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Aus 1 | AEF community

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currently 2 x 2.3GHz Cores / 2GB Ram

Crosshairs -off

Third person -on

Battleye -on - ping 250 to start with

VON - on

Player iD - off

----Ban list------



AEF Hatsune Miku




Community discussion HERE

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Sorry after great debate, we have decided to stop the Aus server due to excessive bandwidth use. Use that we cannot sustain here in little Oz.

2.28 sec and 168GB a day.

We would like to continue to be involved in the forums and wait with anticipation on a magic bandwidth fix.;)

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There is no way to escape this unfortunately. The server itself is the conduit to all other players, it receives all the positional updates for:

50 players

500-1000 bodies

100's of loot items (dynamic in/out)

500-700 zombies (moving, positional updates, dynamic in/out)

The system is already HEAVILY optimized beyond ArmA2's standard configuration, hence why it can actually run with that kind of load.

Sending out that kind of information results in some heavy traffic.

If anything bandwidth usage will increase. Only way to lower bandwidth is to lower player numbers.

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Thank you for a solid reply.

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Rocket, is there anyway to limit the character saves to just when the player logs off?

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Its not the character saves (aka the HIVE data) that causes you're bandwidth. It's the updates between player -> server -> all other players that causes you the bandwidth.

HIVE itself sends very tiny preprocessed strings between itself and the database. You're talking about 1k per transaction max, probably not even that.

Yes we CAN limit to updating just on disconnect, thanks to the new model. Most users will now notice it loads you in exactly where/how you were when you logged off. This system was introduced to prevent the common exploits.

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We would like to partake in some bandwidth testing, which will include different config adjustments at random. @Dev can you vett the current running setup for AEF Aus 1 to be restarted. Remove PW when complete.

Server will require Battleye to be running to assist in local player coverage

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Still waiting for a Dev to get in there and get her going ?

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Sorry mate, life is a bit... uh... interesting for me and the lads helping me at the moment. Could you send a chaseup email to [email protected]?

Unfortunately, testing new servers takes a back seat to actually setting up confirmed new servers. And then theres the updates... rolling out said updates... raging on the forums... etc...

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Thanks for the update, totally understand.

Confirmed servers is what we are trying to achieve here against the limited options we have down under. AEF can still operate in a support role no different to the current NZ test server.

The AuNz community is very patient, something is better than nothing.

Edit: AEF Not required

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