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XMortX (DayZ)

Noob question lol

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Hey guys,

I'm trying to decide what to buy first?

Iv been looking on steam and arma 2 is £7.99 and dayz mod is free and the standalone alpha is £19.99!

So which should I get?

I love the idea of the base building and trade etc in the mod but the standalone is.... The standalone lol

I'll get the standalone anyway but I thought it may be easier to train on the mod as it's more complete?

Cheers guys

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Hey guys,

I'm trying to decide what to buy first?

Iv been looking on steam and arma 2 is £7.99 and dayz mod is free and the standalone alpha is £19.99!

So which should I get?

I love the idea of the base building and trade etc in the mod but the standalone is.... The standalone lol

I'll get the standalone anyway but I thought it may be easier to train on the mod as it's more complete?

Cheers guys


Quote from steam:

The Day Z Mod requires both Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrowhead. For the best experience (including high detail textures for all models used in the DayZ Mod) purchase Arma II: Complete Collection.

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So why the complete collection and not the combined operations? May seem like a stupid question but I just bought a new laptop specifically to play dayz (needed a new one anyway lol just needed a reason) and I want the best first experience of the game and the best to re comment to my mates that are considering the game! Just figuring out the best options for first time players of arma and dayz seems difficult :)

Thanks again

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So why the complete collection and not the combined operations? May seem like a stupid question but I just bought a new laptop specifically to play dayz (needed a new one anyway lol just needed a reason) and I want the best first experience of the game and the best to re comment to my mates that are considering the game! Just figuring out the best options for first time players of arma and dayz seems difficult :)

Thanks again



combined operations is an add on for arma 2. You need arma 2 plus combined operations at a minimum to play the mod as far as I know.


I'm not an expert though. I've only played the standalone. I wouldn't like you to spend cash on arma 2 and then have the shock that you needed to buy more stuff before you could play the dayz mod.


There's far more experienced players on here. I'm sure they'll chime in. Good luck.

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Okay well thankyou for your help anyway!

A little closer to the solution from your information anyway so thanks for that :)

Laptop arrives tomorrow so wanna jump in lol


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So why the complete collection and not the combined operations? May seem like a stupid question but I just bought a new laptop specifically to play dayz (needed a new one anyway lol just needed a reason) and I want the best first experience of the game and the best to re comment to my mates that are considering the game! Just figuring out the best options for first time players of arma and dayz seems difficult :)

Thanks again



Sorry to tell you buddy, but it sounds like you've set your expectations far too high for this Alpha. If you want the best first experience possible, I'd suggest waiting until the Standalone reaches final release state. It is an incomplete game in early development at the moment and if you jump in expecting the most perfectly polished realism simulator the world has ever seen, you're gonna be sorely disappointed.


-For now maybe play the mod. Still not perfect, but at least not as full with bugs and glitches as the SA.

Edited by zeeabo

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Okay well thankyou for your help anyway!

A little closer to the solution from your information anyway so thanks for that :)

Laptop arrives tomorrow so wanna jump in lol



Jump into the standalone. 



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The mod has about 3,000,002 more bugs than the standalone.


I stand corrected. Never actually played the mod, just assumed based on how much longer it's been in development. Man, no wonder everyone's so pissed at the devs lol I thought they at least had something decent to play while the SA is alpha :P

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I know the standalone is still alpha and iv watched loads of vids on it so I know its basic but I'd still enjoy it I think, but I'm asking both as training myself in the game and as a multiplayer experience for me and my hopefully 'hero' friends lol

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Core i5 3230m, 6gb ddr3 1600mhz, GeForce gt 740m


You'll be able to play standalone. For reference I have an i7/gtx570m and it's playable. I get about 60fps in the countryside and mainly over 30 fps in cities (with some exceptions)

Edited by freethink

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I thought it should play them as the graphics card is a reasonable dx11 card and the processor is again reasonable :)

Not sure what the fps actually relates too ( I know its frames per second) as I'm generally a console gamer lol is 30fps playable?

Edited by XMortX

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yep frames per second. I find if i'm getting below 30 it starts to feel like it's stuttering but above that it's fine.


It I had to choose between paying a minimum of 20 euros for the mod or a few quid more for the sa then it'd be sa every time. Nothing against the mod.

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Yeah that's exactly what I'm trying to weigh up lol but it seems there's more to do except survive in the mod? As I said I'll be getting the SA anyway just wondering if I should get the mod now and wait 6-12 months until the SA is more complete to transfer over to that?

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There are pros and cons to both.

The Mod is a pain in the ass for a first time user to set up (especially if you're coming from a console background) and steam doesn't handle it well (i use DayZCommander to mitigate some of the headaches) there are also mods of the mod, Epoch, Overwatch, etc. and different servers to filter through depending on which mod you use.
The mod also has possibly the worst inventory interface ive ever used, and until you are used to it it will be a complete nightmare, this is also throwing in all the additional controls you'll need to quickly get used to using (I've got an MMO7 mouse and a G13 gameboard all configured and use most of my binds in tandem with the keyboard, so there are a LOT of controls to get your head around)

Both are badly optimized, so don't expect it to run great at this point. The Standalone wins here because its still being actively developed so performance "should" increase eventually.

The Standalones interface is also far better, still clunky but far more usable and intuitive.

Where the standalone falls down is content, there really isn't much, so you're gaming phases at this point is 1: get healthy 2: get geared. 3: pvp rinse repeat. Where as in certain mods you can focus on establishing a base, or building vehicles, or trading. Those are not in the SA yet.

For a new user coming from a console, id suggest the Standalone, simply because its actively developed and its far less painful to set up and use, giving you time to focus on getting used to the control interface. sure theres less to do in the grand scheme but that is all set to change.

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Those mods you speak of... Like epoch..... Do the cost to download too? Or are they third party patches?

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Also I know that this is probably a bad move and I'll regret it but I'm going to go for the dayz mod to start with, I think that it's base building etc will have me more satisfied initially lol (I like safety) so are there any guides or tips to get the most from the mod? I'd also like to stress that I'll probably get the standalone in a few weeks when I'm paid so I'll have both anyway :)

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Also I'm worried if I find out there's little to do in the standalone I may get bored and not play it anymore and I'd rather that didn't happen as the game looks awesome lol

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Sorry for the delayed response, Epoch and the like are completely free, just like the DayZ mod.
If you go down the mod route, get hold of DayZ Commander  and it'll let you download the mod (and others), keep them up to date, and let you filter through servers. It simplifies the experience and makes it almost painless.
But id suggest the SA over the mod any day of the week ;)

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Also I'm worried if I find out there's little to do in the standalone I may get bored and not play it anymore and I'd rather that didn't happen as the game looks awesome lol


You should buy the standalone to support the development if you have the money. With the introduction of hunting the SA has plenty to do, it does get a bit boring but it's still playable and new stuff is frequently added, it's quite fun going on an adventure to find the new weapons or whatever added.

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I have said above that ill buy the standalone anyway so I'm buying both but I have bought the mod already and having fun on epoch with dayzC right now :) on payday I'll be buying the standalone (2 weeks) :)

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