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DCing from snipers, snipers complaining.

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Me and my friends spawnd after server connect in the woods near Zelengorsk and sec. after that we heard a shot from behind us, so we turn over and saw a sniper with giggle suit running away. We killed that fucker after we get in panic. So that "no skill" sniper camper deserved his easy death.

what i wanna say?

In a Zombie apocalypse there are no way that people are going to camp and snipe other people for fun. Thats more a comfort zone that nobody would have suffering from weather, bad hygiene, disease, hunger and so on! So change the game to make such "no skillers" go back to bf3 or something like that.

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Use your brain and stop asking DayZ gods to fix everything for you....

Coming from someone who obviously wants the Dev team to fix his crappy sniping for him, this line is ironic as hell.

Hearing Bandits cry about this has always made me chuckle. I never DC, my Alt-f4 has been disabled for years, dying comes with the game. The 3 times I've been killed by another player, it was 1 hit kills. Enfield and CZ can both be 1 hit kills from long range, the friggin winchester can be a 1 hit kill from short and none of those are rare at all. Bullet through the skull doesn't give them time to DC. They're dead before they can hit Alt F4. If they could disconnect you simply didn't do your job right. Hell, one of my two kills in this game was a 1 hit kill, and it was a headshot with a crossbow against someone with an M4, and I don't even TRY to kill people. I'm not even a bandit, I'm a survivor, what's your excuse?

OP's right, but I've been saying it for a month. Bandits say "Deal with it" about nearly every problem, until it's something that makes their deathmatch gameplay more difficult. Then it's not time for them to step it up, then it's time for the devs to change things for them. They couldn't deal with Bandit skins before, and now they can't deal with people DCing.

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Exploiting is a bannable offense' date=' and the dev (Rocket) has posted that he considers alt-f4'ing to avoid death to be an exploit. Yes, if you get caught doing it, you can be punished. Though, to be fair, it is fairly hard to get caught doing it. Basically the only way you'll be punished is if the person who was sniping you happens to be a server admin or a server admin's buddy, or one of the dev team, or is someone who's recording a vid of the encounter and posts it afterward.


Sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to show evidence of people getting banned or punished for this. If you mean I could get banned from a single server because a mod catches me, then you might be right. Still a mod can do that if they are mad I killed them too. However, it seems like a global ban for this has never happened.

I can't find a report of ANYONE getting banned for this and it seems like every thread in the cheating forum about this get instantly locked (even with video proof).

I am going to have to say that you can not be banned for this, and I will also provide a few sources:

Here are a few posts from the cheating forums:


4th reply by a mod: "Thats great. Locked."

http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8029&pid=74413#pid74413 - A topic started about Alt + f4 exploiting, another mod (or the same) posts:

" No evidence, closing thread. Devs dont want these kind of threads."

And of course I have to include rockets post because I think its what gets people confused:

Rockets post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8029&pid=74413#pid74413

"I don't know why, but people are assuming that I think this is part of the game.

It's not. I posted in a thread that was talking about that, that META-GAMING is explicitly allowed. I.e. infiltrating teamspeak servers and groups etc...

Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit.

It will be patched out, very easily, in a future update. The update is ready to go and will be released when the Beta patch for ArmA2 is out."

Nothing about banning in there. Seems like the same thing. A vague explanation calling it an exploit, just something that would make you think twice.

I just have to say, to anyone out there trying to "scare" people by stating facts that are not 100% verified, you are also telling new players that cheaters get punished. Which seems to be untrue at the moment.

I was referring to server bans, which is why I mentioned server admins and buddies of server admins. Exploiting is an offense that admins are allowed to ban for.

Also, if a server admin bans you without a good reason, (like you suggest) they can get their server's blacklisted.

As I said, it is a hard to punish exploit, and one that's easy enough to do that most people aren't being punished for it at the moment. If you want to be a dick and do it, then do it. If you happen to get unlucky and get caught doing it and receive a ban, don't complain.

Either way, the log out timer will be added to the game sooner or later, and that'll cut down on this.

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If you can't kill in one with a sniper you should consider a different choice of fire arms.

But my character isn't a trained military marksman. He's just a jackass with a hunting rifle.

(joking. I actually play a survivor, not a bandit.:P)

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Everyone is freaking out at this dude for speaking out (even though he might get in shit he still posted it) in hopes of bettering the server? You people are the scum ruining this roleplaying game. Sitting in a spot just waiting for humans to mercilessly kill them is just rubbish. Real life events wouldn't have people sitting near crash sites just waiting for people to come looking for stuff. Stop calling this guy the ingenious one and realize that you're the problem with this mod.

You are right' date=' it would never happen IRL.

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Camping is legit, disconnecting like a bitch to save your gucci gear isn't.

There's playing DayZ like an evil sniper, killing sitting duck players.

Then there's play DayZ like a kid with training wheels on, hiding in the lobby.

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Everyone is freaking out at this dude for speaking out (even though he might get in shit he still posted it) in hopes of bettering the server? You people are the scum ruining this roleplaying game. Sitting in a spot just waiting for humans to mercilessly kill them is just rubbish. Real life events wouldn't have people sitting near crash sites just waiting for people to come looking for stuff. Stop calling this guy the ingenious one and realize that you're the problem with this mod.

You are right' date=' it would never happen IRL.

How is that example in Bosnia related? War and Zombie Apocalipse isnt the same!

Kurmuh said it right! Yes dcing is wrong, but it stills shows more spirit on playing the game has it was intended then sniper addicts.

The objective is to survive, not to become a pro assassin. The bandit is suppose to be someone that kills to survive, you all distorce the meaning into someone who kills for pleasure.

I dont agree on using DC to survive, but dont play saints when is known that lot of snipers exploit too.

I specificly play on servers with less people to avoid snipers, cuz its just not the real purpose of the game.

Every server says COOP, not KOS! Snipers that camp in the same place for hours, and hop servers, are just idiots who want to feel good about themselfs by ruinning other peoples game.

In real life those would be the first humans to die in the damn apocalipse. Lots of people saying dcer's are cowards.

Whats more brave? Standing in a hill 500 meters away waiting for some lost soul to come across your scope or to pay no attention to the danger and advance into open ground so you can get what you need to survive?

Survival is supose to be a balance between smarts and bravery, snipers only play the "smart" side, (smart depending on the real intention of the kill) and reckless survivors running in open field only play the brave side.

Fact is, both are right, and both are wrong. Reckless survivors should be more carefull, and camping snipers should think more about the real purpose of the game.

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Why is there western hi tec military snipers in the game when it is based on eastern continent?

one can only wonder..

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something is going to make snipers have a harder time (less rifles, less ammo , harder sniping) and then the snipers will be complaing how devs ruined pvp

if you ask me keep snipers in there. But add wind direction, wind speed and more bullet drop. Now it will take skill to kill another player rather then every jhon doe getting a sniper rifle. Make the ammo more rare so they think twice before wasting it on an unarmed man. I swear i found 4 dmr mags in one small house on the south coast, no wonder they want to waste it on other people.

Snipers arent the problem. Its the fact that there so many of them that is pissing everyone off

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Its wrong to do it, really. Even tho i've been wanting to do it multiply times :P

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I play for my enjoyment and entertainment. And I stop playing when I decide to.

No one decides that for me... not some sniper who wants the killshot, not some backstabber enjoying killing defenseless ppl and no big head local server admin who thinks I might DC too "soon".

If I know a char is "done" (which usually means got hit by a sniper, being attacked by someone without having a weapon to fight back, falling unconscious, cornered by dozens of Z, etc) I usually DC to start over again later. This one session is over/lost - I get no enjoyment out of staying connected for a few more seconds/minutes watching my char dying fast or slowly to satisfy others. I play for my enjoyment and my entertainment only.

Frankly speaking I dont give a rat's ass if that lost char stays around long enough for someone to loot it or get credit for the kill or whatever - you want it, ok, fine, then patch it into the mod. I certainly will not do that for you.

And even if something like a timeout will get implemented some day I still will DC and end my game session whenever I please.

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I play for my enjoyment and entertainment. And I stop playing when I decide to.

No one decides that for me... not some sniper who wants the killshot' date=' not some backstabber enjoying killing defenseless ppl and no big head local server admin who thinks I might DC too "soon".

If I know a char is "done" (which usually means got hit by a sniper, being attacked by someone without having a weapon to fight back, falling unconscious, cornered by dozens of Z, etc) I usually DC to start over again later. This one session is over/lost - I get no enjoyment out of staying connected for a few more seconds/minutes watching my char dying fast or slowly to satisfy others. I play for my enjoyment and my entertainment only.

Frankly speaking I dont give a rat's ass if that lost char stays around long enough for someone to loot it or get credit for the kill or whatever - you want it, ok, fine, then patch it into the mod. I certainly will not do that for you.

And even if something like a timeout will get implemented some day I still will DC and end my game session whenever I please.


It's funny how justified these people feel.

It's like if they were murderers they would be all like, brah, I murder because I do it for my own satisfaction, why u mad? you wanna implement jail system? FINE, but I still do what I wan'.


Bad English was intended and not a display of my true grammar/literacy.

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have 300+ hours in game, never been sniped

our team of over a dozen has more than 2000 hours in game, grand total four deaths to snipers

OP, and anyone defending him, is a cheating little faggot throwing a tantrum when his high-risk low-skill playstyle backfires

they should be banned from DayZ the mod and any retail releases that might see publication

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There's nothing more satisfying that denying your killer from getting your gear.

So the epitome of satisfaction in Day Z is directly proportional to that which you are complaining about?

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I wouldn't mind sniper rifles too much if they were way harder to find.

But the problem here is that there are so many douchebags out there who don't give a rats ass about the purpose of the game.

The developers are doing what they can to make this a true zombie survival simulator, but these snipers don't care about survival, they just want to kill for the heck of it, and some even jump from server to server, making scouting the place for snipers useless as they can spawn in at any time. This kind of mindset would make no sense AT ALL in a real life situation, and should come with some sort of penalty (like the bandit skins for example)

Make the snipers super rare, or just remove them and force the cowards using them to actually go face to face.

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Everyone is freaking out at this dude for speaking out (even though he might get in shit he still posted it) in hopes of bettering the server? You people are the scum ruining this roleplaying game. Sitting in a spot just waiting for humans to mercilessly kill them is just rubbish. Real life events wouldn't have people sitting near crash sites just waiting for people to come looking for stuff. Stop calling this guy the ingenious one and realize that you're the problem with this mod.

I play with a few friends and they do this shit too' date=' I ditch them and head out on my own to survive, not to ruin some kids night by killing him for his gear. It really annoys me when people kill for light loot as well, and this whole "I didn't know if he was going to shoot me so I shot him" crap is dumb as shit. Half of you kids shoot these guys the second you see them, just to ruin what fun they might be having. Really sad how people try to go so far out of their way just to ruin other peoples fun.


Guy joins sandbox game.

Guy see's people playing sandbox game a way that is counter-productive to his.

Guy tries to imply that everyone has to concede to his style of sandbox play.

Throws in some ad hominem for extra effect.


Would you kindly quote the part of Kurmuh's post which constitutes an ad hominem argument and then paraphrase it in the form of an ad hominem argument to demonstrate that you actually know what one is.

An example of an ad hominem argument for you to use as your model:

CrossShade has argued that Kurmuh's post contains an ad hominem argument.

CrossShade also thinks that the third person singular form of the verb to be contains an apostrophe.

Therefore Kurmuh's post does not contain an ad hominem argument.

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Have i DC'd from a sniper before' date=' yep. What when you have helicopter crash gear and you get shot at by some guy who just wants to kill you for the fuck of it and you have FRIENDS who can save you.


Why not? Its abuse, the game is realistic, and you n00b went into a trap. May you rot in hell abuser.

After that, go play a non PvP farming game, WoW seems legit in this case.

I don't know, i died to snipers, and i am not whining. Its always my fault.

The problem to me seems the farming kiddy attitude that people bring to a highly realistic hardcore PvP game.

1/10 making me read your whole post.

P.S Im not against PVP hell i kill people too but i don't camp at a high traffic area just to kill for the fuck of it either .... real pvp is not allowing them time to disconnect. If they can disconnect you failed...not them.

All togehter this is the most kiddy attitude i have seen. So you kill people yourself, i guess without telling them you gonna to (which is sniping aswell, you know? what is the difference between long or short range? Long range takes more skill), but you manage to write all this crap about how evil snipers are. Don't play WoW. Go hang yourself!

In the internet you can be anything? Why do so many people choose to be retards?

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Until we see team building mechanics, we will see more and more DCing due to the lack of trust among players. Everyone thinks this is a LOOT base game, and not a SURVIVAL base game.

I like to see ammo for high level military guns rare along with sniper rifles and/or their ammo.

This means killing another player will cost you precise resources.

I would like to see a decrease in the ability to horde gear/items.

This means sometime in a future update- there should be a reset where all players are sent back to the start. Now this should only happen when/ and if they decide to revamp the military and high level ammo/guns.

This is needed to better test the behavior of players since we will not have any players with 10 clips of military ammo/ and all the top guns hidden in tents.

Also the reset should also only happen when the anti- DCing mechanic is in place and working. I say Alt+F4 should be disabled.

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The answer to the first post is simple: because rocket said that dcing to save ur life is forbidden... the game is supposed to be realistic if ur getting shot at u should die, and start again or fight for ur life

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I carefully stalked a known bandit for over an hour yesterday (not naming before you ask), I applied skill, caution, patience - everything that your average bandit lacks basically.

When I finally started firing, he zig-zagged into cover bleeding out of his virginal bandit body, and DC'd. What a wimp. He had a very nice gun too. I know this is commonplace, but the thing is, these players only get as far as they do, with such equipment, because of DC'ing. Fix DCing and the majority of non-arma vets wont stand a chance. I very much look forward to that day.

I will drink their blood.

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Maybe there needs to a function that says - If Player is Bleeding= TRUE ; Then Player dies when they disconnect.

This would limit a good deal of DCing.

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I carefully stalked a known bandit for over an hour yesterday (not naming before you ask)' date=' I applied skill, caution, patience - everything that your average bandit lacks basically.

When I finally started firing, he zig-zagged into cover bleeding out of his virginal bandit body, and DC'd. What a wimp. He had a very nice gun too. I know this is commonplace, but the thing is, these players only get as far as they do, with such equipment, because of DC'ing. Fix DCing and the majority of non-arma vets wont stand a chance. I very much look forward to that day.

I will drink their blood.


Obvioulsy you can't even kill one single person using sniper tactics. Guess it is your blood that will be spilled.

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