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Journey to the (North) West

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The new patch is out so I decided it was a good opportunity to check out what lay to the northwest of the map. I looted a bunch of food from the towns and trains surrounding Devil's Castle and ran up there to have a look.


Looking at the northwesternmost corner of the map. I only have one gesture bound, so there it is.


Setting the compass just so.


Damn sun is the only object of interest. Yes, even the sun is interesting when you're in the debug plains.


Reasonably well stocked with supplies after killing a sniper and looting several towns. Turned out I didn't need them, a kiwi, orange, and couple Rasputin Kvass served just fine. At this point I have lost both the "hydrated" and "energized" status I started out with.


This is the end of the journey after just over an hour of running, not counting the multiple server restarts and breaks. There was absolutely nothing.


Back at last. It always seems quicker returning. I arrived roughly 800 meters east, an error of about 1.75 degrees.


I had gone about 26 kilometers off the map. I wouldn't recommend it.


Edited by Gews

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