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Wire Kits Model broken since 1.5.7 release

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Hi guys first time poster so I'm not sure if it's in the right section but I'll post here anyway.

I've been playing DayZ for about three days now on 1.5.6 and have had no issues at all (apart from the server side zombie/loot spawning bugs) and I was having a lot of fun.

1.5.7 came out today and I thought great fixed spawns and what not so I download and install all the files and decide to jump straight onto a server to see the new stuff.

*THE IMPORTANT PART* So I'm running around all la di da until suddenly BAM! Huge graphically polygon attack all over my screen when I look in a certain direction... I thought that was a bit odd so I decided to go over and investigate since everything else seemed fine.

As I got closer to the tearing I found it stopped and that's when I realized there was a setup Wire Fence Kit sitting there and as I back peddled away from it (up to about 30m+) that's when the huge tearing on my screen happened again.

I also found a non-setup kit which I could loot which just looked like a massive cluster of broken polys in a mesh.

Has anyone else run into this issue at all? And if so (or even if you haven't) do you have any advice on how I may fix this issue?

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Yep, I've seen this weird graphic glitch before, too.

And just an hour ago, I came across a set-up wire on an 1.5.7 server that looked just fine.

So, the new patch shouldn't be the issue here.

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Well it seems that the issue is not completely unique to wire fencing kits, I loaded into another game and just a random concrete block in a warehouse in Cherno was the item spazzing out this time.

It could just be an issue with my client not loading a texture/mesh correctly every now or then, still I thought I'd post this on the forums just in case it was something possibly related to the mod.

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