yell friendly. At least have the decency to yell something like, "DEFEND YOURSELF!" before you shoot me in the back. Give someone a fighting chance. If you die too bad but at least you get the satisfaction of the adrenaline rush and a battle! 

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75ish % of interaction near the east coast is non kos (especially when you have no gun)

99% of interaction as you move west is kos...

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