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Street Elite

Varied Foods (Non-Canned)

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Sorry for the caps! Ok, so I know most of you are going to blow this off as just another food suggestion, but just hear me out! Here is my plea!


Stand up, stretch, and go to your pantry. What do you see? Well, I see boxes of cereal, Cheetos, chips, granola bars, 3 pack of soda, vodka, and an assortment of other things. And packed in the corner are 8-10 canned items. Look in your pantry. Post pictures if you have to. The point is, more common than not, houses are packed with non-canned food items. I know the can of beans has been the symbolic food item for DayZ since the old days, and I am not here to butcher that legacy. But I want to make a much more realistic proposal for food in DayZ Standalone. DayZ SA, even in these days of alpha hardship, captivates us all with its realism that will only expand as the game develops. So if we are going for realism, more non-canned foods are just another convenience for realism.


I came up with this idea two characters ago. I was rocking camo clothing, a gasmask, and an attachment rigged M4 with 3 clips. I was hunting down another heavily armed player who had taken pot shots at me earlier on and had been in pursuit for 30 minutes or so. If you have TRULY been absorbed in a task, you would realize like me that "You are hungry" sometimes goes under the attention radar. But I finally noticed, quickly took a seat under a tree and popped open a can of spaghetti with my screw driver. I demolished the contents and then moved onto my next can. My screwdriver was broken. I sort of flipped. I quickly dashed into a nearby town and searched house after house. Yes, I must have found at least 15+ more cans of food, but through every place I looked I couldn't find anything to open my can with. After at least 45 minutes of searching, I found a can opener and plowed in, just as my stomach was about to kill me.


Now here is how this should have happened if we where in the realistic zombie apocalypse.


I was rocking camo clothing, a gasmask, and an attachment rigged M4 with 3 clips. I was hunting down another heavily armed player who had taken pot shots at me earlier on and had been in pursuit for 30 minutes or so. If you have TRULY been absorbed in a task, you would realize like me that "You are hungry: sometimes goes under the radar. But I finally noticed, quickly took a seat under a tree and unscrewed a bottle of trail mix, demolished the contents, unwrapped 3 granola bars, plowed those down, and topped it off with a can of beans, the most fulfilling part of my snack. Even though my screwdriver broke, there are plenty of other less fulfilling but still achieving foods to chose from. I engulf a few cans of soda and then go on my way, pursuing the prey.



Again, I am not looking at this from the "I hate having the burden of opening cans and finding tools to do so" view, I am looking at this from the "If this was a real life situation" view. So here are a list of things that I feel would make this games foody-side more realistic and enjoyable.




Trail Mix:



The perfect on-the-go snack, packed with nutritious nuts and treats that will keep you going strong!



Granola Bar:


A small, energizing, honey-flavored, long-lasting granola bar.



Beef Jerky


A protein-packing chewy food stick of expired beef jerky. A bit stiff but still flavored.



Packaged Donuts:


Stale and crumbly, but they sure do bring back memories.



Packs of Crackers


3 Types: Peanut Butter, Cheddar Cheese, and Whole Wheat.




I had fun writing this and making a list, and I hope you guys are open to this idea! All in all, DayZ has lots of potential and you dev's are going a great job. My beans (and maybe soon my crackers xD)  go to the development, and all the development, raging from the Forum Staff to Dean himself, the mastermind of this incredible game. Post your own ideas for non-canned food and put pictures! 





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You have my beans sir!


Overall there is a lack of dry or preserved food currently in-game, in total there's currently only 3 dry or preserved items those being Rice, Powdered Milk and Cereal. the mod certainly had Trail Mix so I don't see why it wasn't already in the standalone game at this point. Saltine Crackers, Granola Bars, Chocolate Bars, bags of Mixed Nuts, Dried Preserved fruit and even things like Crisps/Potato Chips are all likely additions I could see being added. Powdered Stuff such as Powdered Eggs could also become a component in various recipes in the future.


I wouldn't mind seeing "Beef Jerky" as a form of food the player can make later in the game as a food crafting recipe for raw meat. And like Rice, Cereal or Powdered Milk, eating dry food causes those to dehydrate faster, requiring water more often.

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You have my beans sir!


Overall there is a lack of dry or preserved food currently in-game, in total there's currently only 3 dry or preserved items those being Rice, Powdered Milk and Cereal. the mod certainly had Trail Mix so I don't see why it wasn't already in the standalone game at this point. Saltine Crackers, Granola Bars, Chocolate Bars, bags of Mixed Nuts, Dried Preserved fruit and even things like Crisps/Potato Chips are all likely additions I could see being added. Powdered Stuff such as Powdered Eggs could also become a component in various recipes in the future.


I wouldn't mind seeing "Beef Jerky" as a form of food the player can make later in the game as a food crafting recipe for raw meat. And like Rice, Cereal or Powdered Milk, eating dry food causes those to dehydrate faster, requiring water more often.


Finally! Someone who understands and wants change like me! Food is not a primary right now but a primary down the road.

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