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U.S.A. (Western) temporary military base site for western military goods

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With the new update removing m4's from the military bases and making military loot generally rarer and harder to find, which I believe is a step in the right direction, I  still think, however, that there should be at least 1 temporary-type military compound that contains US or Western grade military loot like the m4 and other gear.


Now the reason I saying this is because, although finding helicopters is not all that bad, it takes significantly LONGER to find them, which requires hours upon hours of tracking. Other gear like the mp5k, for example, you can go to the police station and basically camp it out till the sever resets or server hop. And unlike any other weapons in the game, all of sudden m4 ammo is significantly harder to find as well, which makes the game much more frustrating when you all of a sudden die and lose your m4.


Now I still believe that military loot should be rare, which promotes the use of other weapons, such bow & arrows or that shitty blaze rifle, but I think it would make sense if the developers implement a small temporary-type military base (consisting mostly of tents and one normal building converted into a military control center) that the US army normally uses when responding to emergencies (think hurricane sandy or something like that). I believe it would logical and would justify the the presence of US helicopter crash sites in Russia, because like in the movies, the US would establish temporary military bases to respond to (and in this situation try to study) the viral outbreak in Russia. The military base could also contain small medical tents where the US army brought in patients to study or run experiments on. This would also fit into the developers push to make player explore the entire map, b/c it would make sense to find a small foreign temporary military base in the remote wilderness (no roads leading to it whatsoever), if that foreign military was trying to study the outbreak while at the same time distancing themselves from populous regions. I could easily see one of those run down castles being converted into a temporary US center of control for their military. 


I ultimately believe this would bring some balance to weapon hunting, b/c as stated before if you know the general spawn locations of the mp5k or akm, you could go to that place on the map and camp it out. Helis, on the other hand, are random and only spawn at 3 locations per server restate. My opinion might change if bicycles are added in the future, but right now finding the m4 is way out of balance when compared to other rare weapons.


(FYI, i just fell off a ladder and some1 stole my m4 (took me about 5 hours to find with the upgraded attachments) from my dead body b4 i could loot it, which is why this may sound bias)


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With the new update removing m4's from the military bases and making military loot generally rarer and harder to find, which I believe is a step in the right direction, I  still think, however, that there should be at least 1 temporary-type military compound that contains US or Western grade military loot like the m4 and other gear.


Now the reason I saying this is because, although finding helicopters is not all that bad, it takes significantly LONGER to find them, which requires hours upon hours of tracking. Other gear like the mp5k, for example, you can go to the police station and basically camp it out till the sever resets or server hop. And unlike any other weapons in the game, all of sudden m4 ammo is significantly harder to find as well, which makes the game much more frustrating when you all of a sudden die and lose your m4.


Now I still believe that military loot should be rare, which promotes the use of other weapons, such bow & arrows or that shitty blaze rifle, but I think it would make sense if the developers implement a small temporary-type military base (consisting mostly of tents and one normal building converted into a military control center) that the US army normally uses when responding to emergencies (think hurricane sandy or something like that). I believe it would logical and would justify the the presence of US helicopter crash sites in Russia, because like in the movies, the US would establish temporary military bases to respond to (and in this situation try to study) the viral outbreak in Russia. The military base could also contain small medical tents where the US army brought in patients to study or run experiments on. This would also fit into the developers push to make player explore the entire map, b/c it would make sense to find a small foreign temporary military base in the remote wilderness (no roads leading to it whatsoever), if that foreign military was trying to study the outbreak while at the same time distancing themselves from populous regions. I could easily see one of those run down castles being converted into a temporary US center of control for their military. 


I ultimately believe this would bring some balance to weapon hunting, b/c as stated before if you know the general spawn locations of the mp5k or akm, you could go to that place on the map and camp it out. Helis, on the other hand, are random and only spawn at 3 locations per server restate. My opinion might change if bicycles are added in the future, but right now finding the m4 is way out of balance when compared to other rare weapons.


(FYI, i just fell off a ladder and some1 stole my m4 (took me about 5 hours to find with the upgraded attachments) from my dead body b4 i could loot it, which is why this may sound bias)

I think its pretty good right now but I feel your pain. when the .45 patch went in I looked for a long time to find an AKM and when I did I made the switch at that time and traded my M4 to a friend for some gear, morphine and ak mags.  Well, the AKM sucked balls compared to the M4. I ditched the AK after I found an SKS and hunted and found three un-looted helicopters in many hours of running around all over the map. In no more than six to eight hours I had an M4, a pristine ACOG, upgraded stock and hand guard,  4 x 40 round mags, 2 x 60 round mags a 30 round mag and 60 loose rounds for the can and a BUIS. I'm packed again. I have everything i need. 


But I know what you are saying there should be more areas that spawn western military gear. I think those should be at three or four random NATO road blocks where  m4 stuff can be found and two or three UN-CDC camps that spawn drugs and medical gear.


if they need to fix something its the agro radius on some zombies. Just today going by a small town at around 300 yards distance three of them detected me while I was squatting in a bush and headed for me at Olympic sprinter speed. I popped them easily with the amphibian when they got close but seriously I was moving carefully from tree to tree in a crouch. Its weird sometimes you can walk up behind them and bash their brains in with a splitting ax. But what the hell its all good. I also had a clown with an SKS and a PU scope bust some caps at me and I ventilated him in seconds with my M4..the M4 is the best. Then I hid his corpse to prevent him from recovering any of his gear.


I say stay off scaffolding and high buildings those things have killed me more than KoS dick heads and snipers combined and there is never any cool loot up there that I can't do without. 

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I think it's good that you no longer have a dedicated place to server hop. :>

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I think it's good that you no longer have a dedicated place to server hop. :>

you mean, like, NWAF

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I think its pretty good right now but I feel your pain. when the .45 patch went in I looked for a long time to find an AKM and when I did I made the switch at that time and traded my M4 to a friend for some gear, morphine and ak mags.  Well, the AKM sucked balls compared to the M4. I ditched the AK after I found an SKS and hunted and found three un-looted helicopters in many hours of running around all over the map. In no more than six to eight hours I had an M4, a pristine ACOG, upgraded stock and hand guard,  4 x 40 round mags, 2 x 60 round mags a 30 round mag and 60 loose rounds for the can and a BUIS. I'm packed again. I have everything i need. 


But I know what you are saying there should be more areas that spawn western military gear. I think those should be at three or four random NATO road blocks where  m4 stuff can be found and two or three UN-CDC camps that spawn drugs and medical gear.


if they need to fix something its the agro radius on some zombies. Just today going by a small town at around 300 yards distance three of them detected me while I was squatting in a bush and headed for me at Olympic sprinter speed. I popped them easily with the amphibian when they got close but seriously I was moving carefully from tree to tree in a crouch. Its weird sometimes you can walk up behind them and bash their brains in with a splitting ax. But what the hell its all good. I also had a clown with an SKS and a PU scope bust some caps at me and I ventilated him in seconds with my M4..the M4 is the best. Then I hid his corpse to prevent him from recovering any of his gear.


I say stay off scaffolding and high buildings those things have killed me more than KoS dick heads and snipers combined and there is never any cool loot up there that I can't do without. 


Whats with the huge sections of a novel that are not related to this topic in anyway? Also FYI the M4 is inferior weapon, thats only best in close combat.

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Now the reason I saying this is because, although finding helicopters is not all that bad, it takes significantly LONGER to find them, which requires hours upon hours of tracking. Other gear like the mp5k, for example, you can go to the police station and basically camp it out till the sever resets or server hop. And unlike any other weapons in the game, all of sudden m4 ammo is significantly harder to find as well, which makes the game much more frustrating when you all of a sudden die and lose your m4.


Worst argument ever

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Worst argument ever


What I was trying to get at is that there should be at least 1 solid spawn point for a particular item loot. Having a solid spawn point, would help players decipher which location of the map they would like to travel to for a particular item of loot. For example, with all other weapons in the game, you typically know where they spawn and can weight the risk, time, & benefits of making that trip. Take for instance the AKM, if I wanted a Akm i know i would have to make a trip to a military site, which would entail weighing the risk of dying, trip time, and the potential of any loot being there. The same doesn't go for m4 spawns anymore. I would literally have to search 50 % of the map to locate a downed chopper, which takes significantly MORE TIME than any finding any other weapon. On top of that the heli sights I've found have only given me 1 mag per sight, which almost makes looking for an m4 totally useless. Also, finding ammo (and the importance of ammo) is going to become much more vital when 100 man servers are up. 


It seems like finding a down heli with a m4 is just dumb luck now, and even if you find it, it may not be worth taking if you get very limited ammo, especially on 100 man severs. If there was a solid spawn point, like a NATO/UN/US base you can go to that location, and if you find ammo or even an m4, making a trip to a downed heli site would be more justifiable.

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I would literally have to search 50 % of the map to locate a downed chopper, which takes significantly MORE TIME than any finding any other weapon.



AKM's and M4's are the high tier weapons, why should they take anything less than that to find? If they were always going to appear somewhere, why have any of the other weapons at all?


It needs to be random for balance we can't all be running around with the best weapons that defeats the point of survival, it's not a war game it's survival you take what you can find and that's that.


Currently what I do when spawning is head right to one of the towns I know and then I know my way to the NWAF and can get fully geared up on the way then get even better gear at the airfield.

It's ridiculously easy as it is this journey takes me like 20 minutes and not once have I failed to find an SKS or Mosin to take along and the only reason I won't find an AKM(obviously used to be M4) is if they've been taken already.


There should never be anywhere where good loot always spawns.

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AKM's and M4's are the high tier weapons, why should they take anything less than that to find? If they were always going to appear somewhere, why have any of the other weapons at all?


It needs to be random for balance we can't all be running around with the best weapons that defeats the point of survival, it's not a war game it's survival you take what you can find and that's that.


Currently what I do when spawning is head right to one of the towns I know and then I know my way to the NWAF and can get fully geared up on the way then get even better gear at the airfield.

It's ridiculously easy as it is this journey takes me like 20 minutes and not once have I failed to find an SKS or Mosin to take along and the only reason I won't find an AKM(obviously used to be M4) is if they've been taken already.


There should never be anywhere where good loot always spawns.


Actually, this is my point exactly. You knew where to head to get the gear and you took into consideration all of the risks associated with that journey. Yes the Akm and m4 are going to be very rare and idc if they only spawn at a particular location 1/100 times, but knowing that heading towards a general location may yield benefits is what makes the game (in part) fun. If all spawn points where totally random, I would have no real motive to travel any deeper in-land and may and stick by the cost and interact with players there. Every weapon besides the m4 has a particular spawn point, which makes the m4 spawning system totally out of balance. Yes make it rare, but give the players at least one location to go to compel them to risk it all and make the journey. 


I guess my main argument is that heading to NWAF to search for an akm may take 2 hrs tops, which may ultimately yield no akm at all. Exploring half the map for a m4 may take 5 hours +, which also may ultimately yield no result at all. Its this out of sync weapon hunting time that I don't agree with.


Now if the downed helis had a special weapon like g35c or some magical sniper rifle, then it would make sense to make them extremely hard to find, random, no particular spawn point, and making the weapon hunting time 5-10hrs. The m4 is not that type of weapon. Its on par with the akm and should accordingly be balanced as such.

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Actually, this is my point exactly. You knew where to head to get the gear and you took into consideration all of the risks associated with that journey. Yes the Akm and m4 are going to be very rare and idc if they only spawn at a particular location 1/100 times, but knowing that heading towards a general location may yield benefits is what makes the game (in part) fun. If all spawn points where totally random, I would have no real motive to travel any deeper in-land and may and stick by the cost and interact with players there. Every weapon besides the m4 has a particular spawn point, which makes the m4 spawning system totally out of balance. Yes make it rare, but give the players at least one location to go to compel them to risk it all and make the journey. 


I guess my main argument is that heading to NWAF to search for an akm may take 2 hrs tops, which may ultimately yield no akm at all. Exploring half the map for a m4 may take 5 hours +, which also may ultimately yield no result at all. Its this out of sync weapon hunting time that I don't agree with.


Now if the downed helis had a special weapon like g35c or some magical sniper rifle, then it would make sense to make them extremely hard to find, random, no particular spawn point, and making the weapon hunting time 5-10hrs. The m4 is not that type of weapon. Its on par with the akm and should accordingly be balanced as such.


Ahhh, I see, you just don't want full randomness for weapon drops?


As in there's not going to be a chance of AKM's spawning in the hospital or on a beach, ridiculous places like that.



I agree with that, they should like 80% spawn in military areas and 20% spawn in other areas like I dunno, cabins, I'm sure some citizens of Chernaus would have owned AK's so there should be a minimal chance of finding them in hunters houses.


Just to be clear for anyone who takes that the wrong way I mean 80% of all AKM drops should be in military areas, not that there should be an 80% chance of them spawning in every hangar or barrack under the sun.


And then M4's should stay as they are I guess since they're slightly better stat wise, I think. Plus they don't fit the setting so heli crashes are good we just need to be able to see them better.

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Ahhh, I see, you just don't want full randomness for weapon drops?


As in there's not going to be a chance of AKM's spawning in the hospital or on a beach, ridiculous places like that.



I agree with that, they should like 80% spawn in military areas and 20% spawn in other areas like I dunno, cabins, I'm sure some citizens of Chernaus would have owned AK's so there should be a minimal chance of finding them in hunters houses.


Just to be clear for anyone who takes that the wrong way I mean 80% of all AKM drops should be in military areas, not that there should be an 80% chance of them spawning in every hangar or barrack under the sun.


And then M4's should stay as they are I guess since they're slightly better stat wise, I think. Plus they don't fit the setting so heli crashes are good we just need to be able to see them better.


There was a thread about this some time ago. What you suggest is about the same thing with the crashsites.

-You usualy find nothing out there, but if you are lucky you find a crash site.

-You usualy find food and clothings in houses, but if you are lucky you find an actual military weapon


My suggestion to this would be to place random corpses of dead military guys in houses/ villages. I think that would be somewhat realistic because the "citizens of Chernaus [..] owned AK's" would most likley used them to defend themselves and not leave them at their dining table ;)


But thats kind of offtopic as I dont think thats what the OP actually wants.

I guess OP basicly wants a place where he knows that kind of weapon can spawn that he wants. Right?

If yes, I dont like this. I like that if you want the M4 (which is right now the most rare and powerfull weapon) you actually have to travel around and search for it everywhere. If you are ok with an AK- go to the airfield. But if you want a M4- search the map!


People who dont just travel from hotspot to hotspot should also get rewarded.

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I think that would be somewhat realistic because the "citizens of Chernaus [..] owned AK's" would most likley used them to defend themselves and not leave them at their dining table ;)


Well, they might have been out shopping or fishing when the zombies attacked, I doubt many Chernausians take their AK to the store :P  should be a "HOLY MOTHER OF BALLS" drop and plus even though it might seem silly you'd still need ammo and attachments for it to be useful.


I like the idea of dead military guys though the game needs more gore for sure, dead military guys with an AK and no clips makes a lot of sense, they must have died after running out of ammo.



I guess OP basicly wants a place where he knows that kind of weapon can spawn that he wants. Right?


It works like that anyway though so it's a bit confusing :|  in my opinion M4's should definitely stay as they are though maybe there could be like a 0.05% chance of them spawning at an airfield though.

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The M4A1 isn't really that high-tier of a weapon (and with current dispersion the AKM is 200,000,000x better), so I don't see a need to limit it to just helicopter crashsites. They should be reserved for the game's future best weapons, like high-tech GPMGs, LMGs, and rarer types of weapons.


A good example would be the Steyr AUG A1, which Chris Torchia & Dean have expressed interest in adding. It's got a built-in optic and is a bullpup, foreign rifle that has its own magazines, so it would be perfect to be a crashsite only weapon, as there wouldn't be too many attachments for it. The M4A1 has many attachments, so it'd be better if it were just a rarer regular military spawn.

If the M4A1 has to be limited, then they should at least add an M16A1/M16A2 so we can have a basic 5.56x45mm rifle with relatively normal access.

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Whats with the huge sections of a novel that are not related to this topic in anyway? Also FYI the M4 is inferior weapon, thats only best in close combat.

So says the guy that has never actually fired either weapon :lol:  In any case jux I wish I could say that i give a shit about your spray..but I don't. 

Edited by Xbow

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So says the guy that has never actually fired either weapon :lol:  In any case jux I wish I could say that i give a shit about your spray..but I don't. 

I believe he's talking about it ingame, which is correct. The M4A1's dispersion makes it basically worthless for anything other than close range, and the AKM can outmatch it in pretty much every other respect; more common ammo, more powerful rounds, a higher capacity magazine, and a longer ranged scope. The only real reason to hold onto an M4A1 at the moment is if you prefer the specialized optics, like the ACOG.


Otherwise, you're just keeping it because you're waiting for more of the attachments to work (suppressors, bayonets, etc.) We'll start to see some combat difference once they both work, as the AKM has no suppressor or bayonet.

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I believe he's talking about it ingame, which is correct. The M4A1's dispersion makes it basically worthless for anything other than close range, and the AKM can outmatch it in pretty much every other respect; more common ammo, more powerful rounds, a higher capacity magazine, and a longer ranged scope. The only real reason to hold onto an M4A1 at the moment is if you prefer the specialized optics, like the ACOG.


Otherwise, you're just keeping it because you're waiting for more of the attachments to work (suppressors, bayonets, etc.) We'll start to see some combat difference once they both work, as the AKM has no suppressor or bayonet.

The fantasy accuracy of the AKM is an error that will be corrected soon enough since at present it has ZERO dispersion.


I like things that have a connection to reality. Fact: In real life the average dispersion of an M4 is 2.5 minutes of angle and the average dispersion of an AKM is 6 minutes of angle. And by the by the AKM's flat base 123 grain .310 bullet has a slow muzzle velocity of 2400fps, a  crappy Ballistic coefficient of  0.266 and goes bug fuk subsonic at just about 500 yards (460 meters) the standard SS109/M855 5.56mm's 62 grain boat tail bullet has a ballistic coefficient of .325 and a muzzle velocity  of 2970fps (out of an M4) and doesn't go sub sonic until 800 yards  


At 500 yards the AKM delivers  371 foot pounds of energy and with a 250 yard zero and drops 79.4 inches.

At  500 yards the M4 delivers 399 foot pounds of energy and with a 250 yard zero and drops 41.5 inches


more powerful ammunition huh? Actually by different methods they have just about the same killing power but the 5.56mm bullet will remain more stable in flight for better than 250 yards longer than the 7.62 x 39mm bullet (that relates to accuracy hombre)  


You may find this interesting    http://www.hornady.com/ballistics-resource/ballistics-calculator


Putting a PSO scope on an AKM doesn't make it a long range threat? Actually putting that scope on an AKM is akin to puting a 44 DD bra on a flat chested babe and expecting her to grow into it. :lol: .  Now as you put it a 'longer ranged scope' will not really improve the accuracy of a rattle trap weapon like the AKM that is launching ballistic turkeys OR make the M4 anything more than a low recoil squirrel gun. 


Sooner or later the SVD will come out and IF they actually get that right I'll use that exclusively. 7.62 x 54R one hit and lights out.


172 grain BT FMJ   Muzzel Velocity 2640fps  MZ energy 2662ftlbs.  At 600 yards it delivers 1026 foot pounds of energy at 1639fps and it is still supersonic at 1000yards. I think it will be the most desired gun in the game IF they do it right.  



You are right about ONE thing for sure, the 7.62 x 39mm ammo is vastly more common now but as I have four 60 round magazines and four 40 round magazines and about ninety rounds of loose 5.56mm in my can I won't be needing to find any more helicopters for awhile.  But when I get killed and lose my gear I'll be hunting for an AKM for some of the reasons you mentioned.  In reality the AKM and the M4 are two peas in a pod, medium ranged weapons that fire intermediate cartridges.


But good post Chaingunfighter have a can of Beans on me!!   


Edited by Xbow
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The fantasy accuracy of the AKM is an error that will be corrected soon enough since at present it has ZERO dispersion.


I like things that have a connection to reality. Fact: In real life the average dispersion of an M4 is 2.5 minutes of angle and the average dispersion of an AKM is 6 minutes of angle. And by the by the AKM's flat base 123 grain .310 bullet has a slow muzzle velocity of 2400fps, a  crappy Ballistic coefficient of  0.266 and goes bug fuk subsonic at just about 500 yards (460 meters) the standard SS109/M855 5.56mm's 62 grain boat tail bullet has a ballistic coefficient of .325 and a muzzle velocity  of 2970fps (out of an M4) and doesn't go sub sonic until 800 yards  


At 500 yards the AKM delivers  371 foot pounds of energy and with a 250 yard zero and drops 79.4 inches.

At  500 yards the M4 delivers 399 foot pounds of energy and with a 250 yard zero and drops 41.5 inches


more powerful ammunition huh? Actually by different methods they have just about the same killing power but the 5.56mm bullet will remain more stable in flight for better than 250 yards longer than the 7.62 x 39mm bullet (that relates to accuracy hombre)  


You may find this interesting    http://www.hornady.com/ballistics-resource/ballistics-calculator


Putting a PSO scope on an AKM doesn't make it a long range threat? Actually putting that scope on an AKM is akin to puting a 44 DD bra on a flat chested babe and expecting her to grow into it. :lol: .  Now as you put it a 'longer ranged scope' will not really improve the accuracy of a rattle trap weapon like the AKM that is launching ballistic turkeys OR make the M4 anything more than a low recoil squirrel gun. 


Sooner or later the SVD will come out and IF they actually get that right I'll use that exclusively. 7.62 x 54R one hit and lights out.


172 grain BT FMJ   Muzzel Velocity 2640fps  MZ energy 2662ftlbs.  At 600 yards it delivers 1026 foot pounds of energy at 1639fps and it is still supersonic at 1000yards. I think it will be the most desired gun in the game IF they do it right.  



You are right about ONE thing for sure, the 7.62 x 39mm ammo is vastly more common now but as I have four 60 round magazines and four 40 round magazines and about ninety rounds of loose 5.56mm in my can I won't be needing to find any more helicopters for awhile.  But when I get killed and lose my gear I'll be hunting for an AKM for some of the reasons you mentioned.  In reality the AKM and the M4 are two peas in a pod, medium ranged weapons that fire intermediate cartridges.


But good post Chaingunfighter have a can of Beans on me!!   


That's very interesting information, and yes, pure ballistics would actually make the 5.56x45mm M855A1 round more effective.

However, the DayZ ballistics system is not as advanced and it's based on a per damage basis, and 7.62x39mm has a higher damage per bullet.

I hope we get a better ballistic system down the road, because environmental factors and velocity are not important at the moment (I believe velocity exists, but it has very limited effect on anything but travel distance and drop)


The M4A1 should be a better weapon in most respects, but gameplay wise it's much worse, even if many of them are unintended or bugs. Hopefully regular maintenance and relaibility become a factor, to the point that the AKM is at least noticeably better, in that regard.

Now, it's obviously massively overplayed that AK series of rifles are nearly invincible and that AR-15/M16 platforms cannot fire a single shot without jamming. The jamming problems only dramatically affected the XM16E1 and M16, but were essentially solved with the M16A1 and are no longer prevalent with M16A2 type rifles. Hell, even the original AK-47 rifles were replaced rather quickly because they weren't as reliable as they were thought to be and they were also much more expensive than the AKM, which is what you tend to see nowadays.

Granted, regular maintenance is still a factor, but that's mainly a result in different military doctrine, where the U.S. military places a lot more emphasis on caring for your firearm, while the old Eastern Bloc doctrine was to get as much use out of your weapon as possible and have more weapons readily available.


And you can have a can of beans for that informative post, too :)

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That's very interesting information, and yes, pure ballistics would actually make the 5.56x45mm M855A1 round more effective.

However, the DayZ ballistics system is not as advanced and it's based on a per damage basis, and 7.62x39mm has a higher damage per bullet.

I hope we get a better ballistic system down the road, because environmental factors and velocity are not important at the moment (I believe velocity exists, but it has very limited effect on anything but travel distance and drop)


The M4A1 should be a better weapon in most respects, but gameplay wise it's much worse, even if many of them are unintended or bugs. Hopefully regular maintenance and relaibility become a factor, to the point that the AKM is at least noticeably better, in that regard.

Now, it's obviously massively overplayed that AK series of rifles are nearly invincible and that AR-15/M16 platforms cannot fire a single shot without jamming. The jamming problems only dramatically affected the XM16E1 and M16, but were essentially solved with the M16A1 and are no longer prevalent with M16A2 type rifles. Hell, even the original AK-47 rifles were replaced rather quickly because they weren't as reliable as they were thought to be and they were also much more expensive than the AKM, which is what you tend to see nowadays.

Granted, regular maintenance is still a factor, but that's mainly a result in different military doctrine, where the U.S. military places a lot more emphasis on caring for your firearm, while the old Eastern Bloc doctrine was to get as much use out of your weapon as possible and have more weapons readily available.


And you can have a can of beans for that informative post, too :)

Excellent Post Sir Chaingunfighter


One thing the AKM's 7.62 x 39 projectile has that the 5.56mm lacks is MASS and that mass gives the AK a somewhat superior ability at moderate ranges to penetrate resistant objects like bricks, cinder blocks, body armor etc. And to enhance that penetration the Russians developed steel core ammunition that will ventilate all but the best body armor and chew up a cinder block wall especially when they are fired en masse from a RPD LMG.


It seems strange but a slower heavier bullet that is dipping down into the transonic velocity range does horrendous damage when compared to its lighter high velocity cousin. Slower heavier slugs often shatter bones lengthwise as they pass through rather than powdering a short segment and then passing through.  


And you are correct with the M16A1 and certainly with the M16A2 the bulk of the problems with it disappeared but along with the addition of the forward assist, cleaning kits, the chrome plated chamber, and hard chromed bolt carrier there was an ammunition change. Before the trials between the M-14 and the AR-15 the US Army decided to change the M-16's ammunition by switching to an Olin ball powder as opposed to an IMR stick type powder. The gun as Stoner designed it has a Muzzle velocity of about 2950fps with 55 grain slugs The Army Ordinance board without understanding the Ramifications of their actions switched to the dirtier Olin Ball powder and increased the loading density to deliver 3125fps. That ammunition caused a sticky residue to build up in the gas tube and eventually in a humid climate led to serious stoppages. It took the introduction of an upgraded very clean burning stick type IMR powder to cure that. But the Army stood firm and demanded that the M-16 have a +3000ft per second muzzle velocity. The Russians became infatuated with the high velocity .22 cal notion and developed the AK-74 in 5.45 x 39mm. Lets face it the AKM and the M4A1 are just about equal in most respects including effective range with a small edge in lethality going to the AKM.


In the game once they fix the AK's artificially small dispersion pattern to approximately what the M4A1's is things will be in balance. And because the Soviet block has always used corrosive primers with their 7.62 x 54R, the 7.62 x 39mm, (and the 5.45 x 39mm) so those weapons including the little CZ-527 bolt gun when it arrives. should need to be cleaned immediately after firing every time. Those corrosive primers are hell on a weapons internals and should factor in but if that is too problematic..screw it.    


Here is a Video that is pretty good with respect to the M-16's development and teething problems  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG7NJmWOPC4

And to be fair here is one on the the AK series





And before I forget you look like you could use a can of Beans (I would offer canned peaches but we don't have that option yet).




Note: DayZ is simply the best game out there IMHO 

Edited by Xbow

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Now the reason I saying this is because, although finding helicopters is not all that bad, it takes significantly LONGER to find them, which requires hours upon hours of tracking. Other gear like the mp5k, for example, you can go to the police station and basically camp it out till the sever resets or server hop. And unlike any other weapons in the game, all of sudden m4 ammo is significantly harder to find as well, which makes the game much more frustrating when you all of a sudden die and lose your m4.

No, it makes the game much much much better, and makes players much less likely to run and gun through Berezino/Nova/Svetlo gunning down fresh spawn for fear of losing their prized gat.

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