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My huge suggestion list (long topic)

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After playing DayZ since it was only a patchless server with only fog, night and not even zombie on Arma 2, i come to make my suggestion list based on DayZ Standalone.
This is a huge post you are warned !

Sorry if i don't use the search button like rules say about it, but this is a multi suggestion post, and i'll profit that it will be a long post to go deeper into details about some idea, which standard short and single feature suggestion post don't do.


Before anything, i perfectly know that this is an early access and a lot of things WILL change until the final release which even will probably not stop to evolving !


The resumed list here :

[1] Singleplayer mode and local host mode which both allow to have way more zombies and others testing + many people want this.

[2] More clientside decisions for a lot of features mainly about inventory to avoid slow inventory action, server check client and more server power to zombies/anti cheats and things like this.

[3] Spawn protection that allow to "fix" the issue of people that change server for take object, lets them take it without waste object while they change to another server.

[4] Better character management, including multiple character, possibility to delete/kill one and manage standard/hardcore one and why not even object shortcuts.

[5] More type of bow (recurve, long, compound etc) and multiple types of arrow and arrow crafting with several objects + quiver that can be fit outside a backpack.

[6] Alternative hunting weapons like blowgun, slingshot, appeals, traps, spear, boomerang (both as weapon and appeal)

[7] Use cloth as source of sewing material (ruined or not) + the sewing kit (that will not be consumed) to fix any cloth, ruined or not, and actually not fixable things such as tactical vest fixable if we find another one, turn any cloth in rag with sewing kit, consume cloth while using to repair another one and get yarn from them that can be use to craft others things..

[8] Small object such as pen, can opener, small number of bullets and things like this take too much place compare to canned food (which could be a standard for inventory slot size i think) we will see when the new inventory system will be here, but small object need to take less place, for those object it should use weight rather than size.

more equipment slot, legs holster, quiver, third weapon (such as hunting/fishing, or tools like axe or shovel) all in plus of actuals equipments, not as a replacement.

Bigger inside for protector case/first aid kit, a new medium model with 3×2 outside & 6×2 inside or change of actual one to 5×2 inside, ammo box that can carry weapons accesory.

[9] General inventory weight that allow compensation for those who have lot of equipments, run slower and consume more kalories/energy but not prevent heavily equiped people.

[10] Survival tools (combined one like mix compass, flashlight, lighter and more) that can be found on houses/appartments (well hidden) and in shops.

[11] Less paper and real steel axe, reduce conciderably axe damage while cutting wood.

Hunting store, foldable fishing rod.

[1] After playing long time to DayZ Standalone, the first thing that come in my mind was.
The game NEED, not just it will be a fun addition, but really NEED a single player mode !
Why ? first, cause their is nothing that have say that surviving should only be online, Fallout, S.T.A.L.K.E.R or even Skyrim with survival mods prove it !

Second, well a lot of people actually in fact want to play alone, fine for them, BUT cause they can't, they make their own "private" server to play alone, which result to the stupid list of server full of "don't join" "join = kick" "clan server only" "join = character reset" and all others things like this which pollute server list, make hard to find a good server and finally cause a waste of server themselves that could be used for normal/better game hosting rather than this !
It will also expend customers range, cause a lot of people can't or don't want to play online.
And finally it will be really nice to have this for the Beta Testing, how many time i was killed cause i was trying something, such as bow or anything and i was able to finish it cause of a player that kill me before.
Lets be honest, we shouldn't play a alpha/beta game, we should test it, but almost no one really do that, tester is a job where we are paid for after all, single player, mainly if it don't share the same character than online one, will absolutely cause NO ISSUE to the online game, in fact it will improve it by reducing the useless clan and private servers.

Based on this concept local hosting for clan server should be also available, which mean single player AND private server without interfering public players.

It can add a huge value for the testing aspect of this early access game, solve a lot of issues and help to test a huge new range of things, including really big number of zombies (which will in single player and private servers hosted in local like in Arma compensate the missing presence of players) which can even show issues with zombies AI that can't be see with small number of them in the same place for example.


[2] About multiplayer, several others suggestions are in my list :

Less server side decisions, what about more client side users actions, this is really bad to always have to wait for the server to lets us split or use objects, the server should rather than this be used for check if their is no cheats, watch what player do, if it is correct, it stay local for more things, but when the action is not normal, like the player take object that the server don't have, nor don't have here, the anti cheat check should check game integrity, it will give more freedom to player and reduce hack/cheats.


[3] Better switcher protections, actually, while changing server, we have to wait 99 seconds, i understand that this is probably for avoid those who always change servers but say in the same area such as airbase, the issue is that even 5 minutes waiting won't change anything, but it is really boring to wait when we change server for another reason, not for find more loot as possible, but cause server show endless "please wait" or show day time and we end up in night time or anything that can be comprehensible in our choice to switch, mainly when its caused by a bug...

And the most boring thing, for me it is not to be killed, i have no issue with it, but be killed after having check if the area is safe for 20 minutes, start exploring, and get killed cause someone just spawn in the area...Or don't find any object, not cause someone have take them before, but cause someone have take them and change server, this is bad and boring...

Thats why some special things should be done, such as when someone just connect, if their is a player whiting a 2/3 km radius, or if he don't interact with others player and have spend less than...basically the time it need to check object on airfield, this player should only be a ghost, no interaction, and every items he have taking should be only manipulate for him, not for others, but if someone else enter in the same are,, except another "ghost" all this action should really be reflected to others player, but not before.

Or make them respawn after the guy is leaving but in this case he will not be able to see the object he have interacted with and which is consumed/taken.

Anyway a single player mode will probably reduce the number of people that do it !


[4] I know this is already stated, but character management should be nice, mainly the possibility to DELETE a character to start over, when we are in the middle of nowhere, we have broken legs, nothing for fix it and no way to jump for suicide, i don't see anyone trying to make a 2 km trip crawling for this, it will take an eternity and most of the time it will be better to start over, but having several characters can only be a good things, anyways the players/character data are client side, it don't cost anything more to the server to do this !


[5] For the gameplay side, well, new weapons such as compound bow are already asked, which is nice, and arrow crafting probably as well, but i want to give my idea about it :

I know that bow have advantage to lets player take back arrow, but how many are lost cause of bugs or anything else ?
We should have several way to craft them, making different arrow that can deal more or less damage, such as natural wood and feather.

Like this : http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Natural-Bow-and-Arrow

BUT sharped stone and feather are not the only way (feather and sharping stone will be a pain i think), use paper rather than feather, or bones rather than stone or just the sharped wood itself can give nice arrow !

And it will give new interest to the paper page and books in the game !
Unlike blank one for write we don't care about what is write on for make the tail of an arrow for example, which mean way more paper from books !

Stones or bones arrow should have more damage than wood one, but bones one have less durability, but a bone can be found more easily, while hunting, dead zombies or player as well.

Of course the best one (more precision/damage/durability) is the composite one, but it is not craftable and pretty rare !

Anyway PLEASE don't make arrow a pain to find/craft, such as arrow only based on very rare materials, bow and crossbow are already disadvantaged enough next to guns.
As well of the quiver...
The one that is directly put and attack to the bow (compound or crossbow) have most of the time 4/5 arrow slots, but the one we put in our back or in our hips can easily fit 12 or more (the hips or back quiver should NOT be a replacement of any equipment but have its own slots, we already missing too much place...) it can work with this idea : http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172527-new-modular-military-backpack/ .


[6] Alternative weapons such as blowgun or slingshot for hunting can be nice !
But some accessory such as appeals or boomerang which can be alternatively using for make a noise while flying and while passing behind prey, make them run in the direction of the hunter should be nice, also their is more lethal boomerang which is using for hurt or kill preys, boomerang should only use animation of course, not a real flight, and just drop down while touching something but most of the time it should come back and we can catch it, the rest of the time it fail and drop near to us and we have to find it back, it will be both fun, realistic and in plus it have a real interest for hunting, it should be craftable.

It can be used with action menu to work as an appeal (look at the prey and it will flight behind it and make it run in our dirrection) and "fire" for a moral use for example.


[7] About crafting, what about, while using the sewing kit, we can use it in combination with any others cloth that we just tear apart every times which don't "consume" the kit, we use the cloth for take yarn and part of fabric, also the yarn can be used for a lot of things such as crafting arrow, for the fishing rod or anything else that can come later in the game such as traps for example.

And some of the actual object that the sewing kit cannot fix can be with this able to be fixed but only if we have another similar object, AND ruined cloth should still be used as a source of material.


[8] Also the issue is that now we have more and more object but the inventory place don't grow, some object, should take less place, after all how many can opener we need to occupy the same place as a can ? We need to put a lot of them next each others for do this, i know a new inventory system was announced, but we need more place, or some really small object should take less place !
And we should have at least one more slot for equipments, a legs holster that can fit a revolver/pistol with one or two mags in plus.
By the way, object in holsters/back should be fast access and object pockets take a little more time and finally those in backpack should take more time.
Holster should not only be the one who replace the tactical vest, i can wear a tactical vest + a legs holster.

Another back slot should be available, now that we need several types of objects, but a special slot only, for things like bow/crossbow, fishing rob, shovel or anything else like this.

Something that should have a primary use other than fight, but which take a ridiculously too big place inside our backpack to be really acceptable to carry it.

Also things like small protector case should have more slot inside, same for first aid kit, i have a small one and i can fit way more than what we have in Dayz inside if a push a little and without broke anything of course, cause in plus of bandage we also need to carry medicaments, or maybe another protector case which take 6×2 outside but have 5×2 inside like the ammo box and same for the first aid kit that switch from the really small one to the big one which can permit to carry way more inside 5×2 or maybe 6×2 for protector and first aid kit (after all they will take 3×2 outside rather than 2×2)

Also Ammo box should lets us carry more than bullets, accessory such as torch, suppressor and stuff like this should also fit inside !

If you look for Ammo Box on google image you can find various image of people putting various things inside it, after all it take less place inside it than just drop as a mess inside a backpack !


[9] I know i know i ask for way more place, but way more items will come with the time and for those who play alone, even with a specialized equipment, it become really hard to fit everything, some object take more place than real life one.
Some are long but really small diameters such as a simple pen for example that consume same place than a can.
In compensation of all this things, weight should be present in the game, for example those who want to become a walking mule, okay no problems, they can, but they won't be fast as a player with less object on him AND consume more energy, some times small object cause trouble in this game cause they are weightless, small, but still take too much place !

A kitchen knife for example, even if he have the same length than two can, is not big as a can, and can't take the same place !

Cooking Pot for example are a pain to carry, cause it took huge place and unlike real one we can't fit things inside to reduce his place, in real life rather than drop potato or apple in the middle of nowhere inside the backpack, it will be better to put them inside the cooking pot which will become both a containers to help us to save place and seem more legit for carry food !


[10] More survival object should also come, such as the popular combo flashlight, compass, clock and many others things like knife, can opener and more !

With the future new design action menu it can be nice to have multiple usage object, realistic, save place and fun/immersive !

I encourage you to learn about magnesium lighter, this is a nice small thing !

In real life i think it will be easier to find survival gear rather than military gear, they will be unlike military which is mainly concentrated in main military area diceminated in house and markets, but in case of apocalypse it will be easier to find some of them inside house, forgotten or the house owner dead before take this object, military stuff will be used by soldiers and rushed by suvivors and in fact survival gear can be better than military one.

The following links are NOT ads, i don't know at all the product except one which i don't care about, just a good example for the KIND of things, not the product itself.
The popular swiss army knife ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_Army_knife

And others survival tools such as this : http://www.stanleylondon.com/survivalbinocs.htm

Or another perfect example here : http://www.dx.com/p/10-in-1-outdoors-survival-mini-kit-whistle-compass-magnifier-led-flashlight-more-33438 i have this one, the light weak but the thing is not huge, smaller than a matchbox, it is harder to light fire with his small magnesium lighter but this is a small and really nice thing in fact !

Or this : http://www.precisionproducts.us/A444SS-9-IN-1-Mini-Survival-Shovel-w-Carring-Ca-p/a444ss.htm for example, which is the perfect example if irl place saving object + multitasking (if we are hunter/fisherman) rather than have to loose 90% of our backpack for a shovel and a axe for having work and be able to make fireplace/craft, a lot of various combined tools like this should be available, some only include axe and shovel, others also have knife/small machete, others like this one have all this tools etc.


[11] About axe, i think you could think about reducing TREMENDOUSLY the axe damage while cutting wood, but SERIOUSLY !
Imagine the actual world if woodcutter needed to change axe every 3 threes they cut...
Seriously you can use axe hundreds and probably thousand of times without even need to sharp up it again, imagine if while splitting wood you need every 3 firewood to sharp it, what a pain it will be, and you need a sharping stone for sharp it again which require again a inventory slot, axe are MADE for cut through wood object, both the splitting and the firefighter axe which IMHO more durable i think.
So damage the axe and make it less able to kill zombie and cut wood without sharp it again why not, but at the point that it can be ruined, mainly for that so small amount of wood, seriously it should not even be implemented, sharp it with a stone damage it more than cutting wood in fact, if you keep this feature, probably you will NEED to reduce the damage, for something like 50/100 three before it come from pristine to worn and even more from worn to damaged, cause i don't see how wood can "damage" an axe, and be able to sharp it back to worn state !


I have a lot of others suggestions but the topic is already long enough and full of almost too much suggestions, and i have point out the most important aspect.
Of course things like be able to move while changing weapons/eating is probably already asked, but what about the fact to use some object without need to leave object from our hand, i'm sure everyone where is able to drink water from fountain while holding a gun in hands, who need to drop pistol from hand to drink from bottle, canteen or can or even heat a banana or an apple, others one hand actions and even moving while doing this !


And my last suggestion is, what about doing something for having community added objects, i don't talk about moddings, lets me explain.
A lot of objects are missing and a lot are asked, and others are even necessary, but i know that 3D artist can't do a ridiculously huge amount of object and the animations that come with, testing them and adding slot + data are already a huge work, so what about, community making object and the best one are selected and official integrated into the game, it can be project between some sort of "officials modders" and devs or contest with free key to win (to offers to our friend for example) or anything like this for the one who make the best model and the best animations (while keeping a performances friendly model, more fidel and nicely done than high poly everywhere) and make them integrated into the game, which can permit to get a HUGE number of new objects without interrupting the actual development.


I hope my suggestion will help and really hope it will be taken in consideration !

Demongornot !


Ps : What about hunting store where we can find civil (only) weapons, gun equipment (civil and military), new sort of bow, crossbow, ammo, survival tools and stuff like this such as future tents and others special equipments also including special fishing and hunting gears/weapons/accessory ?

What about a folding fishing rod that don't take more place than a waterbottle inside the inventory, have a lot of advantages to the crafted one but who CAN'T be using for fight ?

Edited by Demongornot

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tl;dr did you consider breaking these into separate suggestions so they could be commented on separately and discussed by the community?  I might read this if I had a spare 2 hours.

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Maybe you could sort out your post?(op)


Highlight (bold text) the suggestions and ad a " : " sign after them, then put your explaination, it makes it easyer to read.




suggestion 1: explanation

suggestion 2: explanation


Because people are not tend to read a wall of text. This way they scroll to sections of their interest and anticipate on that.

Edited by Mark Darkers
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  On 7/5/2014 at 9:19 PM, Rigor Mortis said:

tl;dr did you consider breaking these into separate suggestions so they could be commented on separately and discussed by the community?  I might read this if I had a spare 2 hours.

Haha we must have posted exactly at the same time, your comment poppet up as soon as I placed mine.

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What you should do is add, at the bottom of your post, a basic outline (1-3 sentences) of each suggestion, to make it easier for users. 


Nice job.

Edited by Inception.

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Yes please sort them out. Just do bullet points for each suggestion. I was gonna read it but it hurt my eyes to see those paragraphs.

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Yeah not gonna read it until you bother to format your wall of text properly. The board has a bunch of BB codes. Use them.

Edited by Powerhouse

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Here everyone !
I have create a shorter sum of features and add some bold and underline inside it and use a [x] system to find more easily


@quantum2k6 thanks for the link but seriously ?

Your game look too much arcade, it feel like a survival COD, weapon don't seam to be that realistic, but even if i'm wrong,apparently it is NOT singleplayer, it is stated everywhere that this is a multiplayer, and its NOT released even in alpha yet, its only a concept...

Why NO ?

Actually a lot of people WANT to play DayZ singleplayer, give me a single good reason for this "no" ?
It will change absolutly NOTHING on online game except that it will be better improved cause another testing background will be available which will result in a more stable game, more and better zombies and avoid to see all this "don't join or kick" and "clan only" server everywhere ONLY here cause people WANT singleplayer...
My post is a wall of text BECAUSE i explain deeply into details features and why should we have this, and i have set some good argues about singleplayer...

Have you really read it or just reply after see the word "singleplayer" ?

And i have stated SEPARATE character, so no, people will not be able to loot at airport in singleplayer and comeback in server to kill you will the biggest equipment they can find !

Mainly now as a Early Access game where a lot of features need to be tested/tweaked, have playerless environment will be great for testing without behind interupted.
And a lot of people don't like the issues with server such as disconnection, bad server, lag and slow actions in inventory or get killed for nothing cause we climb and server see us as in air and we get kill by falling from nowhere or things like this...

This is not cause you don't want a feature that will not change anything for you anyway that no one should have it, play in forest will NOT change anything about the list of reason i have state about why singleplayer should be nice, and the number one reason for this is that a huge part of the players want it.

Edited by Demongornot

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