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DayZ Mod - Blood Transfusion Question

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Ok so the other day I was running around Stary and I ended up aggroing a load of zombies, they hit me pretty bad to the point where I had like 1k blood remaining and it was decreasing by the second. I know my blood type and I have a blood bag filled with that amount of blood, as well as a blood transfusion kit. Me and my friend were trying to figure out how to give me a blood transfusion, however we've been unable to work this out. Any advice on how to give someone a blood transfusion on the mod?

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There has been an issue causing it to not work at all without relogging.


If you relog you should be fine, though - remember, however:


Not you need to have it in your inventory, the person giving it to you needs to have it in their inventory.

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There has been an issue causing it to not work at all without relogging.


If you relog you should be fine, though - remember, however:


Not you need to have it in your inventory, the person giving it to you needs to have it in their inventory.

Thanks for the reply man, I will give that a go next time I get on!




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Tip: put the bloodbag and trans-kit in your backpack and let your buddy take it from there. Works easier than dropping it on the ground and picking it up.

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