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two things i dont get

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Alright! two things about the game i've not fully grasped yet!

1. i've heard peopel on here talk about having a base... as far as i can see there's no mechanic for this... is there?

2. Again on here i've heard peopel talk about a 5min uncon timer... whats that? its somthing to do with logging off then back on...

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1. Find a place, hidden and hardly accessible by most players. Camp it with tents, cars and such. Logoff somewhere near - it is done.

2. If you get into PvP and, in some case, PvE - you will see yellow symbol at right side of the screen. While it lasts (about 5min) if you reconnect, your character will fall uncon.

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1. When players talk about a base it mostly means a group of people who have put up tents and/or placed all of the groups vehicles in the same place and in there stashed all of their equipment.

2. If you go into shock, which you can by having pain inflicted on you i.e. being shot or hit by a zombie. If you log out while you are in shock the next time you log in you will be unconsious for a longer period of time.

Hope this helps :)

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Okay, for the base thing I would recommend using some wire fencing :D Yes, it can be cut :) but not everyone has the required item to cut the fence :P making your vehicles fairly safe.

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where can i learn more about bases? like what comes back if who reconnecte etc?

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Everything you put inside your tent will save in there until you or someone else finds it and takes it out. Thats why people hide their tents. Tents stay on the server you placed them on.

Vehicles can be saved in locations and they stay there on that specific server.

Sometimes stuff gets messed up in server restarts so nothing is set in stone yet.

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