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DLC/Addons distribution solution.

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DLC and addons are controversial topic, it divide community into those who have dlc and those who not. But there is great solution for that! CROWD FOUNDING. You can use Kickstarter or use your own crowd founding system. Think about that:

You post your project, describe all addon details and you says: we need 500 000$ for that, i think many people will simply pay for it because they love that game and will love any new high quality content :D. If somone pay more that 10$ or 20$ then he can recive gifts like t-shirts, posters etc...


For example: Super Extra DayZ DLC No. 1:

- new city

- 4 new weapons

- 3 new vehicles

- 10 no clothes

- 3 new skins

- new and unique undeground system (caves and undeground laboratories).


When you reach goal, you start working and after that you give your work to every player of DayZ! This is quite the opposite solution to typical DLC or f2p model, when player without addons or cash for item shop can't use new content.
You still will earn cash and whole game still will be developed!

Edited by Xender

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But... the game will be developed anyway. So why order people to pay for content and turn this game into pay2win?

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You understand it totraly wrong. Not for now it's solution for future, when game will be finished. And this idea is for unlimited acces for all to addon not only for those who have paid.

It's all about crowd founding :D

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How dare you bring up one of the most taboo topics in our holy forums?

You should understand that DayZ is not your average typical game.

It was made for the community,by the community.That is the whole community.

Terms like item shop and exclusive content are banned and should stay banned for eternity.

No special privelages ever.

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Damnyourdeadman did you understand what is crowd founding? Someone will pay but all player will earn new content...

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Do you mean like donations?

Because i really fail to see your point.

I pay for new content that all will enjoy,i give the money voluntairly,or do i have some privilages?

Because for example if tommorow a mod of the SA version were to come out,and the people organised it said:

"Donate and help our cause",it's not something to be considered DLC.It's more like donating.

Edited by Damnyourdeadman

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You understand it totraly wrong. Not for now it's solution for future, when game will be finished. And this idea is for unlimited acces for all to addon not only for those who have paid.

It's all about crowd founding :D


I get where you're coming from but dude people round here don't really like new ideas so expect mostly negative feedback on this...


I would rather DLC maps with different guns etc than being able to buy guns.

It would be nice if for example only 10% of the players moved from the main game to the DLC map, so the servers would be less full and smoother, potentially have less douches.

OR they could have a map that's basically a battlefield field with guns and whatnot for all the KOS people to flock to.


I like the general idea but it would probably take them too long, if it's taken them this long to get the one game running as it is how long would a new map etc take them? Bigger and better games would come out by then, such as MMO's.

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Please no. The game is in development - better add real features for all players.


Also this kind of DLC (or microtransactions) does not work well with this kind of game and would ultimately suck out the fun and "open world" feeling.

Edited by Evil Minion

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dlc mean downloadable content  nothing about paiment...

Pays only who want but everyone can play addons.

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I see the DLC being mostly items like cloths and weapons. If you look at bohimias past they tend to just update the map as a whole, to keep consistency, that "DLC" is never paid for. Then they just give everyone the extra guns/cloths but if you haven't purchased the dlc you get reduced texture quality. I don't see any problem with them following that ethos for DLC :)

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