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Please adjust the damage values soon

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First of all good,im glad you dislike my name don't care tbh..

Unfortunate for you, not me. (;


Second i drop players well over 200 to 300 with 1 shot from a mosin the damage was nerfed but im sure that your aim is fine...

I kill players in one shot with the Mosin from time to time, but they tend to be new spawns. Healthy, geared players take minimum two shots to the chest. A head shot is generally a one shot kill with the Mosin; I've never had any issue with it rendering players unconscious after a head shot.


And last of all the akm damage is a strange thing at times but you still drop players with it over 200 metres with a 4 bullet burst so.

Yep, from time to time. In other instances you'll have to waste half a drum killing someone with it.


Son get some better aim because there's nothing wrong with the hit boxes on this game its the way players are manipulating them just like every other game out there....

Actually, there's plenty wrong with the hit boxes. First of all, they don't start at the silhouette of your body, but rather a few centimetres within it. Secondly, when a player is in motion, whether it's due to de-sync or server lag, bullets registering where you aim when an enemy player is in motion are pretty inaccurate. Two shot bursts aimed at a player's head have yielded blood spurting from said player's legs.


They have made the models a bit smaller,which was due to the KOS aspect that was going on at the start of the game..

The guys model reminds me of the hooded guy in cs now not like the massive hitboxed other player models..

Of this I wouldn't mind a link. I've searched for what you're talking about and haven't found any information pertaining to them making the hit boxes/player models smaller due to a specific type of player behaviour. I can't even find an article pertaining to them changing the sizes at all.

Edited by Grimey Rick

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No, mosin damaged wasn't nerfed. The guys losing headshot kills probably hit the neck or something. Yes, there's a legitimate way to tank headshots of any caliber. No, I am not telling it to you. :^).


My spreadsheet:



The way clothes work is that their heath pools help you absorb health damage, but not blood or shock. Clothes with ballistic protection have a higher health pool against ballistics.


Assuming clothes absorb all health damage, you can find max bullet-to-kill by looking at blood damage (not bleeding). Just divide 5000 blood by the blood taken away by each shot of a cartridge.


For example, the math for 7.62x39 is 5000/593.75 for a maximum b/k of 9 rounds. This is the maximum amount of shots it will take to kill a target using this cartridge if their clothes tank all health damage. Max b/k for all guns is pretty damn high. There are builds in the game that let you absorb most health damage so it takes the max b/k to kill under perfect conditions. I've actually managed to run these builds a few times, and it's damn fun tanking every shot. 

Edited by hotcakes
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Unfortunate for you, not me. (;


I kill players in one shot with the Mosin from time to time, but they tend to be new spawns. Healthy, geared players take minimum two shots to the chest. A head shot is generally a one shot kill with the Mosin; I've never had any issue with it rendering players unconscious after a head shot.


Yep, from time to time. In other instances you'll have to waste half a drum killing someone with it.


Actually, there's plenty wrong with the hit boxes. First of all, they don't start at the silhouette of your body, but rather a few centimetres within it. Secondly, when a player is in motion, whether it's due to de-sync or server lag, bullets registering where you aim when an enemy player is in motion are pretty inaccurate. Two shot bursts aimed at a player's head have yielded blood spurting from said player's legs.


Of this I wouldn't mind a link. I've searched for what you're talking about and haven't found any information pertaining to them making the hit boxes/player models smaller due to a specific type of player behaviour. I can't even find an article pertaining to them changing the sizes at all.

Are you srs dude,its just like cs players models....

And read the patch notes the mosin did get nerfed because players on here where whining bout it b4..

I will try to find it..

And last of all if you cant work out what player model inside Dayz has the smallest hit boxes please for the love of god stop posting because its right there i will not point it out because it will then make it harder for me to kill other players :)

And the reason you have trouble i picked up on 1 bit is the said player knows how to manipulating his boxes by sound of it which leaves me this do you want him to stand still for you?

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Are you srs dude,its just like cs players models....

The hit boxes in Counter-Strike (both Source and Global Offensive) are much more consistent than DayZ's.


And read the patch notes the mosin did get nerfed because players on here where whining bout it b4..

I will try to find it..

The Mosin didn't get nerfed, the implementation of items within articles of clothing absorbing ballistic damage is what sent the Mosin's damage askew. In my opinion, a box of matches isn't going to protect you against a 7.62x54mm (51mm in DayZ) round with a muzzle velocity of ~2,800ft/s.


And last of all if you cant work out what player model inside Dayz has the smallest hit boxes please for the love of god stop posting because its right there i will not point it out because it will then make it harder for me to kill other players :)

...what? I don't understand what you're getting at here. I know of no changes to the models pertaining to size, just alterations to various animations. Please elaborate.


And the reason you have trouble i picked up on 1 bit is the said player knows how to manipulating his boxes by sound of it which leaves me this do you want him to stand still for you?

I guess you misunderstood my point. I was bringing notice to the fact that you can shoot someone in the face (for all intents and purposes) with your gun zeroed properly and you'll [sometimes] somehow magically hit them in the legs. I've got almost 1,200 hours logged in the Standalone so far, most of which were spent sniping, so I do know what does and doesn't feel right as far as game mechanics. The results of some shots are completely ridiculous.

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The hit boxes in Counter-Strike (both Source and Global Offensive) are much more consistent than DayZ's.


The Mosin didn't get nerfed, the implementation of items within articles of clothing absorbing ballistic damage is what sent the Mosin's damage askew. In my opinion, a box of matches isn't going to protect you against a 7.62x54mm (51mm in DayZ) round with a muzzle velocity of ~2,800ft/s.


...what? I don't understand what you're getting at here. I know of no changes to the models pertaining to size, just alterations to various animations. Please elaborate.


I guess you misunderstood my point. I was bringing notice to the fact that you can shoot someone in the face (for all intents and purposes) with your gun zeroed properly and you'll [sometimes] somehow magically hit them in the legs. I've got almost 1,200 hours logged in the Standalone so far, most of which were spent sniping, so I do know what does and doesn't feel right as far as game mechanics. The results of some shots are completely ridiculous.

So in Source they are all the same player models are they?

there not,but i havnt played the last but from what ive seen there are different player models in that as well..

Do you know anything about player meshing and how it is don't and how it relates to hit boxes?

Because from the way you are talking it seems you don't..

Just like how a house conforms to the surface in the game world the boxes are sort of the same they need to be wrapped nicely...

And different player models have different hitboxes,you cant just use the same for every player model,it would be insane..

So you don't need to adjust when sighted in on a target that is over 400 metres you just shoot where the cross hair is?

No,so why isnt there bullet deviation?

Maybe what your seeing is that there is...

Even in the real world no 2 shots are perfect...

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So in Source they are all the same player models are they?

there not,but i havnt played the last but from what ive seen there are different player models in that as well..

Do you know anything about player meshing and how it is don't and how it relates to hit boxes?

Because from the way you are talking it seems you don't..

Just like how a house conforms to the surface in the game world the boxes are sort of the same they need to be wrapped nicely...

And different player models have different hitboxes,you cant just use the same for every player model,it would be insane..

So you don't need to adjust when sighted in on a target that is over 400 metres you just shoot where the cross hair is?

No,so why isnt there bullet deviation?

Maybe what your seeing is that there is...

Even in the real world no 2 shots are perfect...


In Counter-Strike Source and Global Offensive, each model uses a different skin but they all share the same hit boxes. If they didn't, everyone would just use the model with the smallest hit boxes. The skins are aesthetic only.


Even in DayZ, I'm 99% sure that the male and female skins use the same base model and hit boxes. If they didn't, again, everyone would just play whatever model was smallest. I don't have a link or anything to verify that, but when my wife's character stands next to mine, her female character is the same height as my male character.


The original point that was being made was how random the hit boxes are and how the AKM has a seemingly large range of damage. I'm not sure how this got so off-track.

Edited by Grimey Rick

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So in Source they are all the same player models are they?

there not,but i havnt played the last but from what ive seen there are different player models in that as well..

Do you know anything about player meshing and how it is don't and how it relates to hit boxes?

Because from the way you are talking it seems you don't..

Just like how a house conforms to the surface in the game world the boxes are sort of the same they need to be wrapped nicely...

And different player models have different hitboxes,you cant just use the same for every player model,it would be insane..

So you don't need to adjust when sighted in on a target that is over 400 metres you just shoot where the cross hair is?

No,so why isnt there bullet deviation?

Maybe what your seeing is that there is...

Even in the real world no 2 shots are perfect...


From the way YOU'RE talking it seems to me you don't know that the foundation and scope of the two engines is substantially different. Furthermore you also can't prove that the AKM damage rangei is so wide so you're posting things that have ABSOLUTELY NO RELEVANCY TO THE FACT.


You're posting non-sensical and non-related things that have NOTHING to do with what this post is about, while providing absolutely nothing of value or merit to the discussion. Who the hell cares if there are different player models in Source games? Most of the competitive ones don't and there's nothing that fact has to do with any of what's being discussed here.


Dayz SA has weird, laggy hit detection and that's no secret to anyone (hint: this is not the topic of discussion), however it's easy to see when you land a headshot on a still target, and it's easy to verify that you indeed hit the head when you check the corpse after confirming. It's also easy to see that the said target is unconcious and only his wool helmet is ruined. See? THAT's factual information, I don't go on about how you can or can't hit anything or what range I'm zeroing.. unlike you, I have a precise thing to discuss and a list of details and events that I've personally been part of. You have nothing but "lol get better son" and "in the real world no 2 shots are perfect" .. try to wrap your head around that.

Edited by Infiltrator

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In Counter-Strike Source and Global Offensive, each model uses a different skin but they all share the same hit boxes. If they didn't, everyone would just use the model with the smallest hit boxes. The skins are aesthetic only.


Even in DayZ, I'm 99% sure that the male and female skins use the same base model and hit boxes. If they didn't, again, everyone would just play whatever model was smallest. I don't have a link or anything to verify that, but when my wife's character stands next to mine, her female character is the same height as my male character.


The original point that was being made was how random the hit boxes are and how the AKM has a seemingly large range of damage. I'm not sure how this got so off-track.

Is that why in cs players used the small guys with the orange jumper all the time....

The reason i know was because there was a console command over 10 years ago that showed you what the hit boxes looked like,and they where boexes allrite..

The hit boxes are meshed to the player model there if its is smaller they are smaller because of the model being wrapped..

The engines are different but the way

the problem will go when there is some form of lag compensation smoothness put in,because at the moment the hitboxes can be so out of whack its not funny,but at times there perfect..games are being built remain the same....

Nobody has said the akm damage is wide but use the search function because there was a player here asking if it was bugged the damage that is because of how easy the gun kills even at range,,..

You missed the point of the whole thing ive been saying tbh,because you cant grasp the fact that players KNOW how to screw there hitboxes up,and you think its the damage that needs to be upped..

And last of all you seem to think that dysnc has little effect on any other things i have mentioned well guess what there all tied together derp..

Oh the last part of your statement goes to what im saying,there are round about measurements you can use to see the metres to target,i use it others use it but seems you dont...

Edited by babypuncher71

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If they didn't, everyone would just use the model with the smallest hit boxes. The skins are aesthetic only.


Even in DayZ, I'm 99% sure that the male and female skins use the same base model and hit boxes. If they didn't, again, everyone would just play whatever model was smallest. I don't have a link or anything to verify that


I was trying to find in google Arma 2 or 3 or DayZ hit boxes models but no results.


So pro PvPers playing black females must be just a coincidence ;)


But I found this:


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I was trying to find in google Arma 2 or 3 or DayZ hit boxes models but no results.


So pro PvPers playing black females must be just a coincidence ;)


But I found this:


Ahhh a man who knows how to use Google,thank kind sir have my beans..

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