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run with arrow keys

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hi there,
I run with arrow keys, but if I then TAB or press P, then I stop.
Is there a possibility to change this, since I do not use WASD.
Or must be programiert only in game?



Edited by ulli_123

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You said hello twice, I will ignore that!


Why would you use the arrow keys? Are you left handed?


Anyway, you can change the walking/running actions by changing the controls on "Assignments", on the Options menu.

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Well for gameplay reasons, it would be smart to learn yourself use wasd, Dayz and other arma games will use allot of functions, and the amount of buttons around the arrow keys are either limited or further apart to being used properly, with wasd you can assign allot of functions round those buttons for easy and fast acces, this goes for all games. Except if you must (left handed as suggested) in that case maybe purchase a gaming pad razer-nostromo-gallery-1.png

These are uni-handed and have the same button layout as the wasd + easy configurable with hotkeys and more.

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@ TheShine299

I had written that I can run with the arrow keys.
I just can not continue to run when I press P or TAB.



@ Mark darkers
Such posts you can save you.


And if I'm right-handed or left does not matter.
it's all about how I can continue to run with the arrow keys even if I press TAB or P.

Edited by ulli_123

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What actions are your TAB and P keys assigned to? It sounds like these actions are locking out the arrow keys for movement.


I can run around just fine with WASD and TAB as my push-to-talk, it sounds to me like a limitation on the arrow keys.

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