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Top 3 Suggestions

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1) End Game(ability to place building/build forts)

2) Blood slowly regens

3) Possible ACE integration(certain features-weapon on back????)

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1. Zombie trip chance while chasing.

2. Silencers for all guns that have them irl.

3. Make all buildings enterable/make some doors have to be locked and have to be chopped down. (this is probably too much to ask for but it would be awesome!)

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1. Be able to shoot / hack (Hachet) while running

2. Weapons / Tools wear over time

3. I would like to see high value loot spawn more widely. At the moment every time I go to NW Airfield I'm either gunned down, or get there and there's just rubbish there.

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1: Make the toon hang around for 10-20 sec after u log out or force a log out (ALT-F4)

2: Crafting

3: more survival

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1) Disconnection/reconnection timer for paralysis to stop server hopping to assassinate/run away

2) Voluntary Player Tag with murders/bandit kills visible to others as a game mechanic for Trust/Reputation.

3) Vastly more loot spawn points (same amount of loot overall) to make things less predictable...

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