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Splatter Panda

Items In Inventory Unusable

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So, i've been having some trouble with the DayZ Standalone since picking it up on sale a few days ago.

Basically, anything that requires an item to be dragged onto another item in the invetory menu cannot be used because the text that should pop up does not appear. 

For example, i can place a pristine can of beans in-hand. Then i drag my worn can opener over the can. Instead of being able to select "Open Beans" (or whatever it says), i just see a box that says "Recieving" for a split second, then the text disappears and the item's description appears.

On two separate occasions, on two different servers, i was able to open two cans, but when i went to open a third, the "Receiving" text appeared, despite having worked properly just seconds before.

This also prevents me from combining pieces of maps (all 4 in my inventory right now, none of them ruined) and reloading the rifle i found. There's nothing sadder than a pristine rifle and a pack full of pristine ammo that somehow can't be loaded into the weapon. And yes, it is the correct ammo for the rifle (i found it loaded on a dead survivor, fired off the rounds already loaded to try it out... and now can't load any more rounds)

This problem exists across every server i've connected to, and has continued despite verifying the game's cache (and even deleting the .exe and other random files to force new files to download).

I've gotten nothing from google on this, so any help would be appreciated.

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Server is under heavy load. Give it a minute or so and try again.

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Perhaps, but this seems unlikely.


The problem  occurs on every server to which i connect, and, since i can't do much in the game, i'm primarily running around by myself on empty servers. Unless a DayZ server can be overtaxed by a single player, i think something else is wrong.

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weird, this definitely sounds like a server load problem. what's your internet speed like?

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I don't recall the exact bandwidth specs of my connection. If it's relevant, my bit-torrent client shows simultaneous peak 3.5 MB/s down, 3 MB/s up speeds when the queues are full (but no, it's not running while trying to play online games).

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I don't recall the exact bandwidth specs of my connection. If it's relevant, my bit-torrent client shows simultaneous peak 3.5 MB/s down, 3 MB/s up speeds when the queues are full (but no, it's not running while trying to play online games).

oh well its likely not your connection then, that should be plenty.

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stable 0.5 released the other day and i thought that with a new version this issue might have resolved itself. i was wrong.


alas, the battery i spawn with is still bent slightly and won't fit into the flashlight. the canned food is encased in some sort of ultra-strong, can opener-resistant material.


is ANYONE having this issue besides me?


is the target area where the battery has to go on the flashlight just incredibly small and i'm missing it 99 out of 100 times?

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