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Suggestion Craft Alcohol stove with soda can's

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Itens to craft:  two  empty soda can fill with tincture alcohol  one rag or bandage like this




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Itens to craft:  two  empty soda can fill with tincture alcohol  one rag


But the guy in the movie also used:


- chair and table to comfortably sit while making it

- a marker

- papper pin

- polishing stone

- wool cotton

- a coin (?) [not sure what was that yellow roudn thing]

- specialistic blade and special sized piece of wood that were specially prepared to be in a shpe of square

-  a glass as another cointainer for fluid

- special "cage"( gotta craft or find such cage, and that's anothe story)

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But the guy in the movie also used:


- chair and table to comfortably sit while making it

- a marker

- papper pin

- polishing stone

- wool cotton

- a coin (?) [not sure what was that yellow roudn thing]

- specialistic blade and special sized piece of wood that were specially prepared to be in a shpe of square

-  a glass as another cointainer for fluid

- special "cage"( gotta craft or find such cage, and that's anothe story)


You could probably do it with only the alcohol, can, knife a rag and a coin if you had to.

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