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DayZ in Arma 2 Expansions Menu

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I am new to DayZ but have managed to get myself installed and set up and have been playing both the mod and standalone for the past few weeks. I have a question regarding the Expansions menu in Arma 2/DayZ.


When running DayZ Mod, in the Expansions menu I get 2 items that appear for DayZ. The first which is enabled is "Arma 2: DayZ Mod", and then there is a disabled option named just "DayZ". What is this extra DayZ extension?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by AaronUmhoefer

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Make sure you don't have two versions of the mod installed, there can be two / three different locations it's installed in.


Firstly your "MyDocuments" folder, where you should find an ARMA 2 or ARMA 2 OA folder.


Secondly your ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead, which you can access through Steam.

Thirdly inside your ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead there will be an "Expansion\Addon" folder.



Check all of those for existing DayZ Mod installs and if possible get rid of them all.


Then reinstall.

Edited by kichilron
Aunt Edit.

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I am currently in the process of reinstalling Arma 2, expansions and DayZ so I will see if it still shows up once done...

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Still comes up. Isn't causing any problems I don't think, is more of a curiosity, should I have it enabled?

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If you're going through the trouble of reinstalling, you will have to check if there's any remnants of the files in there and delete those as well. Otherwise you could have saved doing that anyway.


There's only those three places where it can be, as I described above, so make sure it's not in those places.

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