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Let's Play: DayZ (Solo & Team Play)

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Hey guys,

As a result of the feedback I received (on here, on Reddit, and on Youtube) following my Helicopter Assault video I posted a few weeks ago, I started filming footage earlier this week for a 'Let's Play' DayZ video, where I'd start from scratch and film my progress whilst providing a commentary into why and how I play DayZ.

Unfortunately, Ireland has really shitty internet (I jest, but my own internet in Ireland is terrible - with ~0.4mbps upload), so whilst each part is uploading - I can't actually play the game. :(

This will lead to there being a few days between each broadcast, but I'll try to save up footage so that you see a near-full playthrough until I die.

Reddit Link:


Please be sure to Like + Subscribe if you enjoyed the view, and please be sure to leave a comment (either on here, or on Youtube) with any feedback that you may have.

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720 and 1080p versions both finished processing, and are now available on Youtube. :)

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Part 2 is now available, located at:


Again, 720 and 1080p versions will take a few more hours for processing.

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How about you tell us how you really feel?

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Part 3 uploaded, covering an ambush of CQF on their home server (US21) in Polana.

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Part 4 Uploaded. Back on our native SE 6 for this, but covers finding a couple of crashed helicopters near Dubrovka.

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