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DAYZ PHX | Sons of Liberty | 8AM | 2hr Restart | Vilayer.com

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The Sons of Liberty, DayZ PHX server is a West Coast server that a few friends and I rented through Vilayer.com. The server has a max ping set to 120, which keeps the latency and desynchronizing at a minimum. Additionally, the server currently is set to reboot every two hours and has scheduled notification to warn players of restarts.


Typically, we see an average of between 15 and 30 players on our server, depending on the time of day. Obviously, this server is more active during the evening. We try to administer the server the best we can, keeping in communication with players if possible and maintaining fair game play. I am the only admin with full privileges and we do not abuse our control of the server. We only ask that everyone play fair and encourage cooperation, communication and mature game play. Additionally, we do not discourage KOS or PvP but enjoy friendly game play at the same time. If you are looking for a server that encourages honest gaming, please join us.

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Our apologies, our server is down at this time. Once the server is back online I will post an update. Currently we are waiting on ViLayer support.


Thank you


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Yeah! Thank you ViLayer! We are back up this morning, not bad response especially since the weekly outage was also scheduled. ViLayer had our server back up and running pretty quick. Additionally, we are going to change our server to the standard four hour restart to see how this works with our player base.

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Okay, we are now linked to game tracker… not sure what benefit there is to being on gametracker.com at this time, besides building a player base for the server. Nevertheless, is has been setup and the server is now up. Again, we have changed to the standard reboots per the DayZ hosting rules and our provider ViLayer, 4 hour restarts with restart warnings. Additionally, we have setup a steam page for the Son’s of Liberty PHX group and looking for members. We are looking into hosting up to 40 players and a TS3 server at some point but we are still building a player base. Please contact us with any questions.

Thank you,

Ryan B.

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Phoenix Arizona - West coast Server!


Information: To maintain a low ping on our server we set a ping cap, this reduces latency from players with high pings. Additionally, we use the BEC client to protect our server against hackers. BEC checks players against a global ban list and integrity checks the game client. As much as we would love to run into FRANKIEonPC, big fans here FRANKIE, his connection might not be accepted with our latency (ping cap). Warnings are schedule to happen 1hr, 30min, 15min, 10min and 5min before reboots.


We will kick players if they are caught exploiting, cheating or ghosting. Furthermore, we will work to obtain evidence of the offense, PlayerID's and names to report to BEC to be added to the global ban. Our server has BEC name filtering, we hate to keep players out based on name criteria but most of those with names that do not comply with this list are probably not very mature players.


Additionally, we normally have active admins. If an admin is caught abusing his power, such as reboots after kills or kicking players without justification, they will no longer be an admin on our server. We are working on building a player base of mature games, legitimate players to experience the world of DayZ the way it was meant to be played.



BEC Summary of Main Features


  • Support for Multiple In-game Admins
  • Define Custom Names on Commands
  • Set Group Levels on Admins
  • Set Permission Level on Commands
  • Organized Chat logger
  • Organized BE Event logger
  • Check Guid of players who connects against a central ban database
  • Report Hacks to a central ban database
  • Nick Filter, Auto kick offensive nick's defined by you
  • Chat & channel restriction
  • Chat & channel anti-spam
  • Make players temp admins
  • Autokick lobby idlers
  • Create Schedules of various sorts. motd's. events etc
  • Create whitelist file
  • SlotLimit, can be used to reserve slots
  • Plugin Support (Ts3 Serverquery plugin included).
Edited by shallowtech

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Okay, back to 2hr restarts and the name filter has been disabled. Current server name is DAYZ SA| Sons of Liberty PHX | 7AM | 2hr Restart | Vilayer.com        

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Is anyone ever able to reply to these post :-). Well we set the server back to 2hr and that seems to have increased the number of players but we would like to see more. This is a fast west coast server and we have a good amount of legit players from what I can tell. Lets make this server jump to the top of the list, I mean in a 60 mile radius, there is not much to choose from for me anyway! Not trying to bash on any other servers but I want to see this one at the top of the list :-) See you on!


Oh and FRANKIEonPC, if you want I can raise the ping cap and you can play with some yanks!


231. dayz.png -AW- Apocalyptic Warriors btn_join.png 2/40   us.gif DayZ_Auto


680. dayz.png Noobclear Warfare [NcW] DayZ Standalone |www.noobclearwarfare.c btn_join.png 5/40   us.gif DayZ_Auto


756. dayz.png icon16x16_fav.png DAYZ SA| Sons of Liberty PHX | 7AM | 2hr Restart | Vilayer.com btn_join.png 11/30   us.gif DayZ_Auto


888. dayz.png Boonie Crew, hosted by Addleses btn_join.png 4/40   us.gif DayZ_Auto


994. dayz.png 94U$AF IS DAYZ btn_join.png 3/30   us.gif DayZ_Auto


Any feedback from our players is welcome.


Thank you.

Edited by shallowtech

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Well it looks like within the last week or so we have moved up in rank, at least for servers on the West Coast. Today I checked gametracker.com and SoL has moved up significantly, thank you for everyone who enjoys playing on our server.


We will be updating the server configuration tonight to include message with email for feedback from our players. Please attempt to be as mature as possible when sending feedback, if there are any problems with the server or you would like to report a possible cheater, be sure to include evidence (pictures, video, etc.) along with the player’s exact name in any email sent to our admins. If for some reason you are kicked from our server (which is rare) and feel that it was not justified, please contact our admins.


SoL is working hard to customize this server as much as possible, it is difficult since our options are limited in the DayZ SA Alpha but we do have some good features, such as reboot warnings, 2 hour reboots, low ping (latency) threshold and active admins to help manage the server. ViLayer also provides a full SSD platform to help with performance.


Please join us on DAYZ SA | Sons of Liberty PHX | 7AM | 2hr Restart | Vilayer.com


4. dayz.png friendly high loot server - Hosted by GameServers.com btn_join.png 26/40   us.gif DayZ_Auto

69. dayz.png Solnichniy University | Regular | 4 Hour Resets | Los Angeles btn_join.png 0/40   us.gif DayZ_Auto

86. dayz.png [eXile] DayZ -- 24/7 Daytime (Regular) -- 124490 btn_join.png 15/30   us.gif DayZ_Auto

88. dayz.png ----(After Hours)----Friendly Play-DAY 24/7|2hr Rest|Gameserver btn_join.png 40/40   us.gif DayZ_Auto

186. dayz.png ~Yippie Kiyay~ DayZ LA (Public | Veteran | 3PP:OFF | 24/7 dayli btn_join.png 8/40   us.gif DayZ_Auto

261. dayz.png DayZ 24/7 Day MuddersBandits (3PP:ON) - Hosted by GameServers.c btn_join.png 7/30   us.gif DayZ_Auto

296. dayz.png 30 Players DayZ Standalone- Hosted by GameServers.com btn_join.png 24/30   us.gif DayZ_Auto

319. dayz.png icon16x16_fav.png DAYZ SA| Sons of Liberty PHX | 7AM | 2hr Restart | Vilayer.com btn_join.png 14/30   us.gif DayZ_Auto

Edited by shallowtech

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Good Morning/Afternoon! First off I want to apologize for the issues with our server at the moment. It would seem our host is having some kind of tech issue. We are working with them to speed things along. Secondly, we have recently added a few new rules for playing on our server. Mostly they deal with our naming policy. Due to recent attacks by players we ask that you do not use alphanumeric, leet spelling, all caps or caps intermixed in your names. Also we welcome members of other gaming communities and clans, so please proudly show us your Tags! We have also implemented an ingame radio station. If you have any requests for songs by all means send them to us at: [email protected]. Along the same lines, if you have any issues about our server, we want to hear from you. You can contact the admin staff at: [email protected] and the issue will be forwarded to the proper admin. Thanks again for your understanding and your patients today!

Edited by Ranph

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We apologize; currently we are having some technical issues with our server. Please bear with use as we work through these problems. The server will be up ASAP.

Thank you,


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It appears that we are back online.


Thank you,

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I love this server and yes Profanity should not be tolerated, i was there when Ranph made the announcements. I love that you guys actually care to monitor the server instead of using it for personal gain.

This is a good server. Thumbs up, you deserve my beans sir.

[TFR] Shades

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I love this server and yes Profanity should not be tolerated, i was there when Ranph made the announcements. I love that you guys actually care to monitor the server instead of using it for personal gain.

This is a good server. Thumbs up, you deserve my beans sir.

[TFR] Shades


Thank you for the positive feedback. We do our best to keep it clean. Obviously a healthy amount of in game hostility is good ;-) but if you are verbally abusing our admins you will be kicked from our server. Additionally, we do our best to monitor the server as much as possible as well as collect evidence of any abuse, exploiting or hacking.


If anyone feels that our admins have been unfair in a decision, please contact me by sending an email to [email protected].

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We are still struggling with some issues with notifications for some reason. The server will be rebooting at 6PM like normal and during that time we will be making some configuration changes. The server will be down a little longer than normal.

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Our server name has changed so that time of day is not reflected in the name. We will have notification in game that reflect time and sun location ;-)


DAYZ SA | Sons of Liberty PHX | 2hr Restart | Vilayer.com


Server is coming back online now and our scheduled notification appear to be working correctly. Thank you!

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Hey all. I wanted to thank Vilayer for providing a great server and Shallowtech for keeping up on what is a great server to play on so far. Also thank you to Ranph and friends for their cooperation and help along the way. It's nice to meet good/mature people in game! Hopefully we can keep our funds up to continue the server!


Friend or foe, play fair! And you never know, we might let you live. ;)


[sOA] Hussbuster.

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Thanks for the support! Hope to see you all in game. We are a very small group and if anyone is interested in joining please contact us by email or through our Steam group page.


Oh and if we tell you to put up your hands, do it because it can save your life! We are friendly but we will not take risk.


Link to our steam group page.


Sons of Liberty PHX

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Secondly, we have recently added a few new rules for playing on our server. Mostly they deal with our naming policy. Due to recent attacks by players we ask that you do not use alphanumeric, leet spelling, all caps or caps intermixed in your names.


I just wanted to add a little clarification to our naming policy. Ranph was referring to a couple of hackers that were on our server attempting to promote each other to admins. Luckily, this attempt to infiltrate our security, the Battleye client stopped this attack but since then we have been looking for ways to monitor people, return players, etc. The reason we have created a naming policy is that many hacks/hackers and malicious type content will use random names or random name generators. Typically these names are comprised of alphanumeric, all caps, special characters (leet spelling), etc. Many malicious individuals will use this type of spelling to standout.


Therefore, this “policy” is really a preference in regards to our server and not a kickable or banable offense. We welcome new players but ask that players change their names to a more standard format and respect the server policies and rules. If we ask and you simply decline, that is okay too but please do not use profanity, become angry or hostile towards our admins. After all, this is our server in which we are trying to provide a genuine and fair gaming experience for all players in DayZ SA.

Our admins do not restart the servers for personal game and we will only kick or ban when we have valid reason for doing so.

If you have any feedback please send it to [email protected] or [email protected] .


P.S. I wanted to thank Zyzzxx for helping support our server!


Additionally, it was great playing last night and fun to run into some friendly players!



Edited by shallowtech

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Oh and if anyone is trying to use the remote (direct search) option in DayZ SA and need the IP/Port.

Edited by shallowtech

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Is there any kind of day/night in this server?

I was thinking about doing an early morning to midmorning, then it would have to reboot after four hours and that would make it night again... I noticed some other servers doing this. What do you think about that?

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I wanted to update everyone, we have been seeing some random reboots on our server and we are not sure why. The reboots are not coinciding with any schedule. I will be opening a ticket with Vilayer to address. It might be a little time before they get back to me so we are going to the default 4hr restart and I will be changing the time of day to 4pm to 8pm... this will add a small amount of night play.


Please give us some feedback on this.


Thank you to all the players supporting our server.

Edited by shallowtech

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I was thinking about doing an early morning to midmorning, then it would have to reboot after four hours and that would make it night again... I noticed some other servers doing this. What do you think about that?

Sounds great to me. Sadly I'm currently really into hardcore, so I will have to wait until I have a devastating death until I switch back to regular (and I will have to reconcile dealing with third person) so I won't be playing on this server for a while but I think that's a great idea.

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Okay, moving to 4 hours dropped the number of players significantly, we are going back to 2 hour restarts but just around sunset. If you have not seen the sun set in DayZ jump in and check it out. :-) There is not dark, just sunset and dusk... You can find the server by IP and port.

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Okay, moving to 4 hours dropped the number of players significantly, we are going back to 2 hour restarts but just around sunset. If you have not seen the sun set in DayZ jump in and check it out. :-) There is not dark, just sunset and dusk... You can find the server by IP and port.


Really? People stopped playing when you had 4 hour restarts?


Ugh. People don't want a challenge at all anymore. (And 4 hr restarts is not much of a challenge anyway... just a bit less loot to go around.)


I might try out the server sometime soon, but I am into hardcore currently.

Edited by angel_eyes42

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