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Fire view distance

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Ok so I have a few very strange problems with fire.


1. There is a fire lit in this house: (/there is a house here.. lol bit dark to even make it out)



But I can't see any sign of it at all from about 200-250m away.

Here is the same house from the exact same spot, but zoomed with right click:




So that's weird.

Does anybody know if this is a problem with my graphic settings, or can confirm this is a bug?




2. Fire is shining straight through walls and roof of house:



Looks horrible, again is this a problem with my graphic settings or a bug with the fire? (i.e does everyone see fire in a building at night the same as this or only me?)




3. I'm finding a lot of wind in buildings even tucked away in a back room with no windows and door closed. Won't bother taking up more space with a screenshot for this because I am aware it's a known issue at the moment.. question from me is, is there a known fix for it yet? With the 20 threads that popped up about it, I really cbf going through each reply in each one to see if anyone had found a fix.


Some more info on this bug as well.

I had a fire going inside a house for a few minutes, then thought I heard someone approaching. So I dragged the log off it to put it out and ducked into a corner to listen for a while.. turns out it was just ghosts, so I throw the log back on the fire and go to light it up.. same spot it was in before, log and fire pit both still pristine.. Lost 8 matches to the wind before I figured something wasn't quite right. So I went out to my felled tree and grabbed a fresh log, threw that into the fire pit and it lit up first go, easy as anything.

So it seemed maybe a log that has already been in a fire cannot be lit again, but has no status indicator at all to say it has already been burnt?


A few hours later after a foray into Vybor looking (succesfully) for a pickaxe, I'm back in my house, fire's still burning strong so doesn't appear to go out over time.

I mined myself a rock to upgrade my fireplace, and ruined the pick in the process (oops I spammed too much lol, we need visual damage indicators on the model in the players hands!) Oh well, more inventory space for me, who wants to carry around a pickaxe anyway.. The space they take up is kind of ridiculous at the moment.


So back to the fire, I [place some rocks around] put a rock on top to upgrade it, lol. That puts it out instantly, but I light it back up again first go- with the same log that had been burning for hours, so my assumption based on this until I'm proven wrong, is that the rock upgrade basically just ignores wind while lighting the fire (and thus also ignores the bug that 'charred' logs cant light due to wind even where there is none).

Edited by zeeabo

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I have this problem with heli crash site smoke. It only draws 50-75m for me whereas my friends says it (roughly) draws at 200m


In other words, they can see it before I can

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I haven't seen a Heli Crash yet so I can't speak for that but fires, yes the draw distance for me is not that far and I think that is for everyone currently.


When we get the new renderer the lighting will be much better than it is now, so yeah it's normal for the lighting to go through walls/ceilings at the moment.

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