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Ken Bean

Snakes - some thoughts

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How about adding snakes?

They only should be found in woods on sunny places while being slow and very rare in the twilight.

A snake can bite a player, but the bit wont kill him, it would just cause a poisoning, with serious side effects, maybe blacking out, vomiting and loosing orientation.

Snakes could be hunted and besides of leather a player could collect poison to treat throwing knifes or bolts and arrows with.

Zeds could react on poison as well, maybe by getting blind or losing orientation or something like that.

It also would be a nice addition to have an abilitity to catch snakes e.g. in a burlap sack (which should be quite a bit dangerous and difficult). A player could collect poison multiple times from snakes that were cought instead of once in case of being dead.


What do you think?


It could be a way to provide a range of non-leathal weapons.


The poisoning effect should not be lethal, but could look like this:

The poison is pretty fast, lets say you have between two or five minutes untill you black out for a while. In this two minutes, your vision is slowly is fading, your ability to hear is being reduced, your character starts breathing heavily, is slowing down more and more... ---> it should not be an instant black out. You still should have a limited time to react and to try to get away, to hide a bit or maybe fight. The player should feel a struggle and should have a chance to fall blacked out in a "save place".


Maybe Zeds even ignore poisoned player for the time the poisoning is in effect.





Sorry for bad English and a very similar suggestion already has been made. His suggestion focuses on deadly poisoning and that's why I suggested this slightely different version.

Edited by Ken Bean
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A very intreasting article i found: http://science.education.nih.gov/animalresearch.nsf/Story1/Making+Medicines+from+Poisonous+Snakes

It seems that in small doses snake venom can be treated as medicine for various conditions.

It would be cool if we could milk the snake's poison and use it like that. :)

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I like it - the woods should be a bit scarier than what it is now.  It's safer to go into the depths of the forest than it is to visit a farmhouse right now.


I think spiders and scorpions should be added as well... you might not even see them, you might just walk through a web and have a random chance to get bitten.  For scorpions you should be able to find one in a shoe or backpack if you don't check prior to putting them on.

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Would aggressive, poisonous snakes and scorpions and such exist in Chernarus? Even if they do, my understanding is that snakes tend to avoid people.


Taking snake venom is an interesting idea, though boiling down poisonous mushrooms or something would probably fit the setting better.

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Not a bad idea. However, I think it should have like a 5% chance of causing death if not treated in like 5 minutes.


I think effects should be:

-Extreme weapon sway

-Audio/Video distortions

-Slower Speeds


-Highly increase neccesity for food, and water

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They could decide on a specific type of snake to be common to the region and have that type of antivenom available in the hospitals and clinics.

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