crazykage 1063 Posted June 26, 2014 (edited) I couldn't help but notice your thread about equality (which has now been closed by boneboys). I read your post, but not the rest of the thread. I knew full well what it would degrade into, and didn't bother (it took longer than I expected, but then again it wasn't a matter of if, but when). This will likely get closed as well, but I hope it reaches you and the rest of the females before then.Anyway, allow me to introduce myself, and tell you a relevant story (not about DayZ, but still relevant). It is a long read, but I assure you it is worth your time.My name is Tom. I am a prior service United States Marine Corps Corporal, Honorably discharged after 4 years of active duty and 2 1/2 in the reserves. Early in my service, in fact only a few weeks after completing boot camp, I was sent to Camp Pendleton for my basic infantry training.While there, a platoon of female Marines happened to be sent through the infantry course, which lasts a month, along with mine and 3 other platoons. All Marines, regardless of MOS (military occupational specialty) must experience infantry training, while those who are ACTUAL infantrymen experience a longer course.Near the end of the month's training, one of the last exercises was a 15 kilometer "hump", as we call it (forced march). This little jaunt across the base required us to carry our flak jacket, Kevlar helmet, rifle, and rucksack with all of our gear (all weighing just over 100 pounds). If one fell out of his platoon and got too tired to continue, they would be loaded into the back of a truck, and later would be forced to make the attempt again the following day (failing a second time meant starting the entire month over).I am a six foot, two inches tall gigantic freak of nature. I literally laughed as I marched the entire time, leaning forward and stretching out my legs in a massive stride that easily carried me the entire 15 k. I breathed the fresh air, enjoyed the scenery, and all around enjoyed myself. But I was mostly alone in that. You see, MY platoon was the last one in the line. As we marched along, first by ones, then by twos, stragglers from the platoons ahead, exhausted from the march, started to fall back, eventually so much that we passed them.But one person in particular caught my attention. It was a female Marine (the only female we had seen to fall out thus far). As the platoons behind her began to pass her by, I could hear shouts of encouragement (don't give up, oohrah, etc etc). The female platoon being the first in line, and ours last, I knew she had fallen far behind. But I was surprised to see her so long into the march. Not because I had been expecting her or another female to fall out sooner. But because when I DID see her, I was THEN surprised she hadn't fallen out sooner.As said, I am six feet tall. I carried my weight and my gear easily. But THIS Marine was, I swear, 4 feet tall. Carrying the same weight as me. On short legs. On a small, wiry frame. I could have literally picked her up and THROWN her with little effort. By now I was starting to feel a little fatigued myself, but I was nowhere near exhaustion. But this girl. This woman. This MARINE, had lasted that long, longer than some men twice her size, and was STILL going strong. I was shocked, impressed, and inspired all at once. I gave her a shout of encouragement as I passed, then continued marching and didn't look back.At the end of the march, we had reached the barracks (our stopping point), and were all sitting down in the parking lot, waiting for the last of the stragglers. One by one all the guys (none of the other female marines had fallen out) that fell out crested the hill to come into the lot. Lastly, the "pussy truck", as we came to call it (the one that picked up all those who could not or would not continue) pulled into the lot. I watched as the people inside all climbed out and joined us. The female Marine was not among them...So, I turned to look, and LOE AND BEHOLD! Like a scene out of a movie (I shit you not), just as the sun was setting behind the hill, who do I see crest it? The female Marine. Huffing and puffing, stumbling along, barely moving, but GOD DAMMIT SHE WAS MOVING! I let out a cheer for her, which was followed by the rest of the people in the lot. She crossed the finish line, and could have stopped there, but NO! She kept going, walking past ALL of us to get back to her platoon!Out of all the females, she could have been said to be the worst of them (none of the other females fell out), yet she still managed to put dozens of grown men twice her size to shame by shear willpower and determination. And, considering her diminutive size, I would go so far as to say that she was the best of all of us, because the challenge was far greater for her.I tell you this story because, for one, its fucking inspiring, and I love telling it. I also remember it vividly, because of the impact it had on me. But also because it relates PERFECTLY to your situation.In the Marines, male or female, regardless of size, race, color, or creed, you are expected to be able to do the same work as anyone else. You pull your weight, and you don't make excuses.-Being a girl does not entitle you to any special treatment. Not in the Marines, and not in any game. If you were not a girl, he would have called you a faggot. Or a Nigger. Or something else stupid, derogatory, and insulting. Girl or not, you will be killed, insulted, treated badly. Sometimes not.....depends on your luck.And the second reason this story applies to you is this: Having read my story (I hope you did) you must understand by now that I know full well that a female can and WILL achieve if they truly want it. I have no delusions about ANY person's capabilities in life. So, hear my words, and understand me when I say that what I am about to say to you is meant to INSPIRE, not insult:NUT THE FUCK UP GIRL! You need to realize that 90% of the rest of the world is DUMBER than you. They are all bass ackwards, grabastic, un educated morons that let fly with whatever crosses their empty brain housing groups to fly forth willy nilly from their wide open, mouth breathing SUCK holes.The other 10%? THEY are assholes. Notice that the other 10% includes you? Yep. You aren't any better. SMARTER? yes. BETTER? no. This statement is true. Yet I am going to hit you with a paradox you may not fully understand:YOU ARE BETTER THAN THEM. FUCK WHAT I SAY. fuck what THEY say. The only person that has the fucking right to judge you IS YOU BITCH! So the next time one of those empty skull mother fuckers thinks they have what it takes in their empty, shriveled up sacks to tell you otherwise, you say what? NOTHING! You say NOTHING! They aren't fucking worthy of the glorious fucking wisdom you hold in your head. You owe them nothing. NO excuses. NO reasons. NO apologies, AND NOT A GOD DAMNED WORD from your mouth.You are better, and smarter than they are, and stronger most likely. No amount of bullshit they throw at you can EVER bring you down to their level. They will treat you the same as they treat everyone else. If they treat you worse, then more the fool they, because they are bigots. And the only thing worse than a bigot is a zealot. So you can actually CONGRATULATE them! They have managed to be a slight step up from the absolute lowest of all human beings (and often enough, zealots are also bigots, so there's that...).So, Woman, I leave you with this latin phrase, adopted by the Marine Corps as our motto:SEMPER FIDELIS (always faithful).Be faithful to yourself, and give no fucks about what anyone else says.Good Luck.-Tom, Cpl., USMC, Hon. Discharged. OOHRAH. Edited June 26, 2014 by Inception. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shrub Rocketeer ™ 879 Posted June 26, 2014 I hat to be one who breaking to you this but Caitlin is a guy but what you say is nice words anyway and is proving my point from before x 1,000,000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted June 26, 2014 (edited) The topic was closed for a reason, and as this topic is discussing, essentially, the same 'issue', it will no doubt follow the same path of discussion. Therefore, unfortunately, I will have to lock it. Please also do not use the words I have lined out. On 6/26/2014 at 8:26 AM, Crazykage said: This will likely get closed as well, but I hope it reaches you and the rest of the females before then. Topics that are locked are still visible to the public - send Caitlin a PM if you so choose. Locked. Edited June 26, 2014 by Inception. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites